A Change of Perspective

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Greetings from Elger Nouvelle. It has been brought to my attention that some people are struggling to keep up with the perspective changes throughout the story and, I realized, that this probably was an issue. I, even, have spent time trying to remember which chapters follow a certain perspective.

To deal with this, I decided that it might be a good idea to post each chapter's perspective in a separate story, all falling under Memories - King's Return. Posting will remain regular and I will post one chapter a week in ONE of the perspectives. I do not have enough chapters to keep up three a week.

I will continue to post chapters in this story weekly. This will be basically the hub where I'll post updates and skits and whatnot. If you don't struggle with the perspectives thing, then don't worry about keeping up with the other Memories - King's Returns because the chapters will be identical.

—Update: The chapters are not identical. Parts are taken out that are irrelevant, but all other text IS the same—

As for designs and things like that that would reference back to this Memories, they will be posted with the necessary chapters in their perspective books.

Also, I apologize for forgetting last week's chapter.


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