Chapter 39

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Abhi was pacing here and there trying to connect all the puzzles, but there was something missing. He wondered why Aarush would do all this? What might be his purpose for doing all this? What will he get doing all this? This one thing wasn't leaving his mind. He exhaled sharply as he looked out of his window in his room. He searched for his phone to find it lying on the bed. He picked it up and dialled a number. It was going on ringing.

Abhi (tensed): Please pick up the phone, Aunty!

He was pacing in tension when the call got connected.

Abhi: Hello? Hello Aunty, this is me, Abhi.

Vaishu's mom (sitting on a chair): Yeah, I recognize your voice. How do you do?

Abhi: Aunty, if I ask for a promise, will you give it to me?

Vaishu's mom (in confusion): What kind of promise? About what?

Abhi (sitting on his bed): Promise me that you will tell me everything that I will ask you.

Vaishu's mom (signing): What do you want to ask?

Abhi: What might be Aarush's motive behind doing all this? Why would Aarush do all this?

Vaishu's mom (chuckling humourously): Because his motive is to get Vaishu at any cost. Vaishu never told you, but yeah, Aarush was her ex-fiancè lately.

Abhi (in shock): What!

Vaishu's mom: Yeah, but his intention towards Vaishu wasn't good. He wanted a physical relationship with her, which she wasn't ready for. The way he forced her once made her break this relationship, and she got interested in you . As concerned to your question, Vaishu rejected Aarush. She left him and married someone else whom she loved, and that hurt his so-called ego badly. You are also a man. Now, you tell a man can never tolerate to get rejected, right? Aarush also couldn't, and that's why he decided to destroy your home, and he did. Congratulations to you, you couldn't save your home.

Abhi fell on his bed with thud as the floor slipped under his feet. He went numb, hearing everything. It was all a trap, and he was trapped. This truth wasn't easy to digest. Wait, it means his Vaishu was innocent? His Ashu was also not at fault?

Abhi (cracky voice): It means Vaishu, my Vaishu, was never at fault?

Vaishu's mom (crying silently): she never was. He brainwashed you nor your brother was, and you also got brainwashed by him Abhi.

Abhi's phone fell from his hand as his hands shivered.  His eyes leaked tears continuously. What has he done? How is he doing to correct everything now?

Abhi (cracky voice): It means no one was at fault but me?

His hands covered his lips, stopping the violent sobs. The flashback when Vaishu was taunting Aarush flashed in front of his eyes.


Vaishu (whispering): You weren't like this Abhi. He is your brother, my baby bro. How can you think like that?

Abhi: He is not your husband, I am. He is my brother, not yours. Stay away from him before others start gossiping about you.

Vaishu (chuckled humorously): You are not my Abhi speaking. It is that Aarush who is speaking in you. You never had any problem with my and Sidd's relationship, but I can see Aarush manipulating you.

Vaishu (stern voice): I very well know what he wants. Let me get him whatever he wants.

Flashback ends.

Abhi sobbed harder as everything slipped out of his hand in front of his eyes.

Abhi (whispering, sobbing): Vaishu, Vaishu, you would have told me that he is the one whom you were running from. Why didn't you tell me, Vaishu? Why?

Abhi (wiping his tears): No, I can't lose hope like this. It was me who messed up everything. It will be me only to settle everything down, but how?

He didn't know when tears again clouded his eyes. He held his head in his hands. That's when the doorbell rang, and the maid appeared in his room.

Maid: Sir, Aarush Sir has arrived to meet you.

Hearing this name, an intense anger arose in him. He just shook his head and signed the maid to leave. The maid nodded and left from there.

Abhi (in mind, furious): You have taken a lot from me, Aarush. Now, it's my turn.

He gripped the bedsheet in fist while his eyes were red while blood boiled at a hundred degrees.


Sidd was sitting at the terrace in the dark. Everything around him was silent, and the sky was half dark. He hasn't talked to anyone since the time he came to know everything. His head leaned on the headback of the laying couch, while eyes were closed with tear stains on his cheeks. He took a deep breath as he was tired crying. Avu's mom and dad were standing at a distance, looking at him with concern.

Avu's mom (looking at Sidd): He hasn't said a word since the time he came back. I think he is not well, Aman.

Avu's dad (worried): That's what I am worried about. He is pretending as if he is sleeping, but he isn't. Something is bothering him, Sonia.

Avu's mom: Do one thing, call Avu and ask her to come home as soon as possible. It's been 7, and she isn't here. Something is not right in there.

Avu's dad nodded and called Avu. Avu, who was driving her car, connected her phone with the car's operator and attended the call.

Avu: Hello, dad! Is everything fine?

Avu's dad (suspicious): I should be the one asking you about it, Avu.

Avu (confused): Why? W-What do you mean? Tell me if Siddharth is at home or not?

Avu's dad: He is home, Avu, but it seems like he is not feeling well.

Avu (worried): Why? Did he say anything?

Avu's dad: That's what the problem is. He hasn't spoken a single word since the time he came.

Avu (rubbing her temples, hitting the steering wheel, whispering): Oh God!

Avu's dad (concerned): Avu, I know there is something wrong. Tell me now and come home fast.

Avu (pushing acceleration by her foot): I'm on my way, dad!

She dropped the call, biting her lower lip. There, Avu's parents looked at each other. They glanced at Sidd, laying there in sitting position silently. Avu's mom kept her hand on her husband's shoulder, and both left from there.


Avneet ran inside the mansion to see Avu's mom and dad already sitting in the hall, all tensed. She marched towards them, and they frowned, seeing her in a hurry.

Avu (in a hurry): Good evening! Where is Siddharth?

Avu's mom: He has been on the terrace since noon. He isn't listening to anyone and its so cold outside. At least tell us what the matter is?

Avu: Mom, dad, I will surely tell you, but please, not now. It's a long story.

She ran inside in a hurry while Avu's mom signed, looking at Avu's dad while he struggled his shoulders. Avu ran towards the terrace to see Sidd sitting there, leaning back with closed eyes. She signed in relief and stepped outside to feel cold breeze flying all around. She shivered as she felt cold and was seeing Sidd only who didn't move even after sitting here in such a cold wind.



To be continued.

Some spices from next chapter 😁😁

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Words: 1245

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