Chapter #11 - Elicatt

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Mia, Ralo, and Alibert got up early morning to discuss a departure.

"I'm afraid of the consequences of if we travel and he worsens," Ralo told them, "I don't have enough supplies to cure his fever-like signs known as 'Elicatt' here, but we could gather some on the way."

"If not curing Yugo, what were you doing last night?" Alibert cautiously asked, confused by what he had been told.

"I was performing a procedure to help with delirium. What I did not consider was what little space I had and that he could choke on the fumes."

"He was chocking?!" Mia yelled at him, taking a step forward, "Why didn't you say that last night?"

"I knew you would rest uneasy. I guarantee you that I got it out of him, and that doing it was a risk to higher delirium. If he starts acting up, call me with this," Ralo confirmed, handing Alibert a small circular charm. "It can make a short-term portal to me location so that anything can be addressed."

Ralo teleported away from the dark field where they stood. He took his things in his bags and mounted his ride. He tied its foot to a pole near the inn.

Ralo walked up the stairs to the room where Yugo had been the previous night. There, he found a bigger chaos than when he had left. He saw Yugo trying to call for Adamai with the charm he had entrusted to Alibert. He screamed, insisting that he be "freed from his imprisonment". Ralo sighed, swiftly portaling throughout the room to distract Yugo before grabbing the charm for himself.

"What... is going... on?" Ralo asked, out of breath. He stood on top of the bed with the charm lifted in the air. Alibert shrugged and grabbed a bowl near a spill of what looked like tomato soup. It was half full and appeared to be cracked. He portaled the charm into one of his bags and asked for the bowl. "What was in this?" he questioned.

"He was demanding food, so we gave it to him. He said that he could find 'greater authorities'," Alibert responded, "I made him a simple porridge with hints of cinnamon." He and Ralo looked at Yugo, who was now laying on the floor in silence.

"I think if we travel and it gets out of hand, I could teach you to ride the dragoturkey. Worst case scenario, I stay up and watch during the nights. I don't tire easily, so I think I could handle little sleep," Ralo commented, turning from Yugo to face Alibert and Mia again.

"I learned how to ride dragoturkey when I was little. I could easily take us there myself if I had directions," Mia enthusiastically and slightly pridefully said. Ralo grabbed a map labeled "backup" and handed it to her, showing her all the important landmarks. They walked to the dragoturkey.

Ralo fastened a wagon-like platform to the saddle, Alibert grabbed Yugo and brought him outside, and Mia mounted the dragoturkey. After Alibert decided to stay in Amelka, Ralo and Mia set off on the seemingly easy journey. They expected no trouble.

After about five hours Mia asked Ralo, "Ralo, how do you plan to get me home after we arrive in Elger Nouvelle?" Ralo sat in silence for a minute or so.

"I'll have a messenger take you back to tell Alibert that we arrived unharmed," he finally said with confidence. Mia glanced back at him and saw him basically holding Yugo to the floor as he tried to fight him back. She could tell that Yugo didn't have enough strength to do much at all, so she just looked at the road.

"And what would the messenger tell him if we don't," Mia asked condescendingly.

"Don't what?"

"If we don't get back to the castle or one of us is hurt, what do we tell Alibert?" she finally asked. Ralo audibly sighed as Yugo stopped struggling. Ralo led him to a cot in the back where he and Yugo instantly fell asleep cold and tired. Mia continued driving, now in awkward silence. She eventually stopped and they all slept.

As the sun rose the next morning, Mia woke up to screaming from Yugo and commands from Ralo. The boys were wrestling as Ralo told her the new story.

"He tried to run away and won't lay down!" he exclaimed, putting a hand over Yugo's mouth to keep him quieter, "It's making his condition worse!"

As suddenly as the wrestling started, it halted when Ralo did a maneuver to knock Yugo out.

"He's gone insane and the delirium and wearing him out," Ralo said, carrying Yugo back to the wagon.

Ralo finally sighed and looked Mia straight in her eyes. "It might be too late to go anywhere while Yugo is under the symptoms of Elicatt!" 

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