Chapter #1 - Add Insult to Injury

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"Is he ok?" Adamai shakily asked while staring at the injured king. He tried to keep his composure, but the thought that his twin was gone frightened him more than any Eliatrope could be.

"He hasn't woken up yet, Adamai," an older Eliatrope named Ralo mumbled to him. Tears formed in Adamai's eyes and spilt out slowly onto the flowered grass. He was handed the king's broken hat. It shook in Adamai's little hands. He pulled the hat over Yugo's head and pulled him tight to his own chest.

"Surely you're not dead this fast, brother," Adamai looked back at the Eliatropes around him. He gently laid Yugo back on grass and stood up. Adamai asked, "Balthazar, how did this happen to him? Who did this?" Balthazar looked into the spacey sky and glanced from planet to planet.

"The battle was fierce between him and Qilby. Yugo told the Eliatrope children to 'hide and let him fight with Qilby alone', so they teleported away. The two jumped into the air and the clash was great. I couldn't see what happened after that until he was far into the ground and wouldn't respond. We saw him and-"

"Adamai, look!" the Eliatropes called. He swung his head down and looked at his broken brother. Yugo's eyes slowly pulled open, and he groaned. Adamai blinked away his tears to smile at him calmly.

"Ow! Everything hurts..." Yugo complained and sat up putting his hands on his stomach. He looked around cautiously at the Eliatropes. A shadow of one came from the sky closer each second.

"Adamai! Qilby made me look like him!" he shouted. Adamai looked at him unsettled. The Eliatrope landed in between him and Yugo.

Adamai stared at him. He gasped before more seriously saying, "Qilby. What could you possibly want from us? You aren't welcome here!"

"Listen to me, Adamai, when I tell you that I am Yugo! Qilby used the Eliacube to change our appearances during our clash in the sky!" Qilby responded in defense. Adamai stared in silence for a moment before looking at Yugo.

"That couldn't be possible," Adamai whispered to himself. The other Eliatropes looked at him for conformation that this was true. His hands began shaking again. "R- right?"

"Please trust me, Adamai," Qilby pleaded.

"You can't expect me to believe you, Qilby. Prove to me that your words are really the truth," Adamai firmly insisted. Qilby touched the Eliacube to find a memory that could make Adamai believe him.

"I'll tell you something only the Brotherhood of the Tofu knows," Qilby said. "Just let me speak to you." Adamai's gaze on Qilby firmed.

"I will listen if you are trying not to waste my time."

Qilby smiled and responded, "I wouldn't dare." There was a short silence before he continued by saying, "Dally died during the battle with Nox the Xelor. We all thought that Eva was crazy when she said that Percedal had really spoken to her until she brought him back." Adamai stared at Qilby and smiled back.

"What do we do with Qilby then?" he asked. Qilby looked at Yugo with an angry expression and held his arm up. Yugo stood up and tried to pull his arm away from Qilby. He only held Yugo tighter and more aggressively.

"We can't let him go free, that's for sure. The traitor must pay for the Eliatropes' suffering!" Qilby shouted into Yugo's ear. Yugo became more confused and tried to pull away again.

"What did I do and who are the Eliatropes?" Yugo frightenedly asked. The newly found smile left Adamai's face. 

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