Chapter 12: chao

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Scourge froze and spoke as he glared "Woah-what the fuck? Blaze wha-"

"Scourge, these are my visitors.." Blaze turned to them. "You may speak."

Silver shrieked "Blaze! Why are we here!?"

"I thought it was obvious." Blaze turned to her friends again. "I'm here to speak with Scourge." She gestures nonchalantly.

Sonic glared at the green one. "Oh.. it's you.." he spoke in disgust. "Criminal."

"I heard he robbed a bank in our dimension before disappearing!!" Amy exclaimed joining in.

Blaze glanced to Scrouge for clarification. Scourge rolled his eyes as he shrugs. "No one died. If anything I think I broke someone's hand."

In that case Blaze shrugged  it off as well.
In response to this her group of friends look at blaze in disbelief.  They were completely baffled on how Blaze could do this! She's a goodie two shoes, and always does what's right.

Even Rouge was surprise as she voiced her own concerns "You're joking right? Did you just shrug that off?"

There was a small window of silence and Scourge got comfy in his chair. He raised a brow at Rouge. . "Don't be a hyprocrite Jewls~.." he says smoothly.

"Blaze.." Shadow calls her.

Blaze turns around nonchalantly "Hm?"

He started walking to the door. "Let's go out in the hall for a moment.." he says blankly.

Without another thought going through her head Blaze follows silently.

"Ooo secrects??" Scrouge laughed as they closed the door.

The two stood in the hall. Both of then leaned against the wall.
Shadow started first. "Um..what the hell have you been up to these past few months?"

Blaze paused as she just registered his question.

"You heard me." He says blankly.

Blaze folded her arms and tilted her head. "Something wrong? Do you not like that I have been spending time with Scrouge every now and then?"

"You being nice to him at school is fine,but you can't trust him-Blaze." He calmly states.

"I can trust that he won't treat my differently after being gone for a couple of months." Blaze says in a matter-of-fact tone.  She recalled him acting the same as if she been seeing him since highschool. He even might have matured a bit.

Shadow looked to the ground in almost defeat. He knows something is off with him, but he cant just put a finger on it. He doesn't have an excuse. She made a good point.

Blaze continues to speak. "Where have you been? You stopped calling, and texting me.." her sass disappeared as she looked worried.

Shadow set his hand on the side of Blaze's face and wiped a tear from it.

Blaze closed her eyes as she sighed.
"Either way...Scourge and I are alleys now, and you should deal with it because it is not changing-not unless I say so." She finished in confidence.

The two starred at one another in silence. Shadow nodded "I trust you.." he says honestly.

"Thank you. Let's go back inside." Blaze begin to walk back inside. Shadow followed her silently.

Once the two got back in Sonic and Rouge was seen obviously beefing with Scrouge.
Scourge still hasent gotten up from his desk  as he was focused on attempting to light a cigar. The lighter wasn't igniting at all.

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