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Warning; mention of animal slaughter, DO NOT READ IF YOU GET TRIGGERED BY THAT

Slowly regaining his consciousness, he opened his eyes, blinking a few times before rubbing them, getting rid of the dust sticking to his eyelashes. He stretches and yawns as he sits up, looking around and remembering that he got sent to the Glade, and he had work to do.

Glancing back, he saw all the hammocks and beds empty, his hearing picking up the sound of faint murmurs coming from the Homestead, mostly likely from the kitchen, it appeared to be morning so they were probably having breakfast.

He actually caught sight of a few Gladers walking out of the structure, and heading over to the Gardens, one of them was Newt, his (e/c) eyes directing themselves onto the barely noticeable limp on his left leg, he was only able to see it because it caught his attention, making him frown as he wondered what could've happened, but his thoughts were quickly dismissed as he saw the Slicers walking out too, thanks to Fry and Newt he had learned some people's faces and names the previous evening, which he was glad for.

Speaking of names, he's not sure if he should keep (M/n) as his name, it feels like it is his name but it also makes him question if it should be his name here too.

Well, no time to think about something so trivial and pointless as his name, he had a job he had to get to.

He swung his legs to one side of the hammock and picked up his boots, not bothering to change clothes again, he stood up and folded the sheet, lifting his bag back up on the hammock and ignored his empty stomach to head to the bathrooms, maybe he could try and wash his face and fix his hair a little bit.

Thankfully, there was no one inside when he walked in, which was nice since he wanted to avoid any awkward encounter with another Glader. He walked to the nearest sink and saw the toothpaste, noticing one resting on each sink, which made up five in total.

He grabbed it and put some on his finger, quickly rubbing it on his teeth before rinsing his finger and mouth, cleaning his face, and looking up at his shattered and dirty reflection in the mirror. His hands went up to his hair, wetting some locks of (h/c) hair, and he tried to fix it, but decided it was a lost cause and just left his hair be the messiest bedhead ever.

Walking out and dismissing the rumble in his stomach, he makes his way through all the beds and Fry sees him through the window, "Breakfast is ready!"

He turns toward Frypan, squinting at him under the bright light of the sun, before showing him a small smile and shaking his head no, turning back around and heading toward the barn. Fry stares dumbfounded at the greenie. Skipping meals isn't good, but there's not much he could do besides respect his wishes.

Right before he got close to the fence, Bark saw him approach, barking and jumping while wagging his tail, doing circles as he watched him walking in after getting through the fence. All of a sudden barking caught the attention of the Slicers inside the Blood House and the Gardeners who looked their way, curious.

Winston and Frankie got to the opened doors and looked outside, just in time to see Bark nudging the greenie with his head and licking his hand as his tail wagged, happier than ever, and even a few sheep had found their path toward him, nuzzling his arm and hips, asking for some love from this new human.

He chuckles and pats all the animals that get close to him, before having to walk inside, where a strong copper sent almost made him gag.

"So... What am I doing today?"

Winston made the greenie follow him toward a metal door in an adjacent room to the pens in the barn. The body of a hog laying on it, and when Winston grabbed his knife he sort of knew what was gonna happen.

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