Chapter #26 - Recall

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Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei stared down as Yugo slowly fell from the cliff.

'I'll regret that one...' he thought as his slightly reasonable side kicked in. He tried to piece together what was going on... once again...

'I'm the only other person here

He's falling.


I bet I pushed him-'

He stopped as a new thought came to him.

'Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei pushed him... didn't he,'

He sat down as he thought about how he was in a state of two minds. He savored the silence without his past self there.

He watched as Yugo turned over slowly.

Memories came flooding back to him.

"You jerk," little Ralo yelled at a blurry figure in front of him. The man, he assumed, had poured medication into a drink to test their newest edition healing medicine.

The blur sighed.

"Ralo, one day I'll tell you this is for your good and you'll still deny it," he said. Ralo figured out who was there.

"But Q... what if there is no 'one day'..?" he asked slowly.

"Ah, the Kerqek is kicking in. You'll be asleep any moment. Just stop worrying.'re safe."

Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei began to cry.

Ralo was lying on the floor of a room all by himself with his eyes closed. It was empty.

A door opened.

"I know it seems soon, but you've been here a while," a voice whispered, "It's time to leave."

Ralo didn't respond at all.

"Are you asleep?" the voice asked curiously. Ralo listened to gentle foot steps as they got louder. He was being approached.

He felt a hand mess with his hair gently.

"I'm never leaving. I know that you'll be safe, but will we ever savor a moment like this again? I've agreed to this, yes, but I'm not ready to lose all my life for your sake..." he whispered back, his voice hoarse; obviously from crying.

"You're not losing your life- just- moving away," the person whispered. Ralo would always be comforted by that soft voice...

"Memories are all I have. It's all I need and if moving loses them, what have I sacrificed, Tuto?" He opened his eyes slightly, putting on an exhausted face and trying not to cry.

"Your... memories?"

Ralo stopped as his eyes shot wide.

"You weren't told... you WEREN'T told..!" His tone became aggressive as he moved away from her.

"He lied... to me..." he whispered with a pained tone. He curled onto a ball and his shaking hands pushed underneath his hat as he tugged on the roots of his hair.

'I'm... not... safe...' He thought.

'I'm... not safe'

His heartbeat raced.

'I'm not safe..?'

'I'm Not Safe..!'

He began hyperventilating. His hands moved to the base of his antlers. He pulled more aggressively there.




He passed out...

"M-marlei..." Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei whispered while crying, "...why would you try and take over my identity and then ruin my life as you did...?"

'I thought no one was here...' he thought. 

Greetings from Elger Nouvelle! Sorry this chapter is kind-of short. It actually wasn't even in the writing originally, but I couldn't find a better place in the timeline to put it, so it goes here now. The next sections, though, have a lot going on in contrast.

You guys are awesome for getting this far, by the way. It's been what- six months? Honestly, I appreciate all the reads because it keeps me busy with coming up with this story.


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