Chapter 1: Graduation

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After prom the rest of the was the school year smooth sailing. Shadow and Blaze finally became an official couple of the achool. Mostly labeled as the strongest couple. Unfortunately for Shadow they seemed to be the most popular couple as Blaze was liked by literally everyone.

Though this school year has been a bliss for Shadow and Blaze it was now graduation day. The graduation was hosted at the schools football stadium. All the parents and family members sat in the stands as the students sat in chairs on the field.

Blaze's parents couldn't make it nor did her mother feel it was very important to attend. Technically she already graduated much earlier in her own dimension. Instead, Marine and Perci were there for her. Perci was only allowed to come if he brought his body guards and helped Blaze get home.

After the students and a few teachers has given their speeches it was now time for the students to walk the stage. Earlier the semester the students applied for scholarships to schools. Whenever their name gets called to walk their awards will be announced as well. The principle, Jennifer Griffin, stood at the podium.

The students sat alphabetically by their first names, so Amy was first.

"Amy Rose, a pink hedgehog who was always kind to her classmates. Amy has applied and was accepted into The Scarlet Fashion school! Aside of that she would like to become a counselor and help troubling students in the future!" Principle Griffin smiled as she finished reading her paper and handed Amy her diploma. Amy waved at everyone as they cheered her on as she walked.

Next out of the group was Blaze..
"Princess Blaze, a firey purple cat who is actually from the Sol dimension. After her Graduation Blaze will...she will return to her kingdom..and continue with her royal duties?" Principle Griffin read her paper unsurely. As Blaze walked to retrieve her diploma. Her aunt gave her a concerned look as she handed it to her. Blaze took it thankfully  and continued to walk.

"Knuckles the echidna is one of our schools strongest students. Knuckles has applied and has been accepted into a college of arts where he will practice the art of Combat and fighting-how exciting!" Principle Griffin claps applauding knuckles.
Once he had his diploma in hand he raised it in the air as he flexed one of his arms.

As the list of students went on Blaze couldnt help but to turn around every now and then to look at Shadow to see how he is taking the ceremony.
Because they sat alphabetical her closet hedgehog friends sat a few rows behind her..and apparently all together. They're names oddly all start with an 'S'

Shadow smirks as he sent her a wink. Sonic made kissy faces to Shadow as Silver waved back at her. Scourge glared at Sonic for being well himself.

"Rouge the bat, a classy and...well mannered student here at Broken Arrow. She was given a scholarship from the  Scarlet Fashion school! Aside of that Rouge has been accepted into the G.U.N academy! So honorable!" The crowd clapped and cheered very loudly for Rouge as she walked the stage. It's so great that she is joining the force. She winks as she walked off stage as if it was a runway.

"Scourge !" The principle exclaimed excitedly as if she was surprised he showed up to the ceremony.
"A unique character he has indeed! After graduation Scourge will beginning Shadowing at a
Juvenile Behavioral Center. That's wonderful!"
Scourge nodded pleased with her words then snatched the diploma out of the principel's hands. As he walked back to his seat he flipped everyone and everything off. Ah Scourge.

" Shadow, a spectacular athlete known by  many. Shadow has been given a full ride scholarship from the G.U.N academy! After graduation Shadow plans to...keep proving how he is the ultimate Lifeform.." principle Griffin questions what she just read. 

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