Chapter #36 - An Arrest

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Qilby faced Shinonome with no regrets. He lept at her as she countered him. He hit the ground and it vibrated the ground around them because of the force. The noise was loud and obnoxious.

"Say goodbye to secrecy..." he whispered. No one moved for a moment, letting the brief silence after the bang settle in. It didn't take long for the rest of the council and other spectators to find them and surround them to inspect the situation.

Mina, Phearys, Grougaloragran (who had a tight grip holding Chibi), Glip, and Balthezar ran up the two. They didn't move until Phearys and Balthezar restrained them for safety measures.

"What in the Krozmos are you two up to...?" Glip asked first. Qilby and Shinonome resorted to silence still.

Glip turned to Mina. "So... what are we supposed to do next again?" he whispered to her. She shrugged and guessed.

"I think we're supposed to let Adamai go from here in a regular situation," she whispered back.

"SO THEN WHAT DO WE DO??" Glip whisper-yelled in return. She shrugged and pointed to Grougaloragran. 'He payed attention during our lessons unlike us,' she mouthed. She knew of all the things Grougaloragran could do, he still had not gotten the hang of lip-reading. It was a game of her and Glips to communicate against Grougaloragran without him knowing.

Grougaloragran looked at them, noticing the finger pointed at them. He sighed and asked, "Let me guess, you guys forgot how to confront a case again, didn't you?" They swiftly nodded and he looked and Qilby and Shinonome, who looked bored out of their minds.

"Mina, as a witness, you must explain to exact detail what you have seen, heard, and in this case felt in the recent moments from back at the moment you saw them.

"Ohh.... So that's why we would do play reports?"

He sighed in disapproval. He was the most mature of the kids of this council, anyway. "...yes, Mina. Now please, recall the events."

"Well... uhm... I saw Qilby running from Shinonme and then-"

"You saw what?!" Grougaloragran yelled, interrupting her. She chuckled lightly. "AAAAAANND YOU LET HIM GET AWAY!?"

"Grougal, let me explain! He's right-"

"Well, he's not here now. I'm telling Adamai when he gets back you know," he threatened. She gritted her teeth and yelled, "LET ME FINIIIIIIISH!" so he backed off the subject.

She cleared her throat and continued, "So I was watching Qilby be chased by Shinonome into this area and then they started arguing about being dumb or something, I forgot. And after that Qilby got really annoyed that Shinonome revealed his secret identity because he isn't Kolor, so he leapt at her and missed and hit the ground with all of his force with his wakfu scythe. Then there was an awkward silence until you guys caught up to us. I was hidden behind a bush."

"Ok..." he slowed, processing the information, "So you watched Shinonome chase Kolor, who really is Qilby, and then they fought?" he asked. She nodded and smiled at his incredible ability to understand her ranting.

Grougaloragran went quiet and held Chibi closer. He walked closer to Qilby and Shinonome, now enraged.

"So... then... you two caused ALL OF THIS?? All the way back to Emrub when you attacked Yugo and you, Shinonome from the moment Qilby would have told you who you really were but KEPT A SECRET FROM THE WHOLE COUNCIL??" He began to cry in disbelief. 'It's their fault Chibi's in this condition...'

"Can you guys handle this without me...?" he asked staring at the ground, "I can't be here right now..." His voice quieted to a whisper as he spoke. Without waiting for a response, he flew off out of their sight.

The council present exchanged glances.

"Well," Glip spoke up after a bit, "I say that it is fair to sentence you both to prison until further notice."

"Glip, we can't get to the Elger Nouvelle prison right now, remember?" Balthezar said.

"We can't let them roam us free, though!" Mina added.

"Phearys has got it!" Phearys exclaimed excitedly, "Now it's time. We have to go to the Sadidas!"

"Without Adamai?" Mina asked.

"Eh, he'd figure it out quickly."


After making a final decision, Mina and Glip went to go find Grougaloragran and the rest of Elger Nouvelle set out for the Sadidas at once. 

Memories - King's Return (Wakfu): The HubUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum