Chapter 40

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She ran inside in a hurry while Avu's mom signed, looking at Avu's dad while he struggled his shoulders. Avu ran towards the terrace to see Sidd sitting there, leaning back with closed eyes. She signed in relief and stepped outside to feel cold breeze flying all around. She shivered as she felt cold and was seeing Sidd only who didn't move even after sitting here in such a cold wind for so long. She slowly walked towards him and sat on a stool beside him. Her heart ached as he shivered. She slowly placed her hand on his hand, and a whisper escaped her lips.

Avu (whispered): Siddharth!

She suddenly frowns as she feels his hands extremely cold. He opened his eyes, and Avu was surprised to see his puffy, swallowed red eyes and nose. She quickly touched his forehead to find his temperature normal while he chuckled.

Sidd (whispered in husky voice): Don't worry, I won't die this soon.

Avu (getting mad, in a loud voice): Siddharth, are you mad or what? It's so cold here, and you are not even wearing warm clothes. What is wrong with you?

Sidd didn't speak a word and closed his eyes as fresh tears fell from his eyes. Her heart melted seeing those tears, which she never wished to see throughout her life. She gently kissed those tears and wiped them off. His silence was killing her, and she knew his state of mind. She caressed his cheek softly, holding his other hand.

Avu (pleading voice): At least say something. I want to hear from you. I want to hear how you are feeling like now.

Sidd (looking at her with his puffy eyes, chuckling humourously): What do you want to hear from this dead body?

Avu: Siddharth, Please!

Sidd (sitting straight, holding her hands tightly): What else should I say, huh?

Sidd (tears in his eyes, loud): You don't know right how it feels when your faith, your trust breaks? You don't know right how it feels when someone so close to you thinks such about you but couldn't say anything? You don't know, right? You don't know anything. You don't know anything.

He sobbed as he hid his face in her lap, holding her hands tightly. Tears rolled down Avneet's eyes while lips aparted, not knowing how to console this soul and how not. His sobs were becoming more and more violent while he was hiding his face into her lap. Her hands automatically caressed his hair, and she started ruffling his hair.

Avu (crying, kissing his hair, whispering): I know! I know how it feels.

Sidd (standing up with jerk, aloud, angry): No, you don't know anything. You're lying. You don't know how it feels to feel yourself so low in your loved one's eyes. I am feeling disgusting.

Avneet was astonished due to his sudden yell. She knew the situation was going out of control, but she also knew that it was important for Sidd to spill everything out right now. Nothing can be more important than that because in a short period of time, she has known him and she knows if he would not spill everything out, he could go all quite which is not good for anyone's mental health. Sidd suddenly realized that he was mad for no reason. He pulled Avu by her arms and cupped her face

Sidd (cupping her face, crying, looking into her eyes): You know he is my brother. He is my blood then, too. He just abundant me like that. He just came to a conclusion and delcared me cheater. H-How can he do that? Huh? He didn't even gave me a chance to justify myself. Why?

Avu aparted her lips to say something but was cut off by Sidd.

Sidd (looking into her eyes, cupping her face): When my brother couldn't trust me then, how? How do you trust me so blindly? You also would blame me like him, right? Everyone is same. You will also one day blame me and leave me one day like him.

He was continuously blabbing when, Avu cupped his face and suddenly kissed him on his lips. It was a slow and passionate kiss but was unexpected by Siddharth and readers, too. Sidd was shocked at her sudden move, but Avu encircled her arms around his neck and deapen the kiss. Sidd slowly closed his eyes as her touch relaxed him and kissed her back. She smiled in the kiss as she felt his muscles and heartbeat relaxing. Slowly, Sidd broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against hers. Avu's smile was wide and wide as she loved her effect on him and also got to know that it was only her, who could relax him, who could control him. Their eyes were closed when Sidd whispered.

Sidd: I love you.

Avu smiled and leaned back, opening her eyes. Sidd also opened his eyes and looked at her with many emotions in his orbs. This kiss was enough to show her love for him. 

Avu (keeping her hand on his chest): I trust you blindly no matter what, not because you are abundant, not because you are a bussinessman but as my lover, as my soulmate, as a pure soul. I trust you more than myself because I love you.

Sidd: More than anyone?

Avu (ruffling his hair): more than everyone.

Another cold breeze went by them, to which Sidd shivered. Avu looked at him and held his hand, which was cold enough.

Avu (like a teacher): Now, you have to obey everything I say. You will get sick if you stand here anymore. You are going to sleep after taking painkillers for your head pain. Alright? And don't ever think again that you are nothing to me otherwise, I will be mad at you. Alright?

Sidd just nodded with a smile like a kid while Avu patted his shoulder and dragged him along with her.


Aarush was sitting there for the last 20 minutes, but there was no sign of Abhi. He was annoyed now. He was looking around, passing his time all irritated.

Aarush (irritated, whispering): Where the hell is he?

That is when Abhi walked towards his drying room to see Aarush sitting there waiting for him. His mother-in-law's words echoed in his ears.

"Because his motive is to get Vaishu at any cost. Vaishu never told you, but yeah, Aarush was her fiancè lately."

"Yeah, but his intention towards Vaishu wasn't good. He wanted a physical relationship with her, which she wasn't ready for. The way he forced her once made her break this relationship, and she got interested in you . As concerned to your question, Vaishu rejected Aarush. She left him and married someone else whom she loved, and that hurt his so-called ego badly."

Abhi fisted his hand in anger, whispering something.

Abhi: I will never forgive you for whatever you did, but now you have to pay for everything you did to me, my brother, and Vaishu. Now, you will meet Vaishu's Abhi.


To be continued.

How was the chapter?

Goals: 125 vomments.
(Note down, this time I won't be posting messages on message board time to time to remind you all for goals. If everyone want the update, complete the goals innocently otherwise updates will go according to me, which can take months too. Just a reminder. 😁)

Well, what will Abhi do now? How will all this effect Vaishu and Sidd?

Words: 1255

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