Chapter 17: reunited

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The door opened to reveal a pink hedgehog who had quills similar to Sonic's that's about all that Blaze could distinguish.

Then Blaze had made eye contact with this female.
She quickly moved them back to the floor from the pink hedgehog silently.  She instantly thought of Amy now that she saw this female up close. Although this female looked calm she had look in her eyes that told Blaze she could go crazy any second.

Shadow and Blaze walked as the pink hedgehog shoved them forward a couple of times. He hated playing weak. Letting this frail thing push them around to a cell.

She pushed again. "I didn't tell ya to slow down did I?"  She spoke as if she had spent too much time with Scourge.
Shadow huffed loudly as they got the cell.


Blaze perked her ears up at the voice of her mother.

"In ya go!" The pink hedgehog unlocked the cell and pushed both Shadow and Blaze one last time into the cell.

"Now that da Royals are in one cell you all can talk about the Settlement for your precious jewel!" She spat out and laughed as she walked away.

"Hello Mother, Father." Blaze smiled "Even auntie! I'm glad that you all are safe."

"Safe? Flame were in a cell."

"It could be far worst, this is what I was hoping for actually." Blaze gestured to the cell that they were in.

As Blaze spoke with her parents loudly Jennifer had Shadow scoot by her so that she could speak.

"Shadow I am pleased to see you out of G.U.N!" Jennifer gasped quietly.

Shadow paused at the sudden mention of G.U.N.

"I know something is up there, and I'm just okay that you're alright." She finished.

Shadow just nodded in response. He was about to let a few words out but overheard what was being told to Blaze.

"Honey, how could you not protect the emeralds!?" The Queen  asks her daughter.

"Emerald. Only one was stolen, mother." Blaze mumbled slightly embarrassed.

"Blaze it's much more than tha-"

"Mother I am aware. I promise it will not happen again. I have this  situation handled." Blaze almost scoffed at her mother..almost.

The queen actually scoffed as the king looked confused.

"Handled? Flame we're locked up. How could you possibly have this handled?" She aggressively moves her tied wrist.

"The Princess is far more  tougher than you credit her for.." Shadow said low yet loud enough for everyone here. "I don't understand how you simply can't see it."

The Queen rolls her eyes dramatically " I refuse to sit here and bicker with adolescents about the state of our situation!"

"As previously said." Blaze states calmly " Shadow and I know what we are doing, Mother." As Blaze said this she brought her teid up wrist from behind her back and under her butt and stepped backwards over them. She then used her free hand to tap a crevasse aside of her ear.
"My friends will be momentarily to get us out of here. They will have a plan."

"The children?" Both the King and Queen stares blandly.

"Sister have some faith in my past students. They're quiet independent."


The group just finished putting together somewhat of a plan. Suddenly Scouge tapped and rubbed the side of his ear where an earring was present.

"This better not be a bust cuz we're needed." He shakes his head.

"Did you get a signal or something? Did I miss it?" Silver asked confused as the others.

"No, ya just ain't involved." He glares back.

Sonic steps forward.  "Alright Team! Let's go do this!" He pumps his fist.

" Why don't I do anything? This is ridiculous." Rouge gasps.

Scourge smiled at her frustration and pointed. "Because ya ain't trusted anymore! Should never had been in my opinion."

After the group shared a few uncomfortable glances Sonic nodded to Knuckles.
"Knuckles, stick with her would ya?"

"Yeah yeah. Like I can't babysit." He folds his arms and huffs. As soon as some real action play out he gotta stay back.

"Babysit?..." Rouge questioned and she raised a brow.

"Yeah." Knuckles glares back " That's what I said."

Sonic then looks to the next three.
"Tails, marine and Tikal. You three stay on the cameras  and let us know if something happens outside of the castle."

"You got it bud!" Tails nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Hedgehogs.." Sonic then paused and looked at the other three. "Let's roll out."

Silver and Amy nodded  determined while Scourge  just rolled his eyes.

Lol I'm sorry for cliff hanger...

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