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(M/n)'s eyes began to open when he heard a sound he rarely heard coming from Bark. Growling. He sat on the bed and rubbed his eyes, getting just a tiny bit concerned when the growling continued to get louder and more feral.

"Bark! Easy boy, it's okay-!" He started calling out to him out loud, making his way to the door and opening it, he definitely wasn't expecting the greenie to be standing there, an unsettling wide smile across his face, "Oh, uh... Hey there."

He tried to smile back but only a grimace appeared on his face. (M/n) was creeped out by this, maybe a little bit nervous and scared as well, but he decided to ignore it, playing it off as a joke.

"An early riser, eh?" All the response he got from the greenie was a nod, his smile did not waver once, and (M/n) was kind of hesitant about coming down, but at least Bark was there to protect him in case anything happened. In complete silence, he lowered the ladder and tied the top to the rail, barely taking his eyes away from the black-haired greenie.

He stepped down and reached his hand to pet Bark, soothing the tension in his body with his gentle touch on his fur.

"Okay, Bark, stay here, alright?" Obediently, Bark sat at the bottom of the ladder, guarding it, snarling at the greenie, "Well... Let's go."

Before he could take a step toward the Homestead, the greenie stood really close to him, making (M/n) almost trip as he tried to put some distance between them, "Good morning," his hand reached up to move a stray lock of (h/c) hair away from his face, making (M/n)'s skin get covered in goosebumps.

But not the nice kind of goosebumps he got whenever he was with Gally, these were... Disgusting. Rotten. Vile. He didn't like how the greenie's touch or proximity made him feel.

(M/n) began walking toward the Homestead, a futile attempt at getting rid of the greenie or forgetting what he just did, whatever it was that was happening right that moment, it made him feel uncomfortable, like really, really uncomfortable and unsafe.

It didn't matter how klunkheads were the other klunkheads, they never came to his room just to harass him first thing in the morning. (M/n) just wanted to find anyone, it didn't matter who as long as it was a known, friendly face, could be Mikah or Doug, even one of the Keepers, finding Alby or Newt would also be a great safe.

Certainly is, anyone other than the greenie and Sloppers could work as a friend, but he wanted Gally, he needed to find the blond-

"Oh," coming to a halt, (M/n) looked up from the solid chest he almost walked into, barely able to prevent his whole body from collapsing at the sight of Gally's presence so close to him.

The blond raised his eyebrows when he came face to face with (M/n), feeling a bit surprised since he was on his way out to go get him. And he definitely didn't like the sight of the greenie standing behind (M/n).

"Gally...!" Releasing a shaky breath, (M/n) reached to hold his hand, trying to walk further into the Homestead and somehow be able to shake the greenie off of him, "Hey, why don't you help Fry in the kitchen-?"

"That's not my assigned job for today, and you're my tour guide, you have to show me around," he argued quickly with a wide smile on his face, completely overlooking the fact that (M/n) had already shown him plenty around the Glade, he sighed and fully turned around to face the raven-haired male.


"Lucas," he was interrupted by his voice, watching with frightened eyes how he walked closer, invading his space as he had done minutes prior, "You can call me Lucas, doll," he lifted his hand to hold (M/n)'s face, and he was about to push the greenie away from him before be could touch him again, when Gally reacted.

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