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The creaking sound of the staircase under someone's weight woke him up. He didn't know what time it was, but it was eerily quiet, especially when he thinks of all the sounds going around when he wakes up in the morning, so he figured it was still too early for anyone to get up. Maybe Fry had gotten up to start making breakfast.

A painful groan escaped him when he tried to move to get out of bed, his whole body stiff, and he realized that he had slept all night sitting against the headboard and now he was suffering the consequences.

He starts stretching, feeling his muscles relax and joints pop, making him huff at the loud sound they made, "Ow," he muttered at the pain he felt all over, but still pushed through it and got up from the bed.

His eyes look at the bathroom, but he decided to scavenge his bag first, successfully finding a toothbrush, it's inside a plastic bag, sealed closed, the letters WCKD printed on it. He opens it and heads to the bathroom, ready to properly brush his teeth this time.


And now, he walked out of the med room ready to start his day, stepping into the kitchen and greeting Fry and Jim, along with Mike and David who were doing their secondary job, joining them on cooking breakfast, a comfortable silence falling around them. While moving stuff around, he catches sight of the missing floorboards and the chipping wallpaper, he wondered if he could maybe ask Alby, Newt, or Gally if he could try and... Maintain the Homestead?

But the rush of boys showing up with grumbling stomachs made him focus back on back he was doing. And eventually, everyone had settled down and were eating, mostly in peace and quiet, but some were making conversation, the usual thing in the Glade, he realized.

He also realized that Fry was gonna end up making him eat breakfast, which he could not take, so he rushed out and beelined straight to Gally, who stared at him with a sleepy expression, some sheet marks on his face and arm.

"What do we need to continue building the tree house?" Gally blinked a few times, using his free hand to rub his eyes as he frowned, pinching the bridge of his nose before looking up at him again.

"You're not gonna work without eating something first, are ya?" Gally watched the greenie shrugging for a moment, rocking on the balls of their feet.

"I already ate," he spew out a quick lie, there's no way Gally would know anyway. He frowns but eventually nods.

"There's a cabinet on the first floor, by the Gathering room where we keep all we need in a toolbox, you can't miss it," he nods as he remembers seeing a flash of said place, and he makes his way out of the dining area and back in the Homestead.

He walked toward the Gathering room and opened the door next to it, it was more of a built-in closet rather than a cabinet, and yeah, there was the box Gally talked about, it had 'BUILDERS' written on it in bold letters, and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle to himself and he reached down to grab it.

Heading back, he stopped by the tables, catching the eyes of pretty much everyone. He briefly made eye contact with them, and showed a gentle, kind smile their way before heading back to the Deadheads where his soon-to-be treehouse was being built.

As he approached the woods, he heard barking, making him rush to be able to leave the toolbox somewhere near the pile of covered up planks and sticks, before rushing toward the barn, giving some pets and kisses to Bark. He smiled and laughed at the enthusiasm of the dog, and he debated if he should let him out, maybe just a little bit wouldn't hurt...

He played around a small area with Bark, chasing after the other and play fighting, easily picking him up and gently swinging him around, his laughter and Bark's barking echoing in the Glade, definitely making some Glader's heart feel warm at the happiness both displayed with each other.

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