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(M/n) was sure he didn't sleep nearly enough that night. He kept having dreams that prevented that, images that faded from his mind within seconds after realizing he was dreaming, he had no idea what these things he was seeing in his sleep were, but they didn't leave him rest for longer than an hour each time.

Even so, Gally refused to leave, and had been there with him, holding him close and talking to him, making sure (M/n) would calm down before going to sleep himself. He didn't care if he got no sleep that night, (M/n) didn't either, and Gally would never blame him for something he couldn't control.

Like that, morning soon came around.

When his eyes opened, he groaned, feeling extremely tired and exhausted, but at least Gally was there, his eyes opening as well. He felt (M/n) moving in his arms and he woke up, worried his night terror were still tormenting his mind, but he saw his (e/c) eyes open, squinting and frowning. There wasn't any sunlight coming directly through, so Gally guessed he was just still sleepy and tired, he felt the same.

"I would ask how you slept but..." He began saying, slowly sitting up on the bed, careful to not hurt (M/n) as he did, "I know we had a horrible night."

(M/n) nodded and showed him an apologetic smile, "Sorry I... Kept you awake," Gally chuckled and moved (M/n)'s hair away from his face.

"It wasn't your fault, bean," they stayed silent for a moment, and both of them glanced at the door when they heard it opening.

Clint and Jeff walked in, "Good morning, guys, we have to check up on the patient," (M/n) let out a breath through his nose, in a way that sounded like a quiet laugh, and Gally stood up from the bed, heading to the couch.

"Try not to move, alright?" He nodded at Clint's instruction, and Jeff undid the knot of the makeshift sling keeping his arm still, "Okay, can you stretch your arm?" (M/n) took a deep breath and slowly but surely, began to stretch his arm, "Good, let it relax. Jeff," without a word, the Med-jack began to undo the top buttons of the shirt he was wearing, letting the fabric drop to his elbows so they could change the bandages and gauze while assessing his wound.

While Clint cleaned some dry blood around the stitches, Jeff checked the state of his leg. The hole made by the Griever's sting had closed and it was drying, healing on its own, and the veins around were fading, albeit slowly. This time around, Clint covered this shoulder with the gauze and tape, it was healing nicely so the bandage wasn't necessarily needed for now.

"You might be limping for a few days, but your leg should be better by tomorrow or the day after, and it'll take like a week for the stitches to come off, (M/n)," he nodded in understatement at Jeff's words, remaining silent for the most part.

(M/n) watched them as they threw everything they used away, "Clint," both Medjacks looked at him, one more attentively than the other, "Can I go outside?"

The Keeper smiled at him, "If you can walk, then sure, (M/n), just don't push yourself." He chuckled in response and hissed in pain soon after, Jeff handed him a painkiller and some water for him to drink, which he took and nodded as a thank you before silently watching the Medjacks leaving the room.

(M/n) swallowed the pill he was given and looked at Gally, who had been sitting on the couch in total silence. He glanced away the moment his green eyes locked onto (M/n)'s, a little nervous about being caught staring.

"Gally, could you help me?" For one reason or another, neither Clint nor Jeff had bothered fixing his shirt, so he was left exposed to any prying eye that were to walk in, and the last thing he wanted was for someone to walk in. Gally looked back at (M/n), who motioned toward himself, pointing at the unbuttoned shirt he was left with.

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