Chapter 48

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Unfortunately, Abhi flew in the air and smashed against the ground while Vaishu was pushed to the other side, which made her fall down on the ground. She looked behind her to see Abhi laying there unconscious, with blood ozing from his head and arm. There formed a rush of people while Vaishu stood up in hurry, running towarda him. She looked at him to see the blood on his forehead and cheeks.

Vaishu (yelling, falling on her knees): ABHIIII......!!!!

She kept his head on her lap, patting his cheeks.

Vaishu (patting his cheeks, in panic, shivering): Abhi! Abhi, open your eyes and look at me. Abhi...!!!!!

Someone from the crowd: Ma'am! Who is he to you?

Vaishu (shivering): H-He is my husband. Call the ambulance fast.

Vaishu (crying badly, patting his cheeks): Abhi, please wake up. I will forgive you but wake up, Please!

She was crying badly keeping her head on his chest, listening his slow heartbeats.


In the U.S.A., Sidd was sitting in his cabin after the meeting was dismissed and he was feeling uncomfortable from the time he heard his dada's voice. He was managing all this but deep down, he wasn't feeling well but was keeping himself busy to get rid of that thought. There stood two girls outside his cabin staring at him continuously without his knowledge.

Girl 1= He is so handsome yaar, I don't know what he has seen in Avneet ma'am that he married her. Does he lack girls?

Girls 2: I don't know yaar but yes, I know one thing and that is he has married her for her money otherwise he would have looked for someone else, Why only her?

they were continuously gossiping unaware of Avneet's presence. She was standing behind them as she was approaching Sidd's cabin. She stood there, listening to their talks.

Girl 1: I wonder how he bears her.

Girl 2: Only he would know but I have also seen that she really gives him a tough time.

Girl 1 (rolling her hair): I wish he wouldn't have married Avneet ma'am. I would have dated him.  

Girl 2 (looking at Sidd): He is so handsome, a god freak. 

Avneet (fake coughing): Ahem! Ahem!

They both turned back with the jerk to see Avneet standing there. They gulped down, acting all normal and innocent. They were trying to control their nervousness.

Girl 1 (innocently, nervous): Ma'am, you here. We were just coming to you.

Avneet (crossing her arms across her chest): Yeah, I can see that. Well, you both are fired.

Girl 2 (shocked): What?, b-but ma'am what did we do?

Avneet stepped close to the girls while they were backing off in fear.

Avneet (dangerous voice): Your job is to manage finance here but unfortunately, you forgot your job and are cringing over other's men. Then, how can you ask that what have you done.

Girls looked at each other in fear.

Avu: You both may leave and don't dare to come tomorrow because I don't have space in my office for back stabbers.

Girl 2 (joining her hands): No ma'am, please! We are sorry. We won't do it again. Please!

That's when, Sidd's attention went towards them and he also looked out at everything confused.

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