Chapter 3: Catching Up

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In the Chaos dimension. (Sonic's dimensions)

Rouge was walking across  their room happily.
"Cmon hedgy, I bet Knuckles is here to see us."

Shadow sat on the floor as he seemed to be digging around in a box. "No thanks...I'm busy"

Rouge paused as she glanced down into the box. She had no idea what he could be digging for.
"Fine..I'll catch up with you later."

She walks out of the bunker where her and Shadow slept and into the halls of the GUN academy. she came out to what looked like a courtyard it was fenced and walled off from the public..
"Knuckles hey!" Rouge waved down her red friend as he casually sat on a picnic table.

"Hey batgirl." Knuckles played on his phone not looking up. " how's boot camp?"

Rouge completely ignored his question as she eyed his cell phone. "W-what? They let you bring you're cell in today!?"

"Uh yeah. Do they not-"

"All of our phones got confiscated weeks ago! Oh Gimmie it." Rouge reaches for his phone

Knuckles pulled away quickly. "No! I'm sure it was taken up for a reason."

Rouge sighed in defeat as she folds her arms.
After a moment of silence Rouge looked over at Knuckles as he continued to play on his phone.

"Shouldn't you be at your own academy? How are you even here?"

"Nah I dont start till next month."

"Ah, so what have you been doing?"

Knuckles sigh as he looked up thinking it what he was about to spill. He also sat his phone down beside him. "Well I've been helping Tikal and the tribe, and uh..." He paused as he lowered his voice "Emerald things."

Rouge looked away as she looked at her nails
"Oh yeah you've been helping around your little cousin, Tikal- wait! Honey did you just say Emerald? As in the Master Emerald??" She leaned into Knuckles. "Oh I can't wait till I get my hands on- I mean to just look at it and gaze upon its glory!"

Knuckles raised a brow at Rouge as her eyes twinkled while talking about the emerald.

Rouge noticed this look and paused.

The two stared intensely before erupting into a laughter.

"You didn't have to look at me like that.."
Rouge wiped a tear as her laughter softened.
Knuckles shook his head as he turned away again.

The two grew quite for a moment. Until Rouge broke it.


Knuckles turned his head around to Rouge.

"While being here I just realized...I never thanked you for staying by my side you know on prom night. You're always there for me. So thank you." She smiled softly for a moment until she rolled her eyes. "Blaze just ruined everything.. even my senior prom. She's gonna get it one day."

Knuckles smile was disturbed with Rouge's last words. He sat his hand on her shoulder.
"You gotta lighten up on her but Hey no problem. I'm always here for ya dumb self anyways."

Rouge scoffed raising a brow.
"Oh please. I'm dumb? That's real cute."

"You're cute." He scoffed next.


"How's Shadow. I feel like this place is his element." Knuckles quickly and successfully ignored what he just said to change the subject.

"Well. Blaze isn't here, so he isn't all about her anymore- which is great." Rouge smiled as she thought. The smile went away as she looked confused on the matter.
"But he...he isn't the same... like he is completely different. Blindly listens to GUN orders and always wants to constantly train. I'm kind of worried."

"The Blaze thing is kinda odd..." Knuckles thought aloud . He was definitely all about her previously.

"How about a test!" Rouge stood up now determined.

Knuckles stiffened from her words.
"I hate test.."

"No-no! A test for Shadow... I'll bring up Blaze and see how he reacts. Then we'll know if we should be concerned." She states proudly.

"K...uh good luck with that I guess... um what kind of answer are you looking for from him?"

"Personally I want to here him say he has no interest in her at all.. or perhaps for him to say that he forgot she existed-wouldnt that be great." Rouge winked at her friend.

"And I thought you grew from..this."
Knuckle shook his head again as he thought about the situation himself. Personally he liked Shadow when him and Blaze were physically a thing..everyone could agree on that. Well except her.

He gets way more time with Rouge as selfish as that sounds. But facts were facts.

He sighed hoping Shadow was himself. If he still cares for Blaze then everything's good.


When it was time for Knuckles to take his leave he says his goodbyes to Rouge as they hugged. Rouge then left on a mission to complete her experiment or test.

"Hey, Hun. Knuckles wanted.." Rouge walked into their shared living space to find Shadow gone.

She rolled her eyes. Of course he's still training. Instead of making him train he should be forced to chill out!

"What are you doing?"

Rouge turns around quickly to see Shadow standing behind her. "Do NOT scare me like that! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"You're blocking to doorway.." Shadow stated.

"Oh. My bad." Rouge moves out of the way to sit on her bed. "Knuckles wanted me to tell you hi for him.."


"Yeah..we talked about prom a bit. Remember prom?" Rouge watched Shadow as he began fixing his own bed.


"And how I had Blaze locked in a classroom. Are you still mad at me for that?" Rouge asked kinda scared for the answer. She watched Shadow freeze as if he was in deep thought. Then he answered.

"Not really."

Rouge relaxed. "Good. Because she deserved it.. Blaze was so stuck up-even worse than me! Don't you agree?" She asked hoping for another good answer.

Shadow said nothing as he turn to look at Rouge. After the quick gaze he turned back to his own business.

"Wait. You two are still dating right? It always annoyed me how you listened to her every order. She had you on a leash ya know. " Rouge smirked fueling her confidence as she spoke.

"The only orders I follow is from GUN." Shadow mumbled.

"Only GUN?"  Rouge squinted her eyes.

Shadow nodded.

"Yeah. Anyways I'm so freaking glad she's gone.
I hope I never see her again. Right shadow?"  Rouge smirked once more.

"Rouge.." He sighed.

"Yes hun?"

"You should not talk about her in that way.." He paused for a moment " Weren't you two Friends or something?"

"...we'll yeah.." she rolled her eyes.

"Get some sleep."

Rouge laid in her bed and stared at the ceiling.
She smiled knowing that Shadow seemed done with his overrated girlfriend.  He also said that the only orders he take are from GUN. He isn't mad at her anymore-he said it himself.

Is this information a good thing?

. Thanks for being here for another chapter.

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