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Although (M/n) was enjoying spending his time with Gally again for the past few days, he hadn't been able to shake off the memory of him saying something about falling in love before cutting himself off. He didn't want to pressure Gally into telling him who it was, it would only make him look like a hypocrite. So he didn't.

He had been working on his communication skills with Gally, not keeping everything to himself as he usually did, trying to comprehend that if Gally -or any of his friends- tell him they want to listen to what he has to say they mean it.

"I wanna know what you wanna tell me, even if you think it's dumb or a waste of my time," Gally said to him after he kept doubting the intentions of others, "I wouldn't have asked in the first place if I didn't care, alright? I'm not trying to act nice and as if I care, because then I will be wasting my time, I truly do care, bean."

Somehow, the thought- knowing someone cares about him in any way is still a foreign concept to (M/n), so he was also working on that with Gally. He was just basically restarting his brain at this point with all the parts of himself he had to fix.

And now, on their fourth day working on all sorts of issues he has, they were sitting atop the Watchtower, drinking some of Gally's non-alcoholic drink and snacking on some leftover fries Fry had in the fridge. The silence that surrounded them was nice, and the breeze was chill, the sun had been covered by the grey clouds heading their way and slowly made the natural light fade. It looked like it might rain soon.

(M/n) wouldn't have minded just sitting there in silence, but the Maze was right in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask.

"What happened..." He said slowly, noticing Gally turning to look at him, taking a sip of his drink, "When you went into the Maze? Why did you go?" He finished in a whisper, looking up and making eye contact with Gally.

He saw the blond getting serious and looking away, staying quiet for a while. Gally was debating whether he should say it or not, it wasn't necessarily a happy memory, and it seemed like everything that had a dark or sad story to him was made into a permanent reminder of that time.

But the moment he turned back to look at (M/n), he saw worry in his eyes, genuine concern, and he sighed, deciding he would tell him.

He shifted on his spot and got a bit more comfortable, "I haven't said this to anyone at all, not even to Alby, and..." He hesitated for a few moments, fiddling with the jar in his hand, "It's mostly 'cause I didn't think it would make a difference, whether I said this or not," Gally took a deep breath, and (M/n) silently waited until he felt ready to talk.

Gally appreciated that. He really did.

"I was... Tired. Of the way I was treated. Everything," he briefly looked at (M/n) before focusing back ahead, "So I tried to run away, I didn't even know what my plan was if I'm honest," Gally took a sip of his drink and reached for a fry, "After running into a Griever there's not much I remember, but apparently, I had found my way back and I collapsed when I got to the Glade."

(M/n) turned to look at the Maze Doors, looking as ominous as ever. He watched the Doors for a short while, and that same dream flashed in his mind, seeing Gally in the Maze wasn't just a dream... It was real.

But that didn't help him much, did it? It just brought more questions to his mind.

"And while I was unconscious, I kept having these... Dreams, or I thought they were, because I knew they weren't made up by my fevered and delusional mind," when Gally kept talking, (M/n) looked at him again, paying attention to his words, "I had no idea what they meant, so when I woke up I started drawing them so I wouldn't forget. It was... Weird too because..." He hesitated for a few seconds, unsure of how to continue, "There was someone I could never see clearly, just their silhouette, and whenever I woke up I felt... Empty, as if I was missing a part of me."

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