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When (M/n) opened his eyes, he guessed it was rather early still, the silence of the Glade buzzing in his ears, filled by the ambience sounds around, but there were no sounds that could be produced by humans.

He sat on the bed, slowly and carefully, and he was able to feel how his pain was almost fully gone, he just had to be careful with certain movements and probably not lift heavy stuff, but he felt fine and the bruises looked good as well. Maybe he could get some work done if he could make Gally give in.

And that was gonna be his objective, he only had one obstacle in his path, and it had the name of; Gally.

Hopefully, it won't be too hard.

But first, he had to use the bathroom.


He went back to his treehouse with a light jog, going up the ladder to change his clothes into something more light, the day was getting warm but hoped it wouldn't be too hot later in the afternoon, and he stepped down again, greeting Bark with a good morning hug.

"Oh, you're already up," he looked up, squinting his eyes due to the sunlight coming through the tree branches and leaves, and there was Gally, making his way to them. Bark backed away from (M/n) and went to greet the blond as well, who smiled and messed with his fur a bit.

"Yeah, that's unusual," they chuckled and soon began making their way back to the Homestead, "I feel pretty good today, actually..." He said acting nonchalantly, but Gally didn't miss it.

He looked at (M/n), who had his lips pursed and wasn't looking at him. Gally had a grin on his face, shaking his head and softly patting his shoulder, now (M/n) was looking at him.

"We'll see, dummy, we'll see," he huffed and pouted but didn't say anything, following Gally inside and waiting in line for their breakfast portion.

The blond looked at him, almost dumbfounded at the fact that (M/n) was queueing with him to eat, even Fry was pleasantly surprised, and with a smile, he served (M/n) a smaller portion of his breakfast and they made their way to their table. Only a few of their friends were already there, eating and simultaneously falling asleep.

(M/n) waited until Gally had eaten something before asking him if he could work, telling him that he was feeling good and felt like he could handle it. So when Gally was smiling and talking to the others as they began fully waking up, he took a deep breath.

"Gally-," his voice got cut off by the sound of thunder going on outside. A few guys jumped at the loud and sudden sound, and they glanced outside, seeing how the sunlight they had less than five minutes ago was disappearing behind dark clouds, the sky turning grey.

Everyone was silent, just waiting for the rain to start, and they didn't have to wait too long, because it began pouring.

"Well..." He turned to look at Gally as he spoke, picking up some more of his breakfast, "Now we gotta wait."

(M/n) remembered that Minho had once told him about the rainy days in the Glade, this was the first one he'd witnessed ever since he arrived, so he was kind of lost on what to do. Minho said that the Glade gets a little boring when it's raining, they have stuff to entertain themselves with while they wait, and enough shelter around to not be all of them packed inside the Homestead, but the majority had to wait until the rain passed to be able to work.

Runners can't go in the Maze or they have to come back as soon as it starts raining because the floor gets slippery. Builders can't work under the rain and have to watch over everything to make sure nothing starts to rot, and if it does, replace it immediately before it collapses. Slicers can still work if they want, but they complain about how staying in the Blood House for too long makes them nauseous.

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