Chapter 2: Princess Blaze

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It has now been exactly 3 months since everyone had graduated highschool and was doing their own thing. Blaze sat in her office room. She had finished her duties for the day including signing off on a few papers.

BLAZE POV~~~~~~~~~~
As I finished signing the last of my papers I sat back into my chair. It's been 2 months and nothing from him. "Oh Shadow. What is going on with you?" 
I stood up from my desk to walk to the counter near by.

I recalled even my parents asking me of my friends. I remember how mother laughed when I told her that I haven't gotten anything from my friends. She claims it was all temporary and that I should focus on....on Perci and I's relationship.
I shuddered as I tapped in my invisible password onto the counter.

The counter then began shifting and changed into my vault. I opened it thinking of Silver's chaos emerald.
It's odd to just have them out and about like they do.
I nodded my head as I smiled at all 7 sol emeralds
That I am bound to protect.

Great they are all in place. I then closed the vault as I flopped back in my chair.. I am rather tired.

I stared at the ceiling in deep thought.

Something isn't right. When he visits tomorrow I'll ask of Shadow one more time....

I miss very much.
I hope he misses me as well.

I jumped back into my reality when the door to my room knocked.

"Ah, c-come in!" I sat up quickly fixing my Posture.

"Miss Blaze. Would you like to know what your schedule consists of tomorrow?" Marine walks in looking at her list.

My favorite time of the evening.. note my sarcasm.
"Not really Marine...could you possibly leave it on my nightstand in my bedroom?" I got up and stretched.  I need a break. Sometime to myself as he would say..

"Of course..." Marine paused as she looked down.

Oh no it seems that I have upset her. Well she does enjoy reading her well together list..
"I would love for you to read it to me in the morning." I smiled crossing my arms.

Crossing arms is negative body language that I would never mimic in my own castle. seeing Shadow do it for several seems I cannot shake this habit.

I unfolded them quickly  as Marine nodded.
"Will you be..out this night?"


"Could ya be careful for me? No one can emotionally afford to lose you." Marine puts her hands on her hip as she squinted her eyes.

"Yes of course." I nod. "I'll be heading to my room now. Thank you, Marine." I gesture for Marine to leave as I then left for my own bedroom.

Of course I will be out tonight. I need to breathe.
Will my parents know about it? Absolutely not.

Once I have entered my own room I began changing out of my dress. A dress simply won't do. I looked at my wardrobes find nothing but fancy clothing.
This won't work at all.
I look over my shoulder to see a throw blanket on my bed. That'll work..I think.

I clothed myself with white leggings, an undershirt and threw the blanket over my shoulders.

I then turned off my light and looked out my window. The guards below patrolled
Strictly, so I took it upon myself to go up.

I climbed on the roof and paused at the view.
"Shadow would have loved this view... perhaps.
Perhaps mother was right." I dared say aloud.

Stop thinking about this Blaze. Focus on the night, and the streets.
I looked down and slid off the roof outside of the castle grounds.

I will be walking the streets tonight
I roamed the streets in awe seeing the shops lit up with bright lanterns. It was beautiful. The streets weren't loud and was as peaceful as the Garden itself.

Why am I not allowed out here?

All the gifts and items were adorable. I wanted a few for my own room. Perhaps I should not show my face.

As I roamed and adored the light there seemed to be fewer and fewer.
"Perhaps I need to find a clearing."
I say to myself as I keep my head down.

Wait. Something does not seem right.

"Who's there?" I said aloud freezing in place.
I turned around to see a dark figure at the end of what seems to be an alleyway. I glance back seeing another slowly approaching me.

Oh no I have to act fast.

Suddenly a figure fell from above me. I paused at him I..I was stunned. Is that?..

"Don't make this hard.."
The figure before me wore a hood that was torn at the shoulders revealing his arms that were black with a red stripe coming from his hand..
I could not see anything within the darkness of his hood, but his red crimson eyes.

Before I could do anything the familiar looking figure grabbed me and forced a cloth to my face.

Shadow? Was that him? Why....why would he do this??
~~~~~3RD POV~~~~~~


The next day Blaze was in her training grounds with Perci.
The two were thinking aloud to one another and how he could used his shapeshiting to his advantage in a fighting scene.

"So is there anything you cannot change into?" Blaze looked up from her journal.

"Not that I know of." Perci shrugs. "Are you really writing all of this down?"

"Of course. I believe it is very important to keep the information on paper. It's very interesting." Blaze then looked at her watch on her wrist. "Isn't it about time for you to go? You have a meeting in Darkmire, correct ?"

"Yeah..don't kick me out though.." he rolled his eyes.. "Hey- it's been three months. Has anyone came to visit you? A call even?" Perci looked concerned. "I know Silver had to have been here."

She shook her head.. "Ah...about that..." Blaze closed her journal. "Shadow message before he went into his academy..since then I haven't heard from him."

"Blaze, that was months ago.." Perci warned.

"I know..I'm worried about him.." Blaze whispers.
"Aside from that I have been visiting by S-."

"Hold that thought, Flames!" Perci's phone began ringing. He quickly took it out and answered it as if his life depended on it.

"He-hey mom.." He glanced to Blaze with a frightening face.

The two then jumped from the Ferocious yelling that came from the other line. As Perci's mom continued to rant he mouthed the words 'I'm gonna go' to Blaze.

She attempted to hold in  her laughter as she waved Perci goodbye for the day. She then began walking back to her own room before she was  approached by a guard.

"My Lady!"

"Yes?" Blaze answered with a faint smile.

"Your visitor is here, my lady."

"Oh! Lead me the way,please." Blaze held her journal to her chest excitedly.

Who could that be?

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