Chapter 51-55:

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Chapter 51: Cleanup

  Nangong Shouyi and the others are just ordinary people, and these snakes, insects, rats, and ants, even at low levels, are mutated and very fast. They can't kill many with their stroke shooting skills.
  Therefore, Nangong Shouyi also adjusted his strategy in time and spread the medicine from house to house, not sparing every corner.
  The repellent was very irritating to the alien species, and some of them with weak resistance twitched and fell to the ground.
  Nangong Shouyi and the others couldn't deal with the running alien species, so why couldn't they deal with it when it fell to the ground?
  Several people have a clear division of labor.
  Bai Deshou and Zeng Minglang spread the medicine, Nangong Shouyi shot and killed the aliens, and the remaining three Jiang Yan were responsible for disposing of the bodies of the aliens.
  When Su Chen arrived, he saw a lot of corpses of snakes, insects, rats, and ants piled up in the open space.
  There were not many in number, only a few dozen, and some were quite small. Thanks to Nangong Shouyi and the others, they were careful and patient enough to search them out.
  "Are you sure you found everything?"
  Su Chen frowned. Although these were mutated alien species, they were not very big. Some were not much bigger than ordinary cockroaches.
  If there are alien species hiding and not found, the hidden danger will be huge!
  "Don't worry, boss, Uncle Zeng has used infrared scanning, and everything alive on the surface is here." Nangong Shouyi quickly explained.
  If you rely solely on people, there will always be some oversights.
  It was scanned by a machine, but nothing was missed.
  Su Chen nodded slightly, Zeng Minglang and these people really saved the right people!
  Really capable.
  "Boss, our idea is to open an outlet, then use odorant to attract one species from the sewer, and solve it part by part..."
  Nangong Shouyi told Su Chen their subsequent solution.
  Attract the alien species from the sewer little by little, and then deal with them.
  Although this method is slow, it is very safe, at least there will be no problems.
  However, they don't know how big the sewer is in Wutai Township and where it is connected to.
  If it's a big place and there are a lot of alien species hidden there, the processing timeline will also be stretched. The most important thing is that the amount of medicine that needs to be consumed is immeasurable.
  "No matter how much insect repellent is consumed, the sewers down here must be cleaned."
  Su Chen didn't mind using any amount of insect repellent. The safety of Wutai Township must be guaranteed.
  Comparatively speaking, it is safer to stay here in Wutai Township and spend some medicine to slowly clean up the alien species than to wander around the land of death and find a base.
  For the former, as long as they are willing to spray chemicals, their safety can still be guaranteed even if there are alien species in the sewers.
  The latter, this is the land of death. Who knows how many alien species there are out there that are like level three alien lizards, and there are even those that are higher than it.
  Insect repellent is not a panacea. If these alien species are hiding underground, repellent will not drive them away.
  If you accidentally break into the territory of a high-level alien species, you will be giving food to people.
  Anyway, Su Chen has no shortage of resources now. Even if he piles up insect repellent potion, he will build a safe fortress in this place of death!
  "Got it, boss!"
  Nangong Shouyi had already guessed Su Chen's thoughts and was not surprised. He nodded in agreement.
  "Boss Su, it's almost done!"
  Zeng Minglang and others saw Su Chen coming and came forward to report the situation.
  When Su Chen came over, the work was basically finished.
  After so much time, the remaining two villas have also been scanned and inspected.
  "Thank you for your hard work, everyone."
  Su Chen saw everyone's tired looks and knew that everyone was exhausted during the few hours he left. He looked at Nangong Shouyi and said: "Shouyi, there is water I brought in the warehouse. You and everyone Let’s go and wash up together. I brought food. After washing up, let’s eat something to replenish our strength!”
  "Okay, boss!"
  Zeng Minglang and Bai Deshou stayed to report to Su Chen, while Nangong Shouyi left first with the others.
  "Boss, what are you going to do with these alien corpses? Do you want to collect them and sell them?" Zeng Minglang asked.
  Planting in the wasteland is difficult, and these alien species are an important source of food for people.
  Because of this, the profession of corpse hunter was born.
  Bring these alien corpses back, and after processing, they can become raw materials for nutrients.
  Zeng Minglang and the others had taken a lot of these nutritional supplements before.
  If the following series of things had not happened to Nangong Shouyi, he would have been forced to take nutritional supplements made by alien species in order to survive.
  Although there are not many alien species accumulated here, there are quite a few in the sewers.
  Just now, Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi said they wanted to clean the sewers, but they heard it.
  This also means that there will be no shortage of corpses of these alien species in the future.
  "Boss, these mutants have heavy remnants of insect repellent on their bodies. If they are sold, they will be detected..." Bai Deshou reminded with a frown.
  Once or twice is nothing. If the alien corpses sold for a long time have residues of anthelmintics, it will only attract the attention of interested people.
  "Burn it."
  Su Chen shook his head. The profit from canned food was much greater than selling alien corpses. How could he go into the business of selling alien corpses while the canned food business was insufficient?
  "Burn, burn..."
  Bai Deshou was stunned. He thought that Su Chen had either sold them or used them as raw materials to make nutritional supplements for them to eat. However, he did not expect that Su Chen wanted to burn them all.
  "The weather is hot, and if you leave it, it will rot quickly and breed bacteria."
  Su Chen never thought of giving these to his own people.
  He had heard that if you take too many of these nutrients, your body may undergo changes.
  Even for his own safety, he couldn't let others eat these things.
  "I remember buying a flamethrower and bringing it over later to burn the bodies and dispose of them."
  Su Chen thought for a moment and added, "If you have crystals, remember to collect them all and give them to me!"
  The crystal stone plays a great role in Su Chen, and the upgrade and charging of the time and space mark currently rely on it.
  No matter how small the mosquito is, it is still flesh. No matter how few crystals there are, he will not let it go.
  "Okay, boss!"
  Zeng Minglang drove to the warehouse, took out the flamethrower and burned all the piled corpses.
  Although the alien species has mutated, it is still a carbon-based creature. The temperature of the flamethrower is very high, and the light blue flame is sprayed over, and it quickly turns into a pile of coke.
  The crystal material is special and cannot be destroyed by flames.
  Su Chen and Zeng Minglang worked together to clear away the charcoal and found a lot of crystal stones inside.
  As long as there are mutant organisms, there will be crystals in their bodies.
  The mutants in the sewers account for the vast majority.
  Therefore, many of those captured today have crystals formed in their bodies.
  But it's a pity that all the crystals inside are white crystals, which are the lowest grade crystals. No high-grade crystals are seen.
  When he was in Kagan City before, Su Chen also learned a lot of information about crystal stones.
  The lowest level crystal stone, that is, white crystal, comes from newly mutated mutants.
  As long as a creature survives the mutation, a crystal will be formed in its body.
  For first-level genetic warriors like Zeng Kangshun, the crystals in their bodies are white crystals.
  After the second level, the body's evolutionary direction is clear. According to different evolutionary directions, the crystals in the body will also appear in different colors.
  Crystal stones of different colors have different effects.
  For example, the green crystal that Feng Yinghuai gave to Su Chen had healing and regenerative functions and could be used to treat various diseases and wounds.
  Other blue crystals, red crystals, orange crystals, amethysts, etc. also have different effects.
  The higher the level, the darker the color of the crystals in the body, and the more obvious the effect.
  Su Chen simply counted them and found a total of thirty-six white crystals.
  Although he knew that all germs had been killed by the high-temperature disinfection of the flamethrower, Su Chen still cleaned them and disinfected them with high-concentration alcohol before putting them in bags.
  With these crystals, Su Chen will be able to find a chance to test the effect of the crystals on time and space marks later.
  "Uncle Zeng, Uncle Bai, you should go wash up too."
  Su Chen didn't let the two of them stay any longer and asked them to wash up too.
  There are shower gel and shampoo brought by Su Chen in the warehouse, plus a lot of water resources, which is enough to wash everyone clean.
  A group of people had taken a shower, their bodies smelled delicious, and the fatigue of the afternoon seemed to have been washed away.
  However, although fatigue has been washed away, hunger cannot be washed away.
  After a busy afternoon, everyone was so hungry that their chests were touching their backs.
  Su Chen placed all the food on the table and then sent a message to everyone asking them to come over for dinner.
  Today is everyone's first day here. In order to celebrate everyone's joining the company, Su Chen gathered everyone together and had a meal together.
  From now on, everyone can just eat in their own way after receiving the food.
  You can have a sense of ritual, but it doesn't have to be there every day.
  Otherwise, it will be a burden to Su Chen and others.
  Considering that no one has eaten natural food very much and may not be able to tolerate heavy-flavored food, Su Chen ordered Cantonese food, which is light, fresh and sweet.
  Su Chen wasn't sure whether other people's tastes matched his taste, but according to Su Chen's understanding, Nangong Shouyi would like to eat it.
  Sautéed pork ribs with soy sauce, kale with ginger sauce, salt and pepper pork chop, tomato redwood fish, satay fat beef vermicelli clay pot, fried beans with shrimp paste, small yellow croaker tofu soup and a serving of cucumber.
  The portions of the dishes were quite large, with eight dishes and several large boxes of rice filling the table.
  Afraid of not having enough to eat, Su Chen also brought out a few bags of bread.
  In addition to the dishes, there are also several bottles of iced drinks and cola drinks.
  In short, Su Chen couldn't guarantee whether today's staff meal would suit everyone's taste, but it would definitely satisfy everyone!
  "smell good!"
  Nangong Shouyi spent the longest time with Su Chen, so he was not as restrained as others. After entering the room and smelling the smell, he excitedly ran to the dining table and asked, "Boss, what's delicious?!"
  Probably because he knew Su Chen's temperament, Nangong Shouyi, who was out of work, was very relaxed in front of him and didn't mind showing his childish side at all.
  Author's gossip: Thanks to the card-issuing sister (4437905) for supporting me, okay! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading

Chapter 52: Preparation

TRAVELING BETWEEN TWO WORLDS: I have a city in the end of the worldWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt