Chapter 21:Wedding Vows

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Beautiful music chimed through the airy room where dozens sat. Members of Darkmire, Sol, and Greengate filled the room with light conversation as they talked positively of the event.

Suddenly everyone got quieter as the wedding party started walking the isle of the massive chapel.
The people of these kingdoms don't really know majority of the wedding party well, but they believed that they must be important to have a title as such.

The bridesmaids walked down as they locked arms with the groomsmen. Sonic and Amy was leading the group. Following them down the aisle were Silver and Tikal. Tails walked with Marine along with Shadow and Cosmo. After the stunt involving Rouge, Blaze would have never given her such a role even if it's a wedding she never wanted. Knuckles stood off to the side of the main event as a guard. It wasn't much of a big deal to him to be a groomsman anyways.

The wedding party now stood at the end of the isle all lined up waiting for Blaze. In the middle of them all was Perci as he was quietly spoke to the wedding officiant.

The wedding party shared uncomfortable glances at one another as they patiently waited. Amy couldn't help but sig as she watched Perci. Because his back was facing the crowd while speaking to the priest the guest couldn't see his face that showed nothing but sadness, and distressed. Suddenly Perci straightened his back and turned around before the crowd looking happier than ever.

"This is so fake." Amy quietly sighed to Tikal.
"I agree. I'd never thought I'd be at a wedding feeling sad for the bride and groom.." Tikal agreed.
"This is indeed the unhappiest I've been at one." Cosmo added.

Amy stared through at Sonic, who was lined up with the groomsmen. Him too had a fake smile on his face, but when his gaze met hers the smile turned into a face of worry.

"This is bull." Sonic whispered to Shadow who stood beside him. In return Shadow said nothing. Sonic glanced over to find him starring off. Specifically down the isle. Waiting for her.

Sure Sonic wasn't happy with this outcome- No one was. But man does he feel for Shadow. If this hurts him how do you think Shadow feels?

As if on que the music began to play a different tune signaling everyone to stand up and look back to Blaze. She was being escorted by her father. Her eyes were covered in a white veil.
Sonic eyes widened at her dress or just Blaze in general. His mood somehow improved suddenly as he watched her take her time down the isle.

Shadows eyes had a twinkle to them as ge saw his girlfriend in the amazing wedding dress. He felt awake, and oddly normal. He looked harder trying to see her beauty through her veil. Instead the twinkle in his eyes disappeared, and the face of awe was now gone from seeing what he believed to be a tear streaming down her face.

Blaze made sure her veil was hard to see though because she knew how she'd react to this moment. She walked the isle with her dad trying to hold back the tears. She didn't like her dress, she didn't want to be married in this chapel, she didn't want to be married at all-she wasn't ready. She wanted to go back to school, she hated this.
As these thought echoed in her head she couldn't help the few tears that rolled down her cheek.
'Please, don't show! Please don't!' She thought in her head. Yelling at the tears to disappear.
Her pace slowed then haunted as she took in a shakey breath. She felt her fathers gaze on her full of concern. Blaze looked down the isle to her best friend who waited for her. Perci mouthed the words to her.
"You can do this."
She nodded softly as she continued.

Once she finally reached her destination her father let go of her slowly. As he did this Blaze's final gaze went to Shadow before she stood in front of Perci.

The two stood directly in front of each other and held hands as the priest began. Blaze's gaze went pass Perci and to Shadow again. Still maybe trying to figure out a way of this.

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