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With a full plate in his hand, (M/n) sat on a log along with Gally, watching the ongoing fights from afar, chugging their drinks and joking with each other.

For a while, the Glade was buzzing with energy and laughter, but slowly, everything began to slow and calm down, more guys eating or simply chilling by the bonfire, and (M/n) remembered a song. He couldn't stop himself from humming it for a few seconds, before quietly singing the lyrics, catching Gally's attention.

His green eyes stared at him, a smile starting to grow on his face, and he soon realized he recognized the song, beginning to sing alongside (M/n). He turned to look at Gally, slightly surprised that he would know the song, and together they sang, getting louder and louder, wide smiles on their faces as those around looked at them.

A few frowned for a moment, before the happy vibes of Gally and (M/n) made a grin appear on their faces, joining them in their song.

It wasn't long before practically the whole Glade was singing, their voices filling the silence of the night. And while everyone was cheerfully singing to their hearts' content, (M/n) was completely unaware of the way Alby was looking at him, a deep frown on his face and his body tense, arms crossed over his chest as his mind overworked itself to understand why.

Why did (M/n)'s voice sound exactly the same as theirs?


(M/n) chuckled when Winston told him how the twins weren't nearly as weak as Lucas was when it came to working at the Blood House with him, and even though he didn't mind the help from them as he actually could use the extra two pairs of hands, he was kinda sad that he couldn't bully them enough to make them barf.

He added that both of them were quite quick learners, and rarely complained about doing something. One inconvenient thing was how they had to always be together. They were supposed to work different jobs on their first day, but they refused to be separated for longer than ten minutes, and in the end, Alby couldn't be bothered to have them abide by the rules.

He had other matters to worry about. And they were doing a good job, so why bother with them?

With heavy steps, Alby approached (M/n) as he talked to Winston, both of them were on a small break from work, and they were enjoying some time to talk before having to go back. Alby stopped in front of them, and their talking began to slow down by the second, staring up at the Leader from their spot on the ground.

For a moment Winston thought he had done something to anger Alby, especially with the way he looked at him, but his stare was soon directed toward (M/n), who involuntarily tried to make himself look smaller.

"Come with me, (M/n)." And he just turned around to leave.

(M/n) felt as if he couldn't breathe, his mind going a hundred miles an hour as he struggled to find in his brain the memory of what he could've done to make Alby mad at him, but anything could have been the trigger.

Did he get called out for eating the last cookie? Maybe someone had seen him drawing obscene images on Stan's face while he slept? Perhaps he farted too loud he made someone go deaf?!

Anything could be used against him, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to take what Alby wanted to scold him for.

"I'll be praying for you, greenbean, but just know... You've been a mighty friend of mine," he looked at Winston, who looked defeated at the news of Alby being mad at (M/n), who frowned and began standing on his feet, feeling like his legs were jelly, ready to give up at any given moment.

On the way to the Homestead, he was wondering if he could gamble with his punishment, maybe try to convince Alby that he had nothing to do with the dicks and boobs drawn on Stan and blame an innocent bystander. Or he could take the blame and avoid angering Alby even more.

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