Chapter 55

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Sidd was packing his stuff when Avneet entered the room. Seeing him packing the stuff, shocked her. She paced near him.

Avu: Sidd, are we going like this?

Sidd (still packing the stuff): Yes, of course we are!

Avu (holding his arm): Sidd, think once again. Abhi bhai is not in a state to bear this.

Sidd (getting lost): I was also not in that state when I was left.

Avu (signing): Sidd, try to understand. Abhi bhai's health is not good at this time.

Sidd (facing her): Vaishu di is here. She will take care.

Avu: Do you even know what she is up to? She is preparing divorce papers.

Sidd (holding her arm): He deserves this, Avneet. Please accept it and don't make it difficult for me.

Avu (astonished): You mean to say that you will leave your brother alone. No matter what he did he is your brother Siddharth.

Sidd (signing): Don't worry, Vaishu di loved him a lot. She won't leave him. Don't worry.

Avu went speechless. Sidd held her shoulders.

Sidd (looking at her, raising her eyebrows): You know it's not easy for me as well but it is important. Trust me, everything will be fine.

Avu just nodded her head, understanding his point.


Sidd was making lunch in the kitchen mumbling a song while Sam sitting on the slab, playing a game on Sidd's phone. That is when Vaishu came there. Sidd glanced at her and continued his work.

Vaishu: Sidd!

Sidd looked at her.

Vaishu (not wanting him to go): Are you really going?

Sidd: Are you really taking divorce from Bhai?

Vaishu looked down, taking a sharp breath.

Vaishu: I questioned you first.

Sidd: It's important, I came on an emergency basis. Dad is all alone there, handling the business while Jai helping him.

Vaishu (looking at him with tears in her eyes): You have thought about everyone but not us, about Sam. What is her fault in all this?

Sidd (looking at her): What was my fault?

Vaishu went quiet.

Sidd: Anyways, we are about to leave in an hour.

Vaishu wanted to say something but she didn't had words.


Abhi was standing near the window with the help of the standing stick as his leg had bruises. He was standing in front of the window looking out when Sidd paced to him. At first, he examined his brother before speaking a word.

Sidd: We are leaving dada!

Abhi didn't move or even look at him. This confused Sidd a bit.

Abhi (looking at Sidd): You want to leave me alone Ashu?

Sidd (not looking at him): It's not about us. It is about my business and my married life.

Abhi (exhaling sharply, cracky voice): So, maybe I am interrupting your married life?

Sidd (looking at him): I wish you interrupted the time when I needed you to investigate this matter when I didn't want to leave you and go from here when I had no one but you only.

Abhi (tears in eyes, looking at his Ashu): I know I did wrong and I am ready to fix everything I promise.

Sidd (crying silently, looking at him): Will you be able to return my brother, who used to beat up everyone who caused me pain? Will you be able to return my brother, who used to do anything to make me smile? Who used to protect me from this world? Who used to love me like anything? Who used to be like my father? Will you?

Abhi (holding Sidd's hands, sobbing): Won't you forgive your dad? Don't fathers make mistakes? Don't fathers misunderstand their children? Don't fathers deserve forgiveness? Don't you think fathers die not seeing their children? Don't you think father's love their children?

Hearing this, Sidd also started sobbing harder. He slowly started leaning against his dada's shoulder. Abhi slowly gestured and wrapped his arm around him carefully while his tears were leaking from his eyes. Another pair of eyes was also watery seeing this scene. It was Vaishu and Avu standing beside the door on the wall. They also had tears in their eyes. Vaishu started crying harder while Avu hugged her, crying in her embrace.

Abhi (cracky voice, whispers): Dada is sorry Ashu! Dada is sorry! If you would leave, I will die.......

Suddenly Sidd placed his hand on his brother's lips.

Sidd (loudly): Never say this again otherwise I will not leave you. Got it?

Abhi chuckled, nodding his head seeing the same care in his brother's eyes as before. Sidd helped him to sit on the bed, carefully as he had been standing for a long time and it was not good for his health.  Abhi slowly placed a kiss on Sidd's forehead, which gave a new level of peace to him.

Abhi (cupping his cheeks): Never again think of leaving me. You are my family, my world, my mom's last symbol. Mom would be so happy today.

Sidd (tears in his eyes): I wish I would be here with us.

Saying this he suddenly hugged his brother, remembering his mother.

Avu (looking at them with a proud smile): Today, they finally got unity. They reunited Vaishnavi di.

Vaishu (looking at them with tears in her eyes): They finally got each other back.

Avu got serious, looking at Vaishu.

Avu (placing a hand on her shoulder): You should also forgive him.

Vaishu (whispers): I don't know if I will be able to. I also want to but.......

Avu (determined): A simple but can create many hurdles in your way, Vaishnavi di. Siddharth has cleared his heart as it suffocated him. Don't let your suffocation kill you like this.

Vaishu: Do you think it's easy?

Avu: As a business woman I know nothing is hard maybe. It depends on you, either you make it hard for you or easy.

Avu (placing a hand on her shoulder): Give him a chance as he did. Believe in him once again.

Vaishu glanced at the brother's duo, who were hugging each other while wondering.



To be continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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