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Gally stayed with (M/n) all night, almost unable to sleep as every noise he would make caused the blond to wake up.

He would sit next to him and dry the sweat off (M/n)'s face and neck while talking to him, noticing it helped him calm down, Gally's voice working as a way to ground him back to reality, away from the night terrors his mind showed to him.

Gally would sit back on the chair next to the bed rather than the couch, it was too far away from it in his opinion, and he wanted to be right next to him whenever (M/n) needed him.

He hated falling asleep that night. He would sleep for ten or twenty minutes, and (M/n) would move or groan, make any kind of noise and he would wake up, hopeful of seeing his (e/c) eyes finally open, knowing he'd get better soon, but no.

(M/n) was there, still unconscious. And Gally had never felt a pain so strong as the one he felt whenever he realized his best friend, the guy he loved... was still trapped inside his own mind, and all he could do was watch as he trashed around on the bed, babbling things he couldn't fully understand.

He felt so helpless and useless. If he had stayed with (M/n)... Had he been there by his side, to prevent him from going into the Maze... Things would be different.


When morning arrived, Gally woke up when his hand lost hold of his head, suddenly getting him awake and alert. Nothing had changed, everything was exactly the same as it had been the past hour.

His eyes were dry and a headache was finding its way inside his skull, he felt more irritable than ever, so he hoped no one would come to bother him.

"Gally?" He glanced over his shoulder with a frown, and saw Chuck standing by the med room door, playing with his fingers.

"Need something, Chuck?" His curls shook when he moved his head from side to side.

"Do you... Want anything for breakfast?" Gally was almost sure Fry had asked Chuck to make sure he hadn't been pushing himself to take care of (M/n), Fry knew Gally wouldn't lash out at the greenie, he knew the blond fairly well.

"Uh... Maybe some bread? And water," Chuck nodded and left, heading to the kitchen. Gally heard muffled voices, seeing as the kitchen was next to the med room, and he looked over at (M/n), standing up from his chair, and gently stroking his (h/c) hair, reaching for the towel on the headboard to dry the sweat off his skin, "I'm here, bean... Everything is alright."

He heard footsteps behind him, and saw Chuck setting the bowl with some bread, a small recipient with jam, a teaspoon and a water bottle.

"Thanks, Chuck," the greenie nodded with a small smile and found a comfortable spot on the couch, an empty bowl in his hand to gather all the wood chips and dust as he continued with his wood carving.

He wanted to get them done before (M/n) woke up, to give it to him as a gift, similar to what Gally made, but he was far behind in skills, so the process was slow and steady to make sure he wouldn't mess up.

Gally looked at Chuck from his spot on the bed, and felt a small smile pulling his lips up, "Need help finishing that, buddy?" He looked up from his wooden half-moon, and shook his head, watching how a subtle frown appeared on Gally's brow.

"It's okay, I can do this by myself, and... You have to take care of (M/n), I don't wanna bother you, Gally." He felt touched by Chuck's words, despite being just a kid, he sounded so much more mature than the majority of the guys around.

"Well... But you can tell me if you need help with anything, alright?" Chuck nodded, and his curls bounced around again.

They stayed silent for about an hour or two, Gally ate some pieces of bread with jam and they just enjoyed each other's quiet company until Chuck was called to do the dishes with the other Sloppers, of course, they were working under Alby's supervision, make sure they wouldn't do anything they weren't supposed to.

| The Rejected | The Maze Runner; Gally Fic [x reader ver.]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz