Chapter 30

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It was morning, and Sidd was sleeping in his room peacefully when suddenly, his facial expressions started changing. It seemed like he was getting a nightmare. Suddenly, he got up sitting on the bed, panting heavily. His face was sweaty with horror clear on it. He looked at the surroundings, realizing where he was, and nothing was true as he was dreaming. He closed his eyes, calming himself down, and wiping the sweat from his forehead. That's when he heard the door opening. He looked to see Avneet coming inside with a maid, holding the tray. Avneet's face had a charming smile. The maid kept the tray on the table and left from there. Avneet sat there in front of Sidd to find him panicking as he held her hands in a rush, which made her worry.

Avu (concerned): What happened, Siddharth? You look panicked.

Sidd (in a panic): Avneet, I-I shouldn't be here. If Abhi bhai finds me here, you will also be in trouble. No, I can't do this with you. I have to go.

He pushed the blanket, which was over it, and stood up, wearing his slippers when Avneet stood up, holding his arm.

Avu: Siddharth, no one can find you. Not even your Abhi bhai.

Sidd (panic): No, he will file a case, and the police will come to arrest me. I-I don't want to go to jail.

Avneet closed her eyes, making him sit on the bed. She held his hands in hers, rubbing them to calm him down.

Avu (soothing words): Relax Siddharth, Relax. It is nothing like that. He can't do anything. No one can arrest you.

Sidd looked at her in shock.

Sidd (terrified): Why?

Avu (caressing his cheek): It's because U.S.A.'s police and F.B.I. are not the same as Indians. They take action on evidence, as it was done in India, not in this country. They won't take this case at any cost. I assure you, no one can take you from here because I also have evidence against him only.

Sidd looked up at her with tears in his eyes.

Sidd (stammering):  V-Vaishu di is alive?

Avneet nodded her head. That's when Sidd spoke.

Sidd (stammering): I-If she is alive, then why isn't she showing herself? W-Why did she leave Abhi b-bhai and Sam? What is she up to?

Avu (exhaled sharply): As far as I have examined, she is running away from Abhishek Nigam. I sensed the fear in her voice hearing his name.

Sidd (looking at her): But she used to love him a lot.

Avu smiled and placed a spoon in front of Sidd's mouth and gestured for him to eat. He slowly opened his mouth and took a bite from her hand. Avni stirred the soup.

Avu (stirring the spoon): Not everything we see is true, my love.

Sidd looked at her blankly while she looked at him, placing a spoon filled in front of him again.

Sidd (mumbled): I wish I could know the reason for her doing all this.

Avu (smiling): You will, my love, but at the right time.

She said, gesturing him to open his mouth, and he did.

Sidd: It's enough. Can I get tea?

Avu (glaring at him): Siddharth, you haven't even finished it yet.

Sidd (convincing her): I really don't feel like eating it. I want tea only.

Avu nodded and passed him the cup of tea along with hers. She spoke, sipping her tea.

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