Chapter 10

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Siddharth was sitting in the office beside in his cabin which was beside Avneet's cabin, working on his laptop when suddenly he felt something weird. A jerk as if your loved one is remembering, missing you. Only a word escaped his lips.

Sidd (whisper): dada!!

Unfortunately Avneet heard him. His whisper was so low but then too she heard it.

Avu: Siddharth?

He looked at her as she raised her eyebrow.

Avu: are you okay?

Sidd just calmed himself and then nodded at her smiling. He stood up and went to her with file in his hand.

Sidd: Ma'am, here it is. The file of the deal.

Sidd handed the file which Avu picked and went through it. She smiled looking at the file prepared by him.

Avu: Wow, you were right. You do have experience and it is so well prepared.

Sidd got happy hearing the compliment. Avu took the pen signing the file and handed the file to him.

Avu: here it is, you have done it very well. You have to present it also.

Sidd: Thank you and sure ma'am.

Avu smiled looking at happy Sidd. A man from glass was seeing all this smirking evilly.

Sidd: Um, when I have to present ma'am?

Avu (coming out of her thoughts): day after tomorrow.

Man (dangerous voice, smirking): Get ready Siddharth, you have took my place. I must be the one at your place but, no worries.

Sidd nodded leaving for his cabin. Avu was looking at him sitting and doing work on laptop. The man also left smirking evilly.

Avu's pov

I don't know why do I feel myself attracted towards him? What is it that dragges me towards him like a magnet, knowing that he is totally opposite to me? Or maybe not?

For now, I have to know his truth, who actually he is and why is he here?

Pov ends.

In India,

Abhishek was sitting in the office all lost, something was really bothering him but he also didn't know what. Somewhere, he got a vibe that something is gonna happen but is it good or worse? He had no idea. He was busy in his thoughts when he got a call from unknown number. It was a U.S.A number. He was confused but then picked it up.

Abhi: Hello, who is it?

But no one spoke. He again asked but no one spoke. On the other hand, Siddharth dropped the call becoming nervous all of a sudden. He was biting his nails continuously. Yes, it was Sidd who was calling his brother from U.S.A. He was also getting the same vibe which Abhi was getting. He couldn't control himself from calling Abhi but now he went blank listening his voice.

Sidd sat on the couch, yes, he was at his apartment. He was continuously thinking whether to call again or not but after a big battle of 20 minutes, his heart won and he again called him.

Abhi was talking to his PA walking in his office's lobby when again a call came. He excused himself picking the call.

Abhi: Hello!

He said casually walking towards his car when Sidd spoke.

Sidd (whisper): dada!

Abhi froze on his spot. He thought he was hallucinating his voice again as he hallucinated Vaishu but no he wasn't hallucinating that day also and now also. Sidd not getting any answer spoke again.

Sidd: bhai, are you there?

Hearing his voice again, Abhi's anger rose all of a sudden.

Abhi (angry): why the fuck did you called me?

Hearing this Sidd's eyes started becoming wet.

Sidd: dada, please listen to me once. For once please!

Abhi: Why don't you get out of my fucking life? You snatched my everything from me then what you want now?

Sidd (crying): dada, please listen to me once. Then, I won't show my face, my voice anything to you please.

Abhi took a deep breath calming himself.

Abhi: go on...

Sidd (wiping his tears): dada, it wasn't me who killed Vaishu di, infact she is not dead. She is alive, I don't know who were those men and I also considered her my di, why will I kill her?

Abhi (stern voice): Where is she then? If she is alive she must be with you only. You know it much better than me.

Sidd (confused): What! What are you trying to say?

Abhi (yelling): I am trying to say that you staged all this. You staged to kill her while you are still with her and she must be somewhere around you. She cheated me with you. Don't you guys feel ashamed?

Sidd (yelling back): dada, she isn't with me.

Abhi: then where is she?

Sidd (holding his head): I-I don't know anything.

Abhi looked around before speaking.

Abhi: are you done?

Sidd: how heartless you are. You don't have trust on di? You don't have trust on me?

Abhi (blankly): I have trust on Vaishu but not you. You have also trapped her like me.

Sidd (angrily): so, you don't believe on your brother who lived with you for 23 years but you trust on di?

Abhi: because she was so happy with me before meeting you Ashu....(realizing) oh sorry, Siddharth.

Sidd's tears fell like a waterfall hearing his name from his loved brother's mouth as he always used to call him Ashu only.

Sidd: when you don't have trust on me, there is no use of anything else. Thank you for those wonderful days dada. You won't ever see me again.

Saying this he declined the call failing to control his sobs. Abhi on the other hand threw his phone in anger hitting the bumper of the car. Both souls are separated due to misunderstanding. One was in ego while other was in pain. Let's see how their life will be after separating their paths. Will they ever live happily after all this?

To be continued.

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