Chapter 96-100:

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Chapter 96: Evolution

  "Sir, could you please tell me what happened?"
  Zheng Ninghai controlled the machine to scan Nangong Shouyi's body and analyzed various data while asking about Su Chen's situation.
  "Last night, someone gave him a charm drug, but the effect of the drug has expired. I also used green crystals to treat his body, but just now, for some unknown reason, his body suddenly became hot again, and his head hurt badly... …”
  Naturally, Su Chen would not hide anything at this time and told Nangong Shouyi's physical condition.
  Zheng Ninghai nodded and listened to Su Chen's words while recording Nangong Shouyi's physical data.
  The treatment cabin is very precious.
  But it doesn’t mean that it is difficult to buy, but that the threshold for use is very high. If you don’t have professionals, you can’t use it, you can’t understand the data, and it will be no different from a pile of scrap metal.
  Ordinary people would have to go to a doctor to see Blue Star and take a picture, let alone the technology scanned by the treatment cabin.
  If there is not enough food to eat on the surface, where will the resources come from to train high-end medical personnel like doctors?
  That is to say, Zheng Ninghai came out of the shelter. He was engaged in the medical industry before the end of the world. He further studied in the shelter and was now able to use it skillfully.
  "Is this... genetic evolution?"
  Zheng Ninghai checked Nangong Shouyi and confirmed it before giving Su Chen an accurate answer: "The patient is genetically evolved!"
  "Genetic evolution?"
  Su Chen looked confused, "But Shou Yi didn't take any genetic medicine."
  How could it evolve so smoothly?
  "It is possible to evolve without genetic potion."
  Zheng Ninghai thought Su Chen would be confused if he cared, so he explained the reason to him.
  Genetic evolution does not mean that there is only genetic medicine.
  After all, the first batch of genetic warriors in the early days of the apocalypse evolved naturally, not by relying on genetic medicine.
  There are also those alien species outside. They have also evolved naturally, but there are no genetic medicines to inject them.
  It's just that in recent years, as the research and development of genetic medicines has matured, genetic medicines have evolved to be safer, and more people are using them, so everyone has gradually connected genetic evolution with genetic medicines.
  "Natural evolution!"
  Su Chen nodded, thinking of Zeng Kangshun, who also evolved naturally.
  Because he evolved too young, only six years old, his body couldn't bear it and his brain was burned out.
  Although he finally completed his evolution and became a genetic warrior, his IQ was affected and he only stayed at the age of six.
  Su Chen looked at the cabin door, a trace of worry flashing in his eyes.
  "Natural evolution also has dangers. Is there any way to reduce the danger?" Su Chen asked with a frown.
  "Of course this exists!"
  Before Zheng Ninghai could speak, Wang Zishi, who had been standing next to him, spoke.
  Wang Zishi came here to communicate with Su Chen, so naturally he would not be willing to be a backdrop.
  But he's not stupid, and he won't be stupid enough to get close to Su Chen now.
  Anyone who is not blind can see that Su Chen's heart is tied to Nangong Shouyi. Apart from Nangong Shouyi's matters, he probably can't listen to anything else now.
  Wang Zishi was good at seizing the opportunity and interjecting at this moment could attract Su Chen's attention, but would not arouse his resentment.
  "any solution?"
  Although Su Chen was anxious, he was not so anxious that he lost all reason.
  Wang Zishi waited at the door with someone, and he guessed that the other party was coming for him.
  It's just that Su Chen is very worried about Nangong Shouyi at the moment and doesn't care about it.
  And without much thinking, you can guess the other party's purpose, which is nothing more than a share of the canned food.
  Su Chen wanted to do business. They had cured Nangong Shouyi, so giving them a share was not a big deal to Su Chen.
  "The process of evolution is very dangerous. Especially since Young Master Li evolved naturally, the degree of danger is even higher."
  Wang Xinqi sent Wang Zishi to receive Su Chen. Naturally, Wang Zishi also had skills on both sides. When it came to how to deal with this, he was also very clear-cut.
  The evolutionary process cannot be interrupted.
  Once evolution begins, you can survive if you survive. If you cannot survive, the only way is death.
  As for semi-evolved bodies, they cannot be called humans, but zombies.
  Generally speaking, there are two ways to deal with evolution.
  The first one, of course, was to get through it.
  This is also the most common. Whether it is injected or you get through it on your own, you rely on your own strong willpower to get through it.
  As for the second one, it is with the help of crystal stones.
  High-grade crystals can relieve high fever, prevent the body from burning out, and better help overcome difficulties.
  However, there is also a serious problem.
  This requires the use of massive crystal stones.
  The fourth-level crystal used by Su Chen was consumed so quickly. You can see how many crystals are needed.
  And not all crystals can be used, it is best to use evolved crystals of the same attribute.
  However, the evolution has not yet been completed, and the direction of evolution cannot be determined, so you can use green crystal, a gentle and natural healing auxiliary crystal.
  The amount of crystals required to evolve is immeasurable.
  These are only the crystals needed for primary evolution. For advanced evolution, the number of crystals required is larger and immeasurable.
  If it hadn't cost so much, the Feng family, Zhao family, and others wouldn't all be ordinary people.
  "Manager Su, look..."
  Wang Zishi explained the situation clearly and looked at Su Chen, waiting for him to make a decision.
  "Does your hospital have enough green crystals?"
  Su Chen looked at Wang Zishi and asked.
  "This is natural! We are a hospital here, and we don't have much else, but green crystals are definitely enough!" Wang Zishi responded immediately.
  "Use green crystals! Any amount is fine!"
  Su Chen gave the answer decisively.
  Without the help of green crystal, Su Chen was afraid that Nangong Shouyi wouldn't be able to survive.
  After all, Nangong Shouyi had been drugged yesterday and had been tossing all night without a good rest. Now he suddenly evolved. He didn't have much energy and physical strength to survive.
  Su Chen saw that Nangong Shouyi was in such pain in the car just now, and he didn't dare to take advantage of this possibility.
  After all, Su Chen was not short of money, so he saved Nangong Shouyi first and let him get through this before talking about other things.
  "Then I'll make arrangements now."
  Seeing that Su Chen agreed without hesitation, Wang Zishi admired the other party's generosity. After all, even Zhao and Feng's family couldn't help but feel sad for the price.
  In the end, Su Chen didn't even blink and agreed directly.
  However, they also found out about Su Chen's background. Su Chen's generous move was expected by them.
  After all, if Su Chen couldn't get so many crystals, or was reluctant to part with them, Wang Zishi wouldn't have said this at all and embarrassed Su Chen.
  "I'm going to get the crystal. Wang Ninghai, you take good care of Mr. Li here. Use the green crystal here directly."
  Wang Zishi didn't waste any time and left in a hurry after finishing speaking.
  The level 4 green crystal used by Su Chen was about to be used up, and there were not many green crystals prepared in the treatment room. After all, at that time, he only wanted to do a physical examination for Su Chen and Nangong Shouyi, and he did not expect that this would happen. Condition.
  To get a large amount of green crystals, Wang Zishi couldn't make the decision. He had to ask Wang Xinqi, the head of the family, for instructions to open a safe.
  "The patient needs to rest. You all can go out. I'll just stay here and watch."
  When Zheng Haining saw Wang Zishi leaving, he drove away the waiting medical team.
  Soon people left.
  Only Zheng Haining, Su Chen, and Nangong Shouyi were left in the treatment cabin.
  Because the scan was completed, Zheng Haining did not continue to close the cabin door, but asked Nangong Shouyi to leave the treatment cabin, and inserted a needle into his body to deliver energy.
  "During evolution, it is most taboo to fall asleep and lose consciousness. It is best not to lie down all the time, otherwise it will be difficult to wake up if you accidentally fall asleep." Zheng Haining reminded.
  For evolution, losing consciousness is the biggest taboo.
  Su Chen helped Nangong Shouyi sit up and let him lean against her, with a hint of confusion in his eyes.
  When he evolved, he just slept for a while, then he got up and evolved completely, nothing happened...
  However, Su Chen did not question it.
  After all, he has something wrong with him, so his situation must be a special one.
  Nangong Shouyi is a native of the wasteland, so he still has to listen to the doctor's words.
  "In addition, I was worried that his body was dehydrated, so I prepared a bottle of glucose for delivery. If he wants to go to the toilet later, don't hold it in." After Zheng Haining said this, his eyes flickered slightly.
  The ward was always under surveillance. Considering how much the Wang family valued Su Chen, Zheng Haining didn't believe that no one was keeping an eye on this place.
  But after inspection, Zheng Haining and the others found that the bathroom was safe and there was no monitor installed in it.
  Wang Home Improvement Monitoring just wants to check the situation, not really a voyeuristic person who wants to peek at others taking a shower or going to the toilet.
  And when Nangong Shouyi went to the toilet, it was the best time for him to contact Su Chen.
  Zheng Haining felt a little heavy in his heart. Although everything was planned, he was not sure whether Su Chen would help him.
  In the days since he came out of the shelter, Zheng Ninghai has deeply understood that there are no human rights, fairness and kindness on the surface of the earth.
  Without enough strength, there will only be bullying and oppression in this land.
  Su Chen didn't know what Zheng Haining was thinking. He helped Nangong Shouyi sit up, let him lean on him, and talked with him to prevent him from falling asleep.
  "It's not necessary to spend so many crystals. I can get through it." Nangong Shouyi weakly leaned on Su Chen's shoulder.
  The two of them were in an intimate posture, but they had something on their minds right now and had no time to worry about it.
  "Don't think so wildly. Don't you know that I am short of this crystal stone? The most important thing is to get through this."
  Su Chen took out a handkerchief from Nangong Shouyi's pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead and back.
  Because of the high fever, he sweated a lot. Fortunately, Zheng Haining gave him glucose so that his body would not be dehydrated.
  Nangong Shouyi did not argue.
  First of all, Su Chen is indeed not short of money. The insect repellent that Su Chen spread out during a trip is probably enough to cover the cost of this treatment.
  Secondly, Nangong Shouyi didn’t want to die.
  Everyone wants to live. Su Chen can afford the treatment, but Nangong Shouyi is not so pretentious that he refuses treatment because he is reluctant to spend money.
  Nangong Shouyi had a severe headache. This was even with the green crystals and the treatment cabin. Without these, how could he survive?
  Monitoring room.
  "I didn't expect that this Su Chen is actually an infatuated person."
  Wang Xinya crossed her arms, looked at the surveillance screen, and raised her eyebrows.
  "Oh, it's your whim, how much is this kind of love worth?"
  Wang Xinqi on the side looked indifferent, obviously she didn't believe in love.
  In her opinion, Nangong Shouyi was young and beautiful, and Su Chen was fresh and willing to spend a lot of money on him.
  But after a few years, Nangong Shouyi got older and had a younger and more beautiful woman. Wang Xinqi didn't think Su Chen would still remember him.
  Author's gossip: Thanks to the card-issuing sister (4437905) for supporting me, okay! If you want to know more exciting content, please leave me a message on Liancheng Reading

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