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With the sun rising and being greeted with a new day, pretty much no one wanted to get up from bed. Losing a Glader was always tough, even if they didn't get along with whom they lost, it wasn't easy to accept one of them was gone.

Everything was quiet, eerily so and it felt suffocating. It would be this way for a while, just until everyone learns how to live without them.

In the treehouse, was Gally, a deep frown on his face as he squirmed around, gripping the pillow tighter, his breathing was ragged and he began mumbling slurred words every second, "No, no..." His whole body shifted and his jaw clenched, "(M/n)...!" He gasped, jolting up awake.

For a moment, he thought what had happened the day before was all a bad dream, and that he would wake up in his room, on his bed, and (M/n) was safe and sound in his treehouse... But no. It wasn't a dream.

He sat from the lying position he found himself in after falling asleep crying, and clutched (M/n)'s pillow close to him, almost letting himself cry again, but he couldn't, his eyes were irritated and most likely swollen, hurting from all the crying he had done during the night.

Gally took a few deep breaths until he calmed down, and put the pillow down, fixed (M/n)'s sheets on his mattress and stood up, looking around the room and spotting the wooden bear he had carved and given to him, it was sitting on top of his bookshelf, next to the lamp and his journal.

The cover was filled with both of their doodles by now, (M/n) would draw something small and then Gally would add to it and viceversa, it was like a silent game they agreed to. Like that time when Gally drew a cat sleeping and (M/n) made it so their tail formed a heart under them.

His fingers graced the cover, specifically where (M/n) had written his name next to a bean drawing. Gally had to take another deep breath when his eyes felt that known stinging pain, and he stepped away from the bookshelf, turning to the door to leave the room.

When he made it to the bottom of the ladder, he heard Bark's crying, whining to get his attention. Gally saw him walk out of his house and bump his head against his leg, he reached down to pet him, "We're gonna find him... We will."

Together, they made their way to the Doors, they were still closed, but there were roughly thirty to twenty minutes before they opened. Gally was set on going out there and finding (M/n), even if that meant breaking the rules and going all by himself. Worst case, he will have the same end as (M/n) did.

And to Gally, dying while looking for him was better than living the rest of his life without him. He couldn't even imagine how life would be if (M/n) wasn't next to him every day. He brought so much light to his life in the Glade, and now he wasn't able to function without him around.

He and Bark sat in front of the Maze Doors, together, supporting each other with their presence, and slowly, minute after minute, another Glader would come and stay, and another one of (M/n)'s friends would come and wait. Gally was growing impatient with all the waiting they had to do, it almost felt as if time had completely stopped, as it was mocking him and trying to get Gally to lose his mind.

At some point, with almost five minutes left of wait, Gally stood up and started pacing back and forth, nibbling his bottom lip or biting his nails, messing with his hair with anxiety. He took deep breaths to try and remain calm, but it was almost useless.

Until he spotted Minho from afar approaching, "Alby gave us permission to look for (M/n)," Gally looked far off into the Glade, and saw Alby standing in front of the Homestead, arms crossed and a frown on his face. He nodded at him as a thank you, and turned back to the rest.

"We'll find him... Even if it takes us all day." Everyone around nodded at Gally's words, the least they could do was find (M/n)... Or whatever was left of him.

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