Chapter #9 - The New Problem

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 Yugo layed unconscious in the snow. It slowly piled late until the morning. He didn't wake up at all.

Mia walked out of the village square to retrieve some extra wood. She wasn't even fifty feet outside Amelka when she spotted him. He was covered in snow and his cheeks burned. 'A fever?' she thought. She ran desperately to the inn.

"Alibert! I found him! In the snow!" she called at the door, grabbing his attention. Alibert noticed that she was out of breath and in a rush.

"What? Mia, who did you-"

"I'm telling you we need to leave! Come!" she interrupted him. Alibert nodded and quickly followed her to the border of the village. He saw Yugo lying lifelessly there and bolted toward him. He saw his burnt cheeks and exhausted expression. He commanded Mia to set up his guest bed out of habit.

"Fourteen years later and here we are." He softly smiled before hurriedly carrying him to the inn. Alibert was quick to warm him up. He sat down on a chair to catch his breath. Mia walked in with more blankets.

"How much do you know about what happened?" Alibert asked her. Mia shook her head.

"I had gotten wood from the forest the last night. He hadn't been there at that time. The longest he could have been out there is around fourteen hours," he told him, sighing as she finished. They sat there in silence for some time, glancing over at Yugo every once and a while.

Mia was the first person who spoke up; saying, "Do we go get and Eniripsa, or is it too late, you think?" Alibert felt Yugo's temperature and frowned.

"Go get one. I must tend to the shop now and I can't leave. In addition, Chibi's in Elger Nouvelle these days." he said, bringing down her anxiety. She rather slowly trotted out of the room.

Mia walked home in silence.

'How long was I there?' she asked herself in her head, 'The sun is already setting!' She stopped and looked at the gorgeous sunset before her. A bow-meow walked up to her and she picked it up.

She sighed, audibly saying, "I guess I'll find everything when I go to get wood." She walked over to the woods and found the pile that she had made the previous night. She set the cat beside her and picked up a piece.

As she picked it up, an ever-growing blue light appeared in front of her. She strained her eyes to see straight. 'A portal? Here?' she thought as the wind picked up. Whatever she was looking at was moving fast. She covered her face with one arm and reached out to the light with her other hand. She felt something firm.

"Woah! Let me go, Miss!" someone chuckled. The "thing" in her hand struggled to get free. Mia pulled the arm over her face to her side and opened one eye. Her face turned red.

"Oh! She gasped, letting go of the Eliatrope's scarf in front of her. He seemed to have been riding a dragoturkey through portals on a journey. The guy chuckled again at her as she apologized.

The man looked of high authority and had lots of supplies with him. He smiled and introduced himself.

"Well then; I'm Ralo. I've come to Amelka in search for an Eliatrope who goes by Yugo. He was sent here about three weeks ago. Has he arrived?" he asked firmly. Mia knew that he was in a hurry to be somewhere.

She gasped. "That's how long he was traveling?!" she exclaimed, "This is bad timing. I found him in the snow at morning. He was rather sick on top of it." Ralo looked shocked at the comment.

"I came with news for him. Previously, he was experiencing issues with things he shouldn't. His brother thinks he found a cure for his problems, but if he's sick, I don't know if we can travel back to Elger Nouvelle," he told her hurriedly. Mia nodded quickly and pointed to the town.

"Follow me. I'll take you to the inn," she commanded. Ralo dismounted his dragoturkey, grabbing one of his bags. He ran with her to Alibert's inn.

"Alibert! An Eliatrope's come!" Mia yelled through the entrance to the kitchen of the inn. Alibert came down the stairs to greet Ralo. He began, and Ralo interrupted him.

"I know who you are sir, but I need to see Yugo now," Ralo barked back at him. He shoved Alibert to the side and ran up the stairs. Alibert ran up to him and showed him where Yugo was.

Yugo was sitting up, a blanked sprawled over his head. He yawned, and slurred to them, "Hey... Do you guys have a snack?" Ralo's eyes became wide and he ran to the bed. 

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