Chapter 31: It Begins

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"Hey, ya ready?" Sonic slipped his one strap backpack over his head.

"Yes." Blaze nodded with a huge smile on her face. 
Her excitement made Sonic beam. He laugh before raising a brow. "Ya nervous?"

"Yes." Blaze nodded again as she followed Sonic out of the door.

He rolled his eyes playfully at her and shook his head. "You did amazing in highschool, Blaze. I'm positively positive that you ain't got nothing to worry about!"
Sonic and Blaze wore matching uniforms as they walked out of his house. The two walked the street to the nearest subway deep in conversation on their way to the college that they have enrolled together.  Since the tragedy that occurred in her dimension had passed completely she has felt much better. Her thoughts were clear as she was ready for the next step life has in store for her.  She rested easy knowing her friends are aware of Shadows state, how he isn't deceased, but in Darkmire with Perci.


"We are going to be late." Shadow stated promptly. He can't be late-there's no way he can afford it.
"Nah, we'll be alright." Perci waved at Shadow with a smile.

"Perci..." Shadow warned with a growl.

"Shadow we aren't going to be late, I promise. I wouldn't wanna miss it either." Perci explained as he sat back down at his desk. "Now, let's finish reading this last document cuz we're gonna have to sign it off."
Determined to finish the current work, Shadow nodded and got zoned in. "Right, of course."

Shadow has been working along side Perci since he has healed from his injuries. This way he can learn the ways of healing a Prince of Darkmire. Previously, Shadow was dreading this scenario, but has come to slightly enjoy the life of a Prince. The people worship him for his power and appreciate him greatly. He also enjoys the wardrobe he was given that was similar to Perci's. Perci on the other hand is just excited to have a brother to run around with. Having Shadow around to help him out with his workload is also a perk as well. It's been pretty much a breeze teaching Shadow since he catches on pretty quick.
The two had somewhere important to be . Both were excited to go but Shadow was getting impatient with the tasks leading up to their departure.

"This seems alright." Shadow sighs and writes his signature on the document.  After a couple of seconds had passed Perci nods. "Yeah I agree." He signs his name as well. He then gets up from his chair and begins to turn to Shadow.

"Whenever you are ready...." Perci trails as he sees  Shadow staring intensely with his chaos Emerald already in hand.  The sight made Perci laugh while Shadow let out a snicker.
"Chaos Control!"


Sonic and Blaze stood in place as they finally reached their campus grounds. Blaze looked around then checked the time on her phone.

"Don't worry Flame, we didn't forget!" Perci sings aloud.

Sonic and Blaze both turn around to see the Prince's of Darkmire, Shadow and Perci.

"See Blaze I told you." Sonic chuckles.
Shadow and Blaze share a tight hug while Sonic and Perci shared a fist bump.

"Yeah! We wouldn't miss sending you two off on your first day!" Perci smirks.
Sonic does the same in return. " Thanks dude!"

Shadow sets his hands of the side of Blaze's face gently. "Destroy anyone and everything in your way." He requests of her.

"Of course I will." She smiles brightly.

Shadow nods pleased. "Of you need me tell that idiot right there  to take you to Darkmire." He points at Sonic.

"Yeah, yeah. I am aware, Shadow." Blaze nods repeatedly.
Perci adds in now looking at Blaze. "And make sure Sonic learns something."

Sonic puts his hands up in defense. "Aye let's not attack me." He then gestures to Shadow. "You should be watching Shadow. He's too cocky for royalty-don't let his status corrupt his mind!" He points at his head. This earned a laugh from Perci and Blaze while Shadow just rolled his eyes.

When the laughter died down. Blaze looked up to Shadow dreamily. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, your majesty." Shadow leans down slightly to kiss Blaze lightly.

"Uuhh my mom is gonna be looking for us soon, Shadow." Perci interrupts the couple. "Hug me Flame-I can't leave without one!"  He opens his arms for Blaze.

After Blaze gave Perci his hug the group of four said their final goodbyes.

One pair starting their college life.
The other continuing their royal life

The End.

Hehe hiya guys!!!

Yes! It is over :,).
Thanks yous everyone for the nice comments and actually taking the time out of your lives to read my bullpoop story.
I'm sorry it took longer than expected but da planning, da feeling, da stuff had to feel right to me.

I appreciate you all SO MUCH❤️💜♥️💜

Off to YouTube to upload this there!! XD

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