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"It's taking longer than usual..."

Gally blinked while looking at the sky, it had turned grey and the clouds were slowly covering any sign of sunlight. It was another Box day, it was long past the afternoon and it hadn't come up yet, which made them wonder what was going on.

"Yeah... I just hope it arrives before it starts raining, or we'll be unloading it for hours," no one liked it when it rained during Box day, and thankfully, it rarely happened, but it was also coming later than usual, that was more common around in the Glade, but it never eased the worry they felt of the possibility of the Box never coming back up.

That was a fear that clung to only a few, the day when they would no longer be provided with what they needed, and would just... Perish. But of course, no one was allowed to comment about that fear since it would bring nothing but problems.

Mikah looked at Gally, who kept staring up at the sky, and his blue eyes observed around for a while, "Where's (M/n)?"

Gally glanced at the curly blond, "He said he was gonna be in the Deadheads, something about... Finishing a thing," Mikah nodded in response and they turned back to staring at the sky, waiting for the Box to arrive.

They just hoped it wouldn't start raining or it would be near impossible to get everything out of it dry or in good condition.


Sitting on an overgrown root, (M/n) looked around, picking up the scent the air would have before the rain would fall. It was oddly relaxing.

He sighed and went back to writing in his journal, he wanted to write down a few more lyrics, and possibly make another song, but he wasn't sure if he liked how it was turning out, even so, he kept writing it, maybe he'll be able to fix it later on.

But when he ran out of ideas and felt his lower back and legs going numb from sitting down, he stood up and continued to walk around for a while, trying to find another spot where he could be comfortable. While doing so, he heard thunder, and shortly after, rain began to fall down on the Glade.

(M/n) chuckled and held the strap of his journal, hanging it on a branch where it would be protected from the rain, and ran to start playing with the mud, soaking in the feeling of the cold rain, hitting the leaves and dripping down to the ground, falling on him and making him smile.

Nearby, someone was walking very slowly, trying to not be spotted by (M/n), peeking from behind a tree. He didn't do anything nor tried to, he was only there to observe. Zachary would never disobey orders from Stan.

So he stayed put and watched over (M/n), to make sure he wouldn't leave before the plan was ready.

And that plan was truly shucked up, but it was gonna work. It had to. Even Alby who was somehow friends with (M/n) would have to act upon his actions, and face consequences.

Zachary observed (M/n) as he stopped playing in the rain and the mud like a little kid, and went back to grab his journal, climbed on top of the lowest branch, and focused back on his writing, more inspired this time. He briefly glanced back, to where Peter was being prepared by the others.

Peter himself had agreed to it, just to make it look as realistic as possible. He was willing to do anything to get (M/n) banished from the Glade.


Probably an hour later, the rain began to ease, and he was getting a little bored, so he got down from the branch and started making his way to his treehouse, wanting to drop off his journal so it wouldn't get in the way of everything.

The moment he started leaving, Zachary was about to run back to the rest of the Sloppers, when Lucas came up to him, "Everything is ready."

"Good, 'cause she just left." They ran together further into the Deadheads, and Zachary observed with raised eyebrows, impressed at the good job they had done with Peter.

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