Chapter 28: the battles 2/3

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Blaze took a deep breath as Sonic  nodded back to her.
"Thank goodness he saw me.." She breathed out.
Blaze realized that she never gave Sonic more information about Perci's powers. The wings he produce are only an extension of his power, and nothing more.
Once Sonic removes his wings Perci will be forced to use his sword, which isn't his strong point at all.

"Excuse me, I must head to the ladies room." Blaze stood up and announced herself leaving.

"Hurry back flame, we won't be able to pause before the next match." Her mother waved off to her as she continued to watch the current battle.

Shortly after Blaze used the bathroom she found herself in the chambers for the knights to prepare for battle. She approached her knight who seemed oblivious to her arrival. He seemed in his own world.

"Sir Sky?" She called him.

The knight jumps and turns around quickly.

"Are you prepared for battle? Everything alright?" Blaze stood tall as a royal.

The knight stood at attention.
"I am prepared for my Dual, my princess!"

"Wonderful. Now before you I go must express your current situation.. please listen closely."Blaze leaned forward with a serious tone.

"Yes! Of course!" The knight exclaims. His eyes were focused forward as he continued to stand at attention.
"You my knight, possess powers of electricity." Blaze thought aloud to herself. "You can summon it to your sword, but there is a cost."

Blaze circles her knight as she ensures he's aware. "Your power has a can't use it forever so you must also be resourceful during your battle with the Ultimate Lifeform."

As she circles the knight she stops behind him.
"Either way I am positive that you can judge your limits for the best possibility.."
There was a second of silence as Blaze sighed.

She then suddenly grabbed the knight's wrist tightly, and kicked the back of his knees to force them on to the grown.  Blaze then shoves the knight, forcing his chest on to the ground. 

"I apologize for scaring  you or getting your hopes up, but you will not be fighting Shadow today." Blaze let out a light groan. As she continued to put her weight on his body.
"B-but my princess! You can't! It's forbidden!" The knight begged as he squirmed from under Blaze.

"But she will."

Blaze and the knight both looked up quickly to see Silver. He had his right hand up as it glowed with his telekinesis.
"Sorry, Sky, but Blaze gotta take this one." Silver walked over to the knight and ensured that his hands were behind his back.

"Silver! Thank you!" Blaze gasped.

"Yeah, beat Shadow up for all of us  would ya?" Silver smiled.

Blaze nodded happily and quickly walked out the the room to gather her own things.
Blaze had hid her own belongings for the fight within the next room. She quickly attached the metal to herself. She finally stepping out of the room and sighed.

"B-blazey ...?"

Blaze eyes shot up from the name.
"S-Sonic... I can."

"I know you're not about to explain yourself to me..." He let out a tired chuckle. "I trust you...and I'm glad you're fighting Shadow." He huffed.

Blaze ignored his words and focused of the shape Sonic had to be in. "Are you alright? Your breathing is ..."

"Secured the dub!" Sonic weakly raised his thumb up. "But...something was up with Perci...he was tougher than be careful with Shadow.." He breathed as he looked a bit tired.

"I'm aware of what it is. I'll tell you about it later.. go get some rest." Blaze urges kindly.

"Heh..yes mama.. you'll do great! I'm gonna go find Amy now.." Sonic waves.


"Our last battle everyone!!" Marine speaks from a microphone. "This will settle our dispute, change the course of our future-the ultimate showdown to determine the winning kingdom! Fighting for Darkmire The Ultimate Lifeform himself Shadow the Hedgehog!!" Marine finishes as the crowed cheered erruptly.

Shadow enters the arena with a heavy presence. He looked as if had business to take care of. Which he did.

"Now fighting for Sol...." Marine trails off as she saw the other knight enter the arena. Her eyes widened in disbelief.. the knight turned to face Marine and nodded. Marine shook her head as she smiled..
Well this is going to be problematic.

"Fighting for Sol is their most fearsome and daring Knight of them all, Sir Percival!!" Marine erupts with the microphone in hand.

Blaze's Parents look at one another confused by the name.

"I didn't know you had female knights." Luce spoke unsure, but interested.

"We don't...nor do we have one named Percival." Blazes mom spoke to herself yet loud enough for the others to hear.

"That's the name of Blaze's knight name when she was a little girl." The King mumbles.

Both of Blazes parents looked confused as they tried to figure out who this imposter Knight is.

The king and queen of Darkmire came to their conclusions at almost an instant. They looked at each other with gritted teeth.

Suddenly Blaze took her helmet off.
Everyone got quiet as they watched in awe and shock.

"Yes. It is I your princess, Blaze." Blaze spoke loudly as she announced herself.
" Much of you have heard the rumors of my power while others have ignored it it entirely..." She turns her head to her parents who looked very unapproved. "But I am here to show you today just how true the rumors are-and that I can be a knight as well! I , Sir Percival will fight regardless of what you may believe my limits are and I Sir Percival will win for me, my people, and US!" Blaze ends her speech pointing her sword at Shadow who stood before her on the other side of the arena..
Another one

To Rekindle a Fire( A shadaze lovestory) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat