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It was a rather chill night in the Glade, everyone was finishing up with dinner and usually, they would sit around to talk or play for a little while before heading to bed, but everyone was feeling like sleeping earlier that night, after all, their lullaby would start any second now.

The Runners had long given up on finding the mysterious person singing to them every night from somewhere in the maze, after months of thinking it couldn't be real -and that it was rather creepy-, they grew attached to the voice of this person, singing to them every night, lulling them to sleep with the few songs they would sing.

More than one got chills hearing them, some even recognized the song while others would try to memorize it and would hum along with them.

It was safe to say that listening to them was like a ritual by now. An unspoken tradition in the Glade, and they agreed that it was something they all looked forward to.

"And I was running far away, would I run off the world someday? Nobody knows," Their voice echoed in the maze, reaching them in the quietness of the night, a few sighed as they closed their eyes, snuggling in their sheets, feeling their chest warming up by just the sound of their voice, "Nobody knows, I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't complain," the Runners found themselves already drifting off to sleep like so many others that were tired from a tiring day of work, while the few that still had a bit of energy attentively listened to the voice, "But no, take me home, take me home where I belong, I can't take it anymore."

Gally blinked as he felt his throat tight, something about the raw emotion he could hear from them made him wonder what they were going through, they sang as if they felt every word they uttered, and it was rather painful.

He pressed his face further against his tattered pillow, and sighed, soon falling asleep while their singing continued, moving on to different songs with similar emotions. He couldn't help but wonder if they had a bad day or they were in a tough spot, but he fell asleep before he could keep thinking about it.


The next morning, the Glade was buzzing with energy, everyone walked around and talked and laughed, excited about their new greenie coming up the next day. They made their current newbie set up their hammock but they all worked harder to have the place neat in order to have more time to meet the greenie tomorrow when they come up in the box.

With hours passing and the sun departing to leave way for the moon, everyone gathered their empty plates and gave them to the Sloppers working to have them clean and ready for the next morning. A few guys around were getting their beds and hammocks ready, while others were already laying down comfortably, silently waiting for the singing to start.

But it never did.

Something similar to worry and concern settled in their bones, in their stomachs, their minds, and their hearts, weighing them down as they started to panic slightly about the person who sang so beautifully and kept them company every night.

They couldn't stay up all night waiting for them, but the chill breeze of the night felt even colder without the sound of their voice to warm their hearts and alleviate their minds for just a few minutes.

Eventually, everyone fell asleep. Even if varied from eight hours to thirty minutes, they did get some sleep in. They still had a long day ahead of them as the new greenie was coming up in the afternoon. But it was now time to start the day.

With some people running low on sleep, the daily activities in the Glade were slow, paired with sluggish movements and frequent yawns, some even went to a sink nearby to splash cold water on their faces, helping them stay awake and alert.

| The Rejected | The Maze Runner; Gally Fic [x reader ver.]Where stories live. Discover now