Chapter 8: Pursuit

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 The SUV following behind suddenly opened the sunroof of the roof, and a man emerged from inside, holding a gray-black gun and aiming it at the car in front.
  Although they were both guns, the opponent's weapon was countless times more sophisticated than the pistol in Su Chen's hand.
  Su Chen watched this man fire more than a dozen shots in a row. There was no recoil or delay. The bullets were very dense and there was no lag at all.
  It's just that the vehicle targeted in front was very skilled and accurately avoided the shots from behind.
  "Tsk, tsk, Jackal, with your shooting skills, you'd better go home and eat!"
  "Fuck, this guy's car is definitely equipped with an automatic avoidance device!"
  The strong man nicknamed Jackal, who fired dozens of shots but failed to hit, retorted angrily.
  When Lao Liu saw him like this, he laughed and taunted him.
  Although the pickup truck in front was not hit, the two vehicles behind were not in a hurry. It was obvious that they were determined to catch up with the vehicle in front.
  The confidence of these people is not without reason.
  The performance of the vehicle behind is obviously better than that of the vehicle in front. On gentle terrain, the pickup truck in front can still compete, but when it encounters hilly terrain that requires climbing, the speed of the pickup truck obviously slows down.
  The pickup truck was overtaken by an off-road vehicle from behind and was hit hard on the butt.
  Another SUV came around to the side and hit the pickup truck from the side.
  "Bang bang bang!"
  The distance was close enough, and the speed of the pickup truck also slowed down, and no matter how precise the calculation was, there was no way to avoid the bullet.
  The tires were blown out, and coupled with the impact of the off-road vehicle, the pickup truck was knocked over from the hillside.
  The pickup truck rolled several times on the hillside and finally came to a stop with its tires overturned.
  Su Chen looked at the pickup truck and couldn't help but frown. Although he didn't see the situation inside the car, he knew that the conditions of the people in the car would not be good.
  The situation of Nangong Shouyi in the car did not look good. The airbag popped out and he was completely pressed under the car. He wanted to move, but his head was so dizzy that he couldn't use any strength.
  "Don't be too rude. If you lose arms and legs, how can Mr. Lin enjoy it?"
  Liu Meier, who was sitting in the passenger seat in the car behind, couldn't help but frown as a reminder.
  "Yes, head."
  Although Liu Meier looked at the frail and beautiful woman, in terms of body shape, the other four men could completely defeat her.
  But obviously Liu Meier is the core and leader of this team, and the other four people are very afraid of her.
  Seeing her speak, Jackal, who looked very irritable, didn't dare to make any mistakes and could only nod obediently.
  The off-road vehicle stopped, and Jackal and Lao Liu got out of the vehicle.
  The two of them easily slid down the ten-meter-long landslide and arrived in front of the pickup truck.
  "Boy, you are lucky that Mr. Lin likes you. How many people want to climb into Mr. Lin's bed! You kid, you don't know how to flatter me!"
  Jackal squatted in front of the pickup truck window and cursed Nangong Shouyi in the window.
  Nangong Shouyi felt dizzy and felt a warm current flowing down from his head.
  He suppressed his dizziness and pressed a button next to the car seat.
  "Fuck, this kid is bleeding! Old Liu, look at the good thing you did!"
  "I never knew that this kid with such thin skin and tender flesh would bleed after being hit like this."
  As soon as they saw Nangong Shouyi bleeding, Jackal and Lao Liu's expressions changed drastically, and they were no longer as calm as before.
  The two of them worked together to overturn the car.
  After a while, Liu Meier in another car also came down the slope with others.
  "Open the door and take people back to base!"
  Liu Mei'er looked at Nangong Shouyi's appearance and ordered with a gloomy face.
  Nangong Shouyi is the target of their mission this time. If he is damaged in any way and makes the boss dissatisfied, then they will suffer a big loss.
  It's just that Jackal and the others thought that if Nangong Shouyi dared to leave the base alone, he must have been injected with genetic medicine. It was just a rollover, so nothing would go wrong.
  Who knew that Nangong Shouyi was so weak? He just turned over and bled.
  "Bang bang bang!"
  Jackal and Lao Liu were afraid that something might really go wrong with Nangong Shouyi, so they didn't dare to delay, so they fired guns at the car door and prepared to force the door open.
  It's just that although this car looks old, it has also been modified.
  The car door and glass are both bulletproof, so they don't dare to use heavy weapons for fear of hurting the people inside.
  Liu Meier tried to unlock the car, but was quickly defeated. She could only have people continue to shoot and use force to break the window glass of the back seat.
  "Bang bang bang!"
  Jackal and Lao Liu opened fire, while Liu Meier stood aside with her arms folded and watched, while the other two stood guard around with guns.
  This is the land of death. Although it is a marginal area, as long as you enter the scope of the land of death, there is no safe place.
  No matter how bulletproof the car windows are, there are limits, and soon a few small cracks appeared on the rear seat window.
  According to this trend, it won't be long before the glass is opened.
  "What is the taste?"
  Liu Meier is a second-level genetic warrior, and her five senses are more sensitive than others.
  Although the smell was very weak, she still smelled it keenly.
  She squatted down and found the source of the smell from the vehicle exhaust pipe.
  This was closer, the smell was stronger, and she knew immediately what it was.
  "Blood odorant?!"
  Liu Mei'er's eyes widened, a flash of anger and fear flashed deep in her eyes.
  She didn't expect that Nangong Shouyi would be so bold and dare to bring this thing with him to the land of death.
  This thing's attraction to zombies and alien species is fatal.
  Once spread in the air, it spreads very quickly, and surrounding zombie alien species will soon be attracted.
  This kind of odorant is something that mercenaries will bring with them when they go out on missions, whether they are dealing with low-level zombies or alien species.
  But this is a place of death!
  God knows how many high-level alien species are hidden here? !
  Using this thing is no different from seeking death!
  "These people are in trouble."
  Su Chen stared at the ground from high in the sky and frowned slightly.
  Of course, Su Chen didn't know what blood odorant was, but he saw the alien lizard that he had driven away from the village coming over.
  Ever since Su Chen sprayed insect repellent, the litter of lizard mutants had to move.
  It's just that these guys seem to be obsessed with this place and are unwilling to go far easily.
  This thing is fast and powerful. Su Chen can't feel at ease even if he goes out with them around here.
  Su Chen kept an eye on these lizard mutants and used a different kind of medicine every day to experiment with them.
  I don't know whether they were completely annoyed by Su Chen, or whether the last medicine was too irritating to them, but this nest of lizards finally moved away from the village.
  Su Chen hadn't seen them for two days. Unexpectedly, these guys didn't go far and hid here.
  What came this time was the largest lizard variant. Its skin was dark green and it was three meters long.
  Its huge size did not affect its speed at all, and it almost became an afterimage in the desert.
  "Get in the car! Let's go!"
  Liu Meier realized something was wrong and ran up the hillside.
  The slope of the hill was too high, so they did not drive down the car, and both off-road vehicles were parked on the hillside.
  The four people behind reacted a little slower and followed Liu Meier.
  But they were not as lucky as Liu Meier.
  Lao Liu didn't even react, he was hit hard to the ground, and his ribs were broken on the spot.
  "Grass! Alien lizard!"
  After seeing clearly what was coming, the three Jackals looked extremely ugly.
  Looking at this body shape, it is at least level three, and even looking at the pair of evolved claws, it is very likely that it is the pinnacle of level three!
  First-level genetic warriors like them are barely able to compete with upper-level lizards.
  Level three is a complete crushing game.
  It is indeed a place of death. There are such terrifying guys in the edge area!
  But now is obviously not the time to sigh.
  "Bang bang bang!"
  Even if they knew there was no chance of winning, their survival instinct made them use their guns to shoot at the alien lizards to stop them.
  This gun is not an ordinary gun, but a laser gun.
  The bullet hit the lizard mutant, although it couldn't break its skin, it could still feel pain.
  The concentrated bullets from the three men pushed the alien lizard back a little.
  "Come up quickly!"
  Liu Meier had already started the vehicle, but instead of driving away directly, she took out a heavy laser gun to increase the firepower of the three people below.
  The reason why I say three people is because Lao Liu who fell on the ground and lost most of his mobility was regarded as a dead person.
  The bullets of Liu Mei'er's gun were obviously much more powerful, and the alien lizard was temporarily suppressed.
  When the three jackals saw that they were paying attention, they immediately ran uphill.
  The alien lizard wouldn't want to get the food in its mouth and escape, quickly circling up the side of the hillside.
  Of the three people on the slope, one of them had his body bitten off at the waist, and was left wailing and screaming in the lizard's mouth.
  The other two people rolled down the slope.
  The delicious taste of fresh meat in the mouth made the alien lizard stop attacking for the time being, and instead buried its head in eating.
  Jackal and Mad Dog looked at each other, got up from the ground, picked up Lao Liu with broken ribs, and continued rushing up the slope.
  It's not that the two Jackals are kind-hearted and want to save people, they are using Lao Liu as bait.
  In case the alien lizard eats what's in its mouth, they can throw a bait out to delay it for a while.
  How could the alien lizard let them leave? It was like a joke. When the three of them rushed to the hillside, they rushed up and knocked the person down.
  The impact force of the alien lizard was too strong. Even though several jackals had been injected with genetic agents and their physical fitness was much stronger than that of ordinary people, several bones would be broken directly by the impact.
  Seeing that no one was coming, Liu Meier drove away without stopping.
  Su Chen observed this alien lizard for a while and got a rough idea of ​​its habits.
  Although this guy is fast and explosive, he is very lazy. Unless he is hunting for prey, most of the time the whole family will be buried in the sand and bask in the sun, rarely moving.
  As long as they are fed and drunk, even if they pass by them, as long as they do not actively provoke them, they will not bother to attack.
  Having already run a certain distance just now, the alien lizard is probably tired, and there is enough food left behind, so there is a high probability that it will not chase after him.
  Su Chen guessed well. The alien lizard was afraid of the weapon in Liu Meier's hand, and the food left behind was enough for it to eat, so it didn't catch up.
  After eating one person, the alien lizard stopped eating.
  The rest is taken back.
  Especially that delicious big piece of cake.
  The alien lizard circled around the pickup truck. The smell was so sweet that I couldn't help but bite the iron sheet.
  Even the iron sheet that could withstand bullets was actually bitten through by it, which shows how strong the bite force of this lizard is.
  But the smell of iron is obviously not what the alien lizard likes.
  It swallowed it with a bit of disgust, its cold vertical pupils pressed against the bulletproof glass, staring at Nangong Shouyi in the car.
  Su Chen looked at the situation below, thought about it, and controlled the drone to throw a bottle of insect repellent.
  In order to prevent being attacked, Su Chen installed a bottle of insect repellent on the drone.
  It's just that this drone is a reconnaissance model, so it can't spray it. At most, it can only throw down the bottle of medicine on the body.
  The glass bottle of medicine hit the roof of the pickup truck and the glass bottle exploded.
  The smell of insect repellent immediately spread in the air.
  Suddenly smelling this smell, the alien lizard couldn't help snorting and backed away quickly.
  It stared at the pickup truck, lay on the ground and howled a few times, its voice full of anger and unwillingness.
  It's like the delicious cake you fancy has been covered with a layer of shit.
  The strong smell volatilized in the air, and no matter how angry the alien lizard was, it could only retreat unwillingly and run away.
  But before leaving, it didn't forget to take three snacks away from the jackal.
  Nangong Shouyi looked at the alien lizard leaving, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.
  Why would it let itself go?
  Nangong Shouyi didn't think that his broken pickup truck could stop a level three mutant lizard.
  But no matter how confused he was, Nangong Shouyi couldn't care less.
  Although the airbag protected his body, his head hit the glass just now. He was so dizzy that he fell into a coma uncontrollably.

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