Chapter 10: sneak

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"I know just who to ask!" Blaze said with a smile on her face.

Everyone looked at Blaze oddly as she carefully and quickly handed her sword to a servant. She then began taking off her own armor for another servant to put away.
"Sonic go ahead and take off your armor as well. Everyone come with me to head to my room."

Blaze quickly waked to her room with a smile on her face. Her friends followed snd stopped at her doorway.

"Um Blaze? Where are we going?" Silver asked suspiciously

"Yeah, do you know who stole the emerald?" Sonic does the same.

Blaze pulled a large box from under her bed and began taking clothes out of it.

"I need you all to change into something discret. We're going into town. Im sure out of all the clothes i have everyone could find something.." she rummages through the box.

"Discret? Are we not suppose to be going into town?" Silver pesters for more answers.

"Not exactly. We have to sneak out.."

" not very agile.." Tikal says aloud to herself. This isn't really her cup of tea.

"Neither am I." Tails says nervously

"Its alright,Tikal. You, Tails and Marine can stay here but we must keep in touch. Things could possibly go bad.."

"Blaze you're making me nervous...where are we going.." silver asks again but was ignored

"Mmm maybe I should stay too..." knuckles glances down to Tikal. "I cant have anything happen to Tikal."

"Of course." Blaze nodded.

Marine stood proudly "Alright then! You three can come with me."

"And I shall Take the hedgehogs...and Rouge." Blaze looked to her friends.
"Now grab some clothes and let us get going!"

The group of 6 walked the streets in their new clothes.

"So blaze... you never said were we are going.." silver asks again. He needs some clarification.

"Are we gonna see a villian and harras him for the emerald?"  Sonic pumps his fist ready for some action.

"Not exactly" Blaze giggles.

"Aside from that i love this look you got going on here." Amy says happily as she gasps "Blaze you even put on some eyeliner!"

Rouge sighs and mumbles "Anyone could pull off some eyeliner though."

"Thank you Amy. Sneaking out into the night is the only time i get to Pretend to not be a princess. To answer your questions we are visiting a friend." Blaze smiled cooly.

Amy walks beside Blaze "Lets say that you didnt have to be royalty for the rest of your life. What would you want to do?"

Blaze paused. "Id love to educate younger generations and help everyone embrace and understand their gifts and powers."

"Thats sweet." she smiles.

Sonic nodded. "That's cool. If poeple get more confident with their powers then id have  more people to fight off eggnan!"

"Im aware that not all schools alow student to use their im grateful i went to Broken Arrow." Blaze says aloud as she closes her eyes.

"Well cant you two ask your parents if you could attend college.." Amy asks about the schooling.

Blaze paused. Taking college classes. She could use a degree under her belt. "Ive never thought of that.."

"Well im not in school now but ill attend with you so you wouldnt be all alone.." sonic says happily.

After more thought Blaze nodded to herself. Maybe it won't be so bad.
"Once we solve this situation then perhaps i will.."

Blaze let the group into a few alleyways the darkness hid them for the most part.

"This place is did you end up here?" Rouge glared at the dark walls.

"Well i was kidnapped the first time." Blaze says nonchalantly.

"What?" Everyone gasps quietly.

"You let tourself get kidnapped??" Shadow says as if he was scolding Blaze.
Blaze turned around to him.
"I...i was distracted."

They began approaching the end of the alleyway.
"Either way it worked out in the end. Now please do not speak until I introduce you all." She instructs them.

Blaze turned to the door and used one of her claws to tap on the door 7 times.
The door slit open revealing a pair of red eyes.

Blaze flashed her signature necklace that she wore to the pair of eyes.

"Come in Gold-wait who the hell are these guys?"

Blaze glanced back to her friends then back to the male peaking out tye door.

"Are you scared that one of them will replace you, Skip?" She taunts.

"Does the boss know you're bringing them." The figure ignores her question and went back to the company.

Blaze sat a hand on her hip and glared.
"Get the fuck out of my way before I decide to send you to the infirmary."

Blaze's friends froze from her language.

The guy at the door opens it widely so that everyone coukd walk in. After they waked in their atteention was directed to all the thugs in the large room. They all looked at the newcomers with suspicious.

"Ignore them and follow me.." Blaze smiled to her friends and motioned for them to follow her. Once they left the room rouge spoke suddenly.

"Blaze-what is this?!"

"Shut up." Blaze turns around quickly. "You will not speak until I introduce you." She hissed.

the group stopped at a door that looked slightly nicer than the whole building.
Blaze then lightly kicks the door a few times as if she was tapping in a secret code.

"It's unlocked!" Yelled a male on the other side of the door.

Blaze smiled as she nodded and opened the door.
Everyone followed Blaze into the large office. It even had a bed in it.

A green hedgehog was focused on a cigar he was attempting to light, but the lighter wouldn't ignite . He was so focused he didn't even bother to look up at his guest. "Hey hottstuff, I thought you said you couldn't come by tonight? Anyways my lighter went out could you he-."

The hedgehog froze when he glanced up at Blaze who waved as she closed the door behind her friends.

To Rekindle a Fire( A shadaze lovestory) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum