More Important Notice

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Hi, it's MooseyGirl16.

I have the most important news yet.

Because my computer is OLDer than it should be, it has been- to say the least- struggling. It took FOUR HOURS to show me the "enter password" screen. (Thank you A for accidentally fixing it and letting me in)

Because of this load time and my fear of my computer failing to function (there's no way I could do all of the copy-pasting from docs to Wattpad from my phone), I have set up three chapters in advance in case of emergency. The schedule will still be Thursdays at five-ish.

If I stop posting after mid-September, don't worry- I'll try my best to get back online as soon as possible.

You guys are awesome and thank you for understanding!!


P.S. I will post Xenlyr's design sometime after chapter 17!!

Memories - King's Return (Wakfu): The HubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora