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The night was pretty calm, (M/n)'s nightmares weren't as bad but he would still hear Gally's voice helping him calm down. He felt bad about that, how Gally felt like he owed him, as if easing his night terrors was the least he could do for him.

He thought maybe Gally felt guilty for what happened, but (M/n) knew it wasn't his fault, he made his decision the day he went into the Maze, maybe if he had waited a few more minutes the outcome would've been different, but what's done is done.

When his eyes opened, he could see through his slightly blurry sight, how Gally sat up on the couch, his elbows resting on his knees as he rubbed the back of his neck with a quiet groan. He obviously had a bad night of sleep, and it was certain his body was in pain. Maybe he could try to reason with him?

Only once he's gotten something to eat, Gally gets grumpy in the mornings.

"Morning," he mumbled while slowly sitting up, his arm felt stiff from wearing the sling overnight, but he knew the Med-jacks were gonna stop by in a bit to check on his shoulder, make sure the wound was closing nicely and how his strength was coming back.

Gally looked up at him, he had an annoyed expression on his face, but it didn't last long, not when he saw (M/n) yawning and rubbing his eye, still sleepy. "How'd you sleep, bean?" He stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, reaching his hand to move (M/n)'s hair away from his face.

"Well, I don't know about that, but I do know..." The way (M/n) looked at him told him more than enough, and Gally glanced away, "You had a terrible night, Gally, I told you to go to your room, didn't I?"

He sighed, his mood dropping slightly, he almost looked sad, "I just... Wanna take care of you, (M/n)..." Gally looked at him, but couldn't hold eye contact, so he went back to stare at his hands, "If I had done something-."

(M/n) shifted closer and hugged Gally, resting his chin on the blond's shoulder, holding him as tightly and close as he could, stroking his back reassuringly.

"You don't have to do anything for me, Gally, alright? You don't owe me anything," he felt a knot in his throat at (M/n)'s words, he sounded so reassuring and sure of himself, but Gally had his doubts.


"No buts," (M/n) backed away and held Gally's face, making eye contact with his green eyes, noticing their usual brightness was gone, "Having you with me is all I could ever ask for, okay?" Gally stayed silent for a few seconds, before finally nodding, making (M/n) smile, "Now go, breakfast should be ready soon."

He watched Gally nod as he stood up and headed to the door. It took him a few seconds, but he finally managed to speak.

"Will it be alright if I sleep in your room, with you?" His walking came to a halt and he looked over his shoulder. (M/n) saw the smile he was trying to hide immediately, snickering at how Gally cleared his throat and tried to appear serious.

"Yeah- I think it'll be alright, bean."

And after that, he finally stepped out and made his way to the Dining area, needing some food in his stomach soon.


After breakfast was over, Clint and Jeff came by to check on him. He was bored out of his mind, having nothing to do while he recovered, it was annoying, to say the least. He needed something to do.

"Well, you can probably use your nowarm, but slowly, alright?" He nodded and watchhed Jeff putting the sling back on, although slightly looser, probably to give him more movement.

"Anything I can't do yet?" Clint walked out of the bathroom with his hands washed and hummed in affirmation.

"Don't lift heavy stuff, and take breaks between tasks, your shoulder will get tired quickly until it's fully healed," of course, that makes sense, (M/n) nodded at them and showed them a smile.

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