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A cozy and comfortable feeling made him hum in his semi-conscious state, it was kind of nice, and he wondered what was making him feel like that, last time he slept on this bed he woke up with his whole body stiff and hurting.

Hearing the commotion outside the med room, he figures he should be getting up, so he sits up with a yawn, that's when he feels body heat from outside his body, as if there was someone with him on the bed.

Blinking his eyes open, he sees that, yeah... Gally is there, peacefully sleeping on the same bed as him. They slept together. He's not sure what to make of that situation, probably just... Ignore it, two dudes sleeping on the same bed isn't weird at all.

In his almost mental panic he wonders how they ended up like that, and his eyes land on the paper on top of the book, and he remembers that Gally had been helping him with Glader words, or 'slang' as he called it, and they ended up talking about other stuff.

With a smile on his face, he remembers the story Gally told him about Billy's arrival at the Glade. He had come up in the box, whining and crying like an ugly baby, feeling so scared of where he was that he ended up klunking his pants more than once during his first month around.

"That was almost a year and a half ago," Gally had added with a far-off look in his eyes, releasing a tired sigh, "I've been here for almost three years, greenie."

His green eyes stared into his, a defeated expression on his face, before showing a glimpse of a smile.

"Even though there was a time when I also wanted to leave the Glade, I ended up liking it here, it's safe and we're able to live in peace for the most part," his hand was placed on top of his, holding it gently, "And I'm sure you will love this place too."

He remembers asking Gally if he had ever gone into the Maze, to which he had responded he had, barely making it out, he mentioned that he had been stung but the serum had saved him from the Changing. He had an expression on his face that made it seem like he wanted to say something else, a conflicted and uncertain look in his eyes. There was something Gally wasn't sure he should say and he respected that.

His hand lifted itself, reaching to try and caress his face, observing how calm Gally looked while he slept.

However, the door of the med room suddenly being pushed open made him jump back, his head turning like an owl to look at Jeff walking in, Clint right behind him.

They held his (e/c) stare for a few seconds before looking at each other, deciding to continue what they walked in to do.

"The box is gonna go down today and bring more supplies in a few days, do you need anything, greenie?" He watched them as they grabbed a journal each and began looking around cabinets and drawers, writing down what he guessed were supplies they needed, and he wondered for a moment.

"Is there anything I can't ask for?" Both of them turned to stare at him, silently questioning what he might need from the Creators.

Jeff sighed and tore a page off his journal, handing it to him, "Just don't exaggerate and they may give it to you, greenbean," he nodded and reached for the book and pen, scribbling down the first thing he knew he needed.

A journal, pens, and pencils too. He figured was really into (writing/drawing) when he kept having these urges to do something on the walls and floors. Oh! Books that were actually readable and in perfect condition, maybe he could build a bookshelf and put it in his treehouse, he added that maybe they could be novels or just guidebooks, like a recipe book or a medical attention book.

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