Promo of Chapter 41

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Abhi (stern voice): I met Sidd in the U.S.A.

His voice echoed all around while Aarush looked at him in shock while Abhi smirked internally.

Aarush (in shock): Wait, are you serious? He ran away to the U.S.A.

Abhi nodded with anger in his eyes.


Avu (wiping her tears): You know he wasn't able to sleep. He just wanted to run away from everything.

Jai (chuckled sadly): I know di, it hurts you more than your beloved, who is in pain.





Abhi (pleading): Aunty, please! Let me meet her once, please.

Vaishu's mom (looking at him with anger in her eyes): to hurt her again? Huh?



Abhi stood up, wiping his tears as his all hopes broke into pieces. That's when he heard her voice.






Vaishu: I don't want to live with you anymore. You will receive divorce papers soon.




To be continued

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