Chapter 146-150:

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Chapter 146: Discussion

  "Grandpa, this is a rare opportunity. After this metal acquisition, if we do a little bit of manipulation, there will be a very large profit margin!"
  Aris flew back to the family home that day and interviewed his grandfather Carter in person.
  Aris comes from the Clara family, which was a very famous gangster organization in the last century. However, in this century, the gang gradually began to decline, and their family also began to decline.
  The Clara family split into two parts in this century. One part continued to stay in Italy to maintain the family's traditional industry, and the other immigrated to the United States to run emerging industries here and seek transformation for the family.
  Aris and his brother Bruce are both direct descendants. Logically speaking, they need to stay in Italy to inherit the family business. However, Bruce has no idea of ​​inheriting the family business. When he became an adult, he went to the United States to start investing in biotechnology and became successful in this field. Things are booming.
  Aris was influenced by his brother and was unwilling to stay in Italy. He also came to the United States with him when he was still underage. However, he was not interested in the field of biotechnology, so he did not follow his brother Bruce.
  After the coming-of-age ceremony, Aris also received an entrepreneurial fund supported by his family. Aris had not yet thought about what kind of industry he wanted to do, so he temporarily bought gold in the gray area and helped people deal with some gold that was not easy to see the light of day, so as to earn some money. Small money.
  It's just that Aris didn't expect to meet such a big fish as Suchen.
  The amount of Su Chen's transaction this time was too large. Aris thought that the money would not go to outsiders, so instead of finding other people to share the metal, it would be better to ask his family for help.
  "Aris, are you sure the S you said didn't deceive you?"
  Unlike Aris, who is of mixed race, Carter has a typical Italian look, with brown hair, brown eyes, and a white beard as fluffy and thick as a bubble on his chin.
  Judging from his appearance, he is just a kind and ordinary old man. No one would associate him with the once all-powerful gang boss.
  However, being able to allow the family to rise in an environment like that of the last century, and to find a new way out for the family when the gangs are declining, this old man is obviously not an ordinary old man.
  "I have known S for a long time, and I know him well. He would not make such a joke with me. Moreover, I did business with him last time, and S is really capable of obtaining these precious metals."
  Aris spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders and said, "Besides, Grandpa, we pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other. The money will not be transferred until we see the goods. What's the point of him lying to me?"
  And unlike the last cash transaction, this time such a large amount must have been transferred.
  Aris doesn't transfer money, so Su Chen couldn't get the money even if he wanted to lead others.
  "This amount of money is huge. If it is taken out, it will definitely affect the family's capital chain. This involves the entire family. We need to hold a family meeting to decide whether to agree."
  Although Carter didn't agree directly, he knew what he meant by his words, and he was inclined to agree in his heart.
  It's just that the transaction amount this time is too large, and it is not an easy task for Carter with hundreds of millions of dollars.
  The Clara family belongs to the old money family. Compared with the new money family that has emerged in this century, these old money families do not have huge funds. They have more family properties, such as manors, antique horses, etc.
  In addition, Carter has distributed a lot of assets and money to his juniors over the years. Now, in order to collect the money, some assets need to be mortgaged or auctioned.
  Although Carter alone can make the decision on this matter, after all, family assets are involved, so he still wants to hold a family meeting to consult the whole family's opinions.
  "S only gave three days, Grandpa, we don't have much time to hesitate." Aris sighed and reminded.
  Because time was urgent, Su Chen's price was not overpriced, giving him a large profit margin.
  It is precisely because of this that Aris rushed back in such a hurry.
  "Don't worry, let's wait until everyone comes back tonight."
  Carter was calmer than Aris and decided to hold a meeting to inform other members of the family.
  Italy pays more attention to family, and the Carrara family also has the habit of holding family gatherings.
  I received a notice from Carter today, and basically all the family members who were able to make it back are back.
  "Thank you my Lord for this, Amen."
  The family prayed neatly before the meal and officially started the evening dinner.
  The Carter family also has the custom of discussing matters during meals. After dinner started, Carter brought up the business brought by Aris.
  "Aris, has this friend of yours struck a gold mine? But if he goes through formal channels, he can make a lot more profits, right? Why does he still come to you?"
  Some family members raised doubts. Being able to take out such a large sum of gold must not be a small force. Su Chen could hold it in his hands and operate it slowly, making a lot of profits.
  Not to mention palladium, a very scarce metal.
  But now Su Chen only takes quick money and gives away all the subsequent profits. This is like a piece of pie suddenly falling from the sky and hitting Aris on the head. Everyone will inevitably become suspicious.
  "This involves customer privacy, Aunt Alice. You also know that in our business, we only deal with transactions regardless of the source."
  Aris looked at his aunt who raised doubts and said very bachelorly.
  Private buying and selling of gold is not illegal in the United States as long as it does not involve taxation and other issues.
  But they were all traded privately, so there must be some problem with the source of the gold. The customer was willing to sell with less profit, and the store made the profit difference. Both parties did not interfere with each other, and everyone was happy.
  Aris was in this business, so he had to abide by the rules. If Su Chen didn't mention the source of the gold, it was naturally impossible for him to take the initiative to ask.
  Moreover, even if he knew that Su Chen's gold might have come from an evil source, would he not accept it?
  Come on, how did their Clara family get started?
  They dare to get involved in any business except drugs.
  "It doesn't matter what its source is, even if S stole the gold from the US treasury, as long as he gets the gold, we will accept it!" one of Aris's uncles said nonchalantly.
  "That's right! Aris has encountered a good opportunity this time. If he misses it out of fear, other families won't know how to laugh at us if they find out!"
  "I think this business will work, and I support Aris!"
  Immediately afterwards, other family members also began to express their opinions, and everyone almost unanimously supported the transaction.
  After all, he started out as a gangster, so he is very brave.
  "Okay, then this deal is settled."
  Carter finally made the decision, and at the same time arranged for several people to mortgage the family's antiques to raise funds.
  After all, they are a big family, and they have many connections and background. However, the funds are already prepared in just one day.
  Because the amount involved this time was large, no further payment was made in cash.
  They opened a Swiss bank account and deposited all their money in the account.
  Regarding this point, Su Chen also said that there is no problem, there is Tuantuan, and there is no need to worry about what tricks the Clara family will play.
  The location of the transaction was still chosen in Aris' brother's technology laboratory last time.
  Suchen put all the gold in the truck and drove out.
  "S, you came alone. I have to say that you really trust me."
  Aris was waiting for Su Chen at the door. When he saw that he came alone this time, he couldn't help but sigh.
  That's all for last time, this time the transaction volume is so large, and the profits included can make even people from a big family like them jealous.
  But Su Chen came here alone.
  Isn't he afraid of them taking advantage of others?
  "In addition to trusting you, I also have my own confidence." Su Chen responded calmly.
  He dared to come here alone, naturally because he knew through Tuantuan that the Clara family was serious about doing business and had no plans to take advantage of others.
  If the Clara family wanted to swallow Su Chen's gold, Su Chen would have blocked Aris and found another buyer.
  Of course, even if Aris and the others change their mind temporarily, Su Chen has many cards and is still capable of protecting himself.
  Aris smiled, didn't say much more on this topic, and led Su Chen in.
  Arriving at the door of the laboratory, there was a team of twenty people neatly lined up at the door. These are today's coolie porters. They will carry the gold and weigh it.
  Weigh it first and then take it to the laboratory for testing.
  Su Chen stopped the car, got out of the car and opened the back door of the car.
  The door opened, and the gold inside seemed to emit bursts of light, dazzling the eyes of those present.
  Aris couldn't hold it back and let out an exclamation.
  Su Chen glanced at Aris and gave him a look, signaling Aris' people to take action.
  Aris understood and snapped his fingers behind him, and the man in black behind him immediately started taking action.
  The twenty of them were divided into five groups, with four people in each group. Two were responsible for carrying the gold, one was measuring, and the other was recording the data.
  Because the division of labor is clear and they have been practiced in advance, these people's movements are very smooth and fast.
  "S, will there be business in the future?"
  Aris handed Su Chen a cigarette. When Su Chen shook his head and refused, he didn't smoke it himself. He put the cigarette back into the box and put it in his pocket.
  "The metal business probably won't happen in the short term. As for the future, it depends on the situation."
  Su Chen is now seeking to transform and prepare to start a technology and entertainment company. He is not very interested in reselling gold.
  But Su Chen didn't stop talking.
  After all, he has just explored the city of Kagan in the wasteland, and there is a whole world waiting for him to explore. If he gets gold and other things later, is it possible for him to keep it and not sell it?
  However, Su Chen will definitely not package it up and sell it to Aris as cheaply as now.
  Su Chen has his own company and may consider operating related industries in the future.
  "We are all old acquaintances, and our cooperation has been so pleasant these few times. S, if there is any good business in the future, don't forget about brother."
  Aris used chatting time to chat with Su Chen and build friendship. Su Chen also treated these things casually and did not make any practical promises.
  Aris's men moved very quickly. The gold on the car was removed one after another and weighed. The data obtained was exactly the same as the data given by Su Chen, and there was no error.
  It can be seen that Su Chen conducts business based on integrity and does not play tricks secretly to deliberately harm others.
  Of course, this premise is that the other party also treats him with integrity.
  Author's gossip: Thanks to the card-issuing sister (4437905) for supporting me, okay! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading

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