Chapter 11: KING of the Streets

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Blaze sat up quickly from her nap, and looked around suspiciously.

She was in a dark room. The door had metal bars on it.
She was in a cell.

"W-what is the meaning of this!?" She yelled angerly.

She's not a  criminal. How did she get arrested!?

Blaze looked down at her hands. It was dark but they were obviously handcuffed together. She tried to channel her pyrotechnics but nothing happened.
She couldn't ignite herself a flame. Blaze took a moment to think. She remembers sneaking out into town. Then she remembered being cornered by two figures in the alleyway.

"Shit." She hissed at herself.

"Hey!" Blaze walks up to the door with a yell.

"SHUT UP!" A male voice came from the other side.
A pair of red crimson eyes appeared through  the bars.

Blaze paused, but frowned. The voice wasnt the same-that wasn't her Shadow.

"Where am I!? Do you know who I am!? HOW DARE YOU!" Blaze continued to yell as she kicks on the door.

"Pfft are you supposed to be someone important, kitty?" The male spoke with a scoff.

Blaze's eyes twitched. "Im... I am someone that you do not wish to mess with!" She spoke loudly.

They dont know who she is so maybe it should stay that way.
Blaze sat quietly and began thinking on an escape route..

The two guards stood on the other side of the door playing cards on the floor. One was a black hedgehog that resembled Shadow heavily, but his quills were straight and didnt have any stripes.
The other guard was green hedgehog that had bangs on the top of his head...

Suddenly steps where heard coming towards the two. They quickly got off the floor and stood up.

"Boss! You're back!" The dark hedgehog stated.

"Yeah, Boss. We caught you a kitty! She had something gorgeous too!" The green hedgehog said excitedly as he quickly took out Blaze's signature necklace that he took from her.

The leader snatched  it and eyed it suspiciously.

"You said ya found me a kitty?" He asked.

"Yep!" The both said proudly.

"You two are idiots! Get her out of that f*cking cell and bring her in my office-Today!" The leader walked out the hall.

The two guards glanced at each other and shrugged.

They opened the door with a key and the dark hedgehog walked in..
"She's gone! Shit Manic, were gonna be toa-"

Blaze fell from the ceiling onto the male's back. He stumbled on the floor as Blaze bounced off him out of the cell door. She was then tackled by the green hedgehog, who was now on top of her holding her down.

"Dude she's still handcuffed! Get off the damn floor and help me!" The green hedgehog yelled at his friend. Before he could get his backup Blaze headbuted him and kicked him off her.

"Who the hell are you!?" The dark hedgehog asked.

Blaze got in a fighting stance even thought she couldn't use her hands. "Someone that you do NOT wish to mess with."


Blaze ran through the halls and rooms trying to escape this unknown place. Unfortunately she was still handcuffed but she was getting around fine.
Many doors were locked shut. In every room there was one Door unlocked as if she was being lead somewhere. Eventually Blaze waked in a large room that looked like an office. She saw what seemed to be another green hedgehog. He was facing away from her as he sat in a chair.

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