Chapter 46-50:

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Chapter 46: Leaving

  "Not with!"
  Feng Yinghuai frowned. He had previously guessed that there were experts around Su Chen to protect him, and he would send people to follow him. If he was discovered, the goodwill he had finally built up would be in vain.
  "Yes, Master."
  Feng Lai naturally did not dare to disobey Feng Yinghuai's order. He thought for a moment and said, "Young Master, I asked the people who protected Zeng Minglang to withdraw as well."
  "Well, withdraw it."
  Feng Yinghuai nodded slightly.
  Seeing that Feng Yinghuai agreed, Feng Lai sent the message.
  "But young master, Manager Su just left. If he doesn't come back, we..."
  Feng Lai was worried about the transaction. What would they do if Su Chen left?
  "Even so, we have nothing to lose."
  Although Feng Yinghuai gave away two level four crystal stones, he also received a self-heating hot pot from Su Chen.
  There are many precious natural ingredients in this self-heating hot pot, and the taste is very delicious. If you can trade it in a big city, you may not be able to exchange it for two fourth-level crystal stones.
  If Su Chen left and never came back, he would have nothing to lose.
  But Feng Yinghuai didn't think Su Chen would do this.
  Feng Yinghuai could see that Su Chen was very satisfied with him and expressed his intention to trade with him, otherwise he would not have exchanged AP numbers with him.
  "When doing business, you have to be calm and patient."
  Feng Yinghuai saw Feng Lai's hesitation and suggested.
  Feng Yinghuai has done everything he can, and the next step is to wait for the results.
  "Yes, Master!"
  Feng Yinghuai said so, and Feng Lai could only suppress his worry and eagerness and wait patiently for Su Chen's reply.
  On the other side, Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi drove to the city gate to meet Zeng Minglang.
  "Boss, let me test your AP for you to prevent them from intercepting the signal emitted by your AP and tracking you."
  Nangong Shouyi saw the car driving some distance away from the hotel, looked at Su Chen and said.
  "You know these things..."
  Su Chen still trusted Nangong Shouyi. He gave him access to his AP and asked him to investigate. At the same time, he said with emotion, "It seems that the technology in the shelter you were in was indeed very advanced."
  When he arrived at the hotel room last night, when Nangong Shouyi scanned the room to see if there was any surveillance equipment, Su Chen had already seen Nangong Shouyi's methods.
  At that time, he also wanted to ask a few more questions, but Su Chen was too tired at that time, so tired that he could hardly open his eyes, so he did not continue to ask.
  "My AP is quite special. It was left to me by my father..."
  Nangong Shouyi scanned the AP for Su Chen, blocking out information exploration, and explained to Su Chen: "I will talk to the boss in detail about my matters when we get back to the base."
  Although the two of them didn't get along for long, Nangong Shouyi noticed Su Chen's conduct and protection of him.
  Nangong Shouyi has sincerely recognized Su Chen as the boss in his heart and sincerely wants to work for him.
  Since he is sincere, then naturally he should not continue to hide his true abilities.
  So Nangong Shouyi was ready to reveal everything about himself, which could be regarded as showing his loyalty to Su Chen.
  Su Chen was slightly dazed. After reacting, he realized that Nangong Shouyi was really opening his heart to her. He was relieved and a little happy at the same time.
  Although he was initially tempted by Nangong Shouyi and others, as long as they didn't choose to betray Su Chen, Su Chen was actually quite good to them.
  Even if something happened to them, Su Chen's first reaction would be to save them instead of leaving them alone.
  Now that Nangong Shouyi is willing to surrender, Su Chen is naturally happy.
  We had to rush on the road and it was really not a good time to talk, so Su Chen didn't ask any more questions.
  When the two arrived at the city gate, Zeng Minglang and others were already waiting.
  Last night, Zeng Minglang and the others packed up everything, and arrived at the city gate early this morning before dawn. They had been waiting for a while.
  Mainly because of what happened to Liu Meier yesterday, Zeng Minglang and others felt a sense of crisis.
  They were unwilling to stay in Kagan City for another day, and eagerly hoped to leave this place with Su Chen as soon as possible.
  "Boss Su!"
  Seeing the oncoming vehicle, Zeng Minglang and others were excited. It was not until Su Chen lowered the window glass and saw that the people coming were Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi that everyone relaxed.
  The frightened group of people were like frightened birds.
  The slightest abnormality can easily make them nervous.
  "Is everyone here?" Su Chen asked.
  "Boss Su, everyone is here, you can leave now!" Zeng Minglang said quickly.
  "Okay, you guys follow my car and let's go."
  Su Chen didn't stop either and drove ahead.
  It was still early, and there were not many vehicles at the city gate. Seeing their large convoy, they thought it was some large caravan, and no one came over to look for trouble.
  The group of people successfully left the city gate and headed towards the Land of Death.
  After leaving the city gate and driving for a while, the crowds gradually began to become sparse.
  The direction they were going was to the place of death. Unless absolutely necessary, no one would easily set foot in this place.
  Seeing that there was no one around, Su Chen loaded the drone with insect repellent and put it out to explore the path.
  If you see zombies and alien species in front of you, use potions to drive them away.
  "The boss is so extravagant!"
  Bai Deshou, who was sitting in the car behind him, couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he saw Su Chen spraying potion after pot without paying for it.
  He just opened the window and smelled it.
  The potion was not well made, the flavor was not strong enough, and it was not stable enough. It would not last long before the flavor would dissipate into the air.
  In other words, Su Chen had a lot of money and could spray one can after another to achieve the effect of removing it on a large area.
  However, this method was too extravagant. Even if Kagan City encountered a zombie wave, the amount of insect repellent used would probably not be as much as Su Chen's.
  If other people saw what Su Chen was doing, they might call him a prodigal.
  Bai Deshou just felt sorry for the potion, but he didn't scold Su Chen in his heart.
  Su Chen explained to them that the technology of the shelter he was in was backward, and the current potion was probably limited by technological means and could not be further purified.
  Bai Deshou purchased equipment this time. It was a high-end chemical instrument that Kagan City would not sell. Even if it was sold, a poor man like him in the lower city would not be qualified to buy it.
  However, he still bought the equipment needed to purify the medicine.
  When he arrived at the base and had a place to conduct experiments, he must improve the medicine as soon as possible. He must not let Su Chen continue to be so fussy.
  People in different majors look at things differently.
  In Bai Deshou's eyes, Su Chen's act of spreading the medicine was a waste of medicine.
  Zeng Minglang's eyes stayed on the drone.
  Zeng Minglang saw that the flight speed, flight distance, carrying weight and battery life of drones were all very lagging behind.
  Before the end of the world, even the remote control airplanes played by children would have superior performance to this drone.
  With just a drone, Su Chen revealed his level of technology.
  Fortunately, apart from food, he didn't show anything else to Feng Yinghuai and the others, otherwise he would definitely not be able to maintain his status as a sales manager of a large company.
  With insect repellent to open the way, the group of people encountered no danger along the way and arrived at Wutai Township smoothly.
  After all, he didn't come back after two or three days. Su Chen didn't let people in rashly. He determined the location of the five alien lizards and sprayed the potion from inside to outside again. After making sure that there was no danger, Su Chen led the convoy in. In Wutai Township.
  "Everyone can choose a suitable place for their work and life."
  Su Chen got out of the car, gathered everyone together, and arranged work tasks for them.
  Thinking that everyone was new here and needed a period of adaptation, Su Chen did not let them start working directly, but gave them a little adaptation period.
  Once everything is packed and everyone has settled down, it’s not too late to get back to work.
  Although Su Chen thought so, Zeng Minglang and Bai Deshou were very anxious and wanted to start working immediately to save resources for Su Chen.
  "Boss, we'll just pack things up. You've been busy all the way, so go and rest first."
  Zeng Minglang and the others had their own ideas, but they didn't let their boss, Su Chen, follow them.
  "Okay, then you can make your own arrangements. If you have anything to do, just tell Shou Yi and ask Shou Yi to tell me."
  Zeng Minglang and Su Chen were aware of their planning abilities. They were capable of handling these matters themselves, but they didn't need Su Chen to make detailed plans. He could just leave them to them.
  They could just ask Su Chen about things they couldn't figure out, or things they couldn't make up their mind about.
  However, Su Chen needed to return to Blue Star. Zeng Minglang and the others sent him messages, but Su Chen might not be able to respond in time.
  While Su Chen returns to Blue Star, someone needs to be responsible for the base.
  Nangong Shouyi, who is currently the most trustworthy by Su Chen, is undoubtedly the best candidate.
  Su Chen positioned Zeng Minglang and the others as researchers, while he positioned Nangong Shouyi as managers.
  If Su Chen is the boss, then Nangong Shouyi is the secretary.
  "Okay, boss."
  Everyone responded.
  "Shouyi, come with me."
  Su Chen let everyone do their own business and took Nangong Shouyi back to the villa where he lived.
  "sit down."
  Su Chen asked Nangong Shouyi to sit down on the sofa, and took out two bottles of water from the warehouse, giving one to him and opening the other to drink.
  Su Chen distributed food and water to Zeng Minglang and the others on the way, so there was no need to worry that they would be hungry or thirsty.
  "Boss, I didn't mean to hide it before..."
  Nangong Shouyi was worried about Su Chen's concern, so he explained with some anxiety.
  "It doesn't matter, trust has a process."
  Su Chen smiled, comforted Nangong Shouyi and said, "You were willing to help me without hiding anything when you were in Kagan City, and now you are willing to be honest with me. I'm very happy."
  Nangong Shouyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Su Chen was telling the truth, and then told Su Chen about his situation.
  "My mother told me before she died that my father's surname was Nangong and he was a very powerful scientist."
  When Nangong Shouyi mentioned his mother, a hint of sadness flashed in his eyes. His mother suffered from a disease when she gave birth to him. After entering the shelter, she could not get treatment. After barely raising him, she couldn't bear it and passed away.
  Before his death, his mother told him all about his life experience.
  The Nangong family is one of the four major families before the end of the world.
  Nangong Shouyi's father, Nangong Jin, is the eldest son of the Nangong family and the proper heir to the family.
  As the heir, Nangong Jin fell in love with Nangong Shouyi's mother, Tong Xue.
  Author's gossip: Thanks to the card-issuing sister (4437905) for supporting me, okay! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading

Chapter 47: Life experience

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