Chapter 71-75:

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Chapter 71: Disposal

  Zhao Jing was held in a princess hug by Zhao Gang. Zhao Gang ran all the way. It was inevitable that he would touch wounds while running. In this short distance, Zhao Jing almost fainted from the pain.
  "It hurts! It hurts so much!"
  Zhao Jing wailed softly, not because he didn't want to scream loudly, but because the pain was too much and his body had no strength.
  In other words, he had just received two therapeutic injections, otherwise Zhao Jing would definitely have fainted from the pain.
  Zhao Gang turned a deaf ear to this. He is a genetic warrior. Running with a weight of one or two hundred kilograms is child's play for him. He is fully capable of making Zhao Jing more stable.
  But why would he go out of his way to take care of someone who insulted him?
  Although Zhao Gang would not deliberately torture Zhao Jing, he would not take care of him either.
  Who hasn’t lost his temper yet?
  "Manager Su, Mr. Li, this Zhao Jing went to the laboratory some time ago to customize several simulations. I heard that these simulations are very similar to Mr. Li!"
  As soon as Zhao Yao walked to the door, he heard Feng Yinghuai and Su Chen slandering Zhao Jing inside.
  The Zhao family has planted insiders in the Feng family. Could it be that the Feng family didn't plant any nails in the Zhao family?
  Feng Yinghuai didn't pay much attention to the beautiful boys Zhao Jing had brought to him at first, but now that he saw that Su Chen was very concerned about Nangong Shouyi, this became a perfect excuse to give the Zhao family eye drops.
  Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi looked at each other, a hint of disgust and disgust flashing in their eyes.
  Although this kind of thing can't cause any harm to me, it is very disgusting.
  Nangong Shouyi felt extremely sick when he thought about Zhao Jing finding a few people who looked like him to have sex.
  Su Chen felt very uncomfortable, and his expression darkened uncontrollably.
  When Feng Yinghuai saw Su Chen's appearance, a smile flashed deep in his eyes. Just when he was about to add fuel to the fire, Zhao Yao pushed open the door and entered.
  Although Zhao Yao remained calm on his face, he was extremely angry in his heart.
  On the one hand, it was because Feng Yinghuai gave him eye drops in front of Su Chen while he was away.
  On the other hand, he also hated Zhao Jing for causing trouble for him again.
  At this moment, Zhao Yao really wished he could understand Zhao Jing completely and pretend that he never had this younger brother.
  However, Zhao Yao is not someone who backs down easily. No matter how difficult the situation is, he can only bite the bullet now.
  "Feng Yinghuai, who did you listen to? If you don't have proof, don't talk nonsense in front of Manager Su and Young Master Li!"
  Zhao Yao interrupted Feng Yinghuai's words and scolded him harshly. At the same time, he sent a message to the servants at home on the AP, asking them to destroy all Zhao Jing's simulations.
  "Manager Su, Feng Yinghuai is a talkative person and likes to talk nonsense. This is not the case."
  Zhao Yao looked at Su Chen and explained to him. Seeing that Su Chen had a sullen face and said nothing, he knew that he didn't believe his explanation. He felt helpless and hated Zhao Jing even more.
  He just wanted to make this deal with Su Chen, but Zhao Jing dug pit after pit for him. He really wouldn't give up until he was tricked to death!
  "Zhao Gang, bring that evil obstacle here!"
  Zhao Yao felt helpless and could only ask Zhao Gang to bring Zhao Jing in, hoping that Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi would calm down and stop pursuing the case after seeing Zhao Jing's injured appearance.
  "Yes, Master."
  Zhao Gang brought Zhao Jing in and helped him stand in front of Zhao Yao and others.
  He said he was standing, but in fact it was all because Zhao Gang held Zhao Jing's waist.
  Zhao Jing's whole body ached now and he couldn't exert any strength. If Zhao Gang didn't hold him, he would collapse on the ground.
  "Is this Zhao Jing?"
  Nangong Shouyi looked at Zhao Jing, because Zhao Jing was too weak at this time and had many wounds on his body. The contrast with the image Nangong Shouyi had seen him before was so different that he did not recognize him at first.
  However, Nangong Shouyi did not think that Zhao Yao would cheat.
  Although he and Su Chen didn't know Zhao Jing very well, Feng Yinghuai was here.
  If Zhao Yao dares to find someone to fool them, Feng Yinghuai will definitely expose it.
  Now that Feng Yinghuai didn't move, he knew that the person in front of him was Zhao Jing without a doubt.
  Su Chen looked at Zhao Jing's injuries and was slightly stunned.
  This Zhao Yao is really ruthless, every wound is full of flesh and blood.
  Even if there is a medical cabin in Kagan City, it can be treated and there will be no fatal danger.
  But these wounds hurt!
  Didn't you see that Zhao Jing was so painful that there was no trace of blood on his face and he couldn't even stand still?
  Originally, Su Chen thought that Zhao Jing was Zhao Yao's biological brother, and even if he apologized to them, it would only be a slap in the face and an apology.
  But he didn't expect Zhao Yao to be so cruel.
  Pity Zhao Jing?
  Of course it's impossible!
  Zhao Jing did many evil things and almost killed Nangong Shouyi.
  Even if Zhao Jing was beaten to death by Zhao Yao, Su Chen would not have the slightest sympathy.
  Su Chen was shocked by Zhao Yao's cruelty.
  In order to make business, Zhao Yao could even do such cruel things to his own brother.
  If Su Chen's lies were exposed, Su Chen didn't think Zhao Yao would be any soft-hearted towards them.
  These guys are all cruel and ruthless people!
  "Master Li, this evildoer offended you before. Now I will hand him over to you. He can be killed or chopped into pieces. It's all a matter of your words."
  Zhao Yao originally wanted to teach Zhao Jing a lesson and let Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi vent their anger.
  But Feng Yinghuai had just chewed his ears and revealed the story of the simulated human being.
  This was not just something that offended Nangong Shouyi, but also offended Su Chen.
  Which man would want the person he likes to be molested by another man, even if it is a simulated person?
  If someone dares to do this to him, Zhao Yao will definitely kill him with one shot.
  So the moment he opened the door, Zhao Yao gave up on Zhao Jing's life and death, just hoping to save Su Chen.
  "Young Master Zhao, you are willing to bear it." Su Chen said meaningfully.
  "I said I would show my sincerity to Manager Su, and this is my sincerity!"
  Zhao Yao smiled and after speaking, he glanced at Zhao Gang.
  Zhao Gang understood, he let go of Zhao Jing and stepped aside.
  Without the support of Zhao Gang, Zhao Jing could not stand at all, and fell heavily to the ground.
  Such a big movement would inevitably affect the wound, and Zhao Jing couldn't help but scream in pain.
  But Zhao Jing can't care about that now, because he just heard what Zhao Yao said just now, and he actually wanted to hand him over to Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi!
  This is completely inconsistent with what I said before!
  Before, I just asked him to apologize and bow his head, but I didn't say I would kill him!
  Zhao Jingke didn't think that Nangong Shouyi would spare his life after what he did to Nangong Shouyi.
  In the face of a life crisis, all self-esteem, pride, and face were all abandoned by Zhao Jing at this moment.
  "I was wrong. I'm sorry. Give me a chance. I really know I was wrong."
  Zhao Jing struggled and lay on the ground, begging for mercy from Nangong Shouyi and Su Chen.
  It's just that he never asked for bypassing, so the language was very scarce, and he only had a few words over and over again.
  Fortunately, he was seriously injured and looked a bit pitiful, which made up for his lack of language. Overall, he was still touching.
  "It's not too late to apologize now! Mr. Li, it was because of him that you almost died!"
  Feng Yinghuai looked at Zhao Jing lying on the ground like a mangy dog ​​begging for mercy, but he was not moved at all and continued to fan the flames.
  It was rare that Zhao Yao didn't quarrel with Feng Yinghuai at this moment. It was obvious that he had made up his mind to really hand over Zhao Jing to Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi.
  "Shou Yi, I'll leave it to you."
  Su Chen looked at Nangong Shouyi and asked him to decide the punishment for Zhao Jing.
  It was not easy for Su Chen to come forward in this matter. If he wanted to deal with it, he would have to kill Zhao Jing in order to fit his character.
  But Zhao Jing is Zhao Yao's biological brother after all, and a direct descendant of the Zhao family. If Su Chen really kills him, will the Zhao family really give up?
  In the final analysis, it's because I don't have the strength that I dare not do anything that offends others.
  If Su Chen had the strength, he wouldn't have to worry so much now, let alone let go of a scum like Zhao Jing.
  Nangong Shouyi received the signal from Su Chen, looked at Zhao Jing, deliberately showed an unbearable expression, leaned against Su Chen and said: "Chen, this Zhao Jing has also learned a lesson, let's forget it."
  Feng Yinghuai frowned slightly when he heard Nangong Shouyi's words. Obviously he didn't want Nangong Shouyi to let Zhao Jing go.
  But he didn't say anything more.
  Su Chen had already told Nangong Shouyi to make the decision, but it would be bad if he intervened rashly and caused Su Chen's displeasure.
  As for Zhao Yao, he only cares about Su Chenman's dissatisfaction. As for Zhao Jing's life or death, he doesn't care at all.
  "You're not angry anymore?" Su Chen asked in coordination with the acting.
  "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have met you."
  Nangong Shouyi shook his head slightly, what he said was true.
  Had he not been forced into the place of death, he would not have met Su Chen.
  Because of this fate, Nangong Shouyi was also willing to let Zhao Jing go.
  "That makes sense."
  Su Chen nodded slightly, looked at Zhao Yao and said, "I see Mr. Zhao's sincerity. Let's talk about business next, and send away the unimportant people."
  After listening to Su Chen's words, the string in Zhao Jing's heart finally relaxed. There was no longer the threat of death. He finally couldn't hold on anymore and passed out with a roll of his eyes.
  "Send this nuisance away."
  Zhao Yao didn't bother to care about Zhao Jing's life and death, and casually ordered Zhao Gang to take him out. With a smile on his face, he came to Su Chen's side, preparing to have a good talk with him about the canned yellow peaches.
  Zhao Gang took Zhao Jing out of the room. Lin Yaqin and Zhao Sanqi were waiting outside. Seeing Zhao Jing come out unconscious, Lin Yaqin burst into tears uncontrollably.
  "Jing'er! What did you do to him?! Zhao Gang, what happened to my Jing'er? I want you to bury him with him!"
  Lin Yaqin couldn't do anything to Zhao Yao, so she could only vent her anger on Zhao Gang.
  "Madam, let's take the young master for treatment as soon as possible!" Zhao Sanqi reminded.
  The wounds on Zhao Jing's body are still bleeding. If he doesn't get treatment, he will lose too much blood.
  Author's gossip: Thanks to the card-issuing sister (4437905) for supporting me, okay! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading
Chapter 72: Identity

TRAVELING BETWEEN TWO WORLDS: I have a city in the end of the worldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz