Chapter #22: Ralocolcourtay

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Yugo gasped and took a few steps back as Ralo advanced toward him.

"This—— will be done for soon. The secrets of——— are yours to know; you are—— after all. Stop being cowardly—— me!" Ralo shouted.

Hands shaking, Yugo turned to run. Unstable, he again tripped and hit the ground hard. Ralo chuckled a little at the gesture and then sighed. He was just bored.

"Just get a sword already! Did no one give you one?" Ralo asked, slightly teasing him but also annoyed at how easy the "challenge" was. 'At least I can speak in full sentences,' Ralo noted.

"No... I left before anyone was able to train me," Yugo told him. Quietly growing, Ralo grabbed his spare sword and handed it to him politely.

"Just use mine. I could use practice anyway," Ralo said, rolling his eyes.

Not knowing how to sword fight (and shouldn't be doing it), Yugo was only on defense as Ralo leaped furiously from every direction. Because he observed his fight with Q, though, he knew how Ralo tended to fight and almost was bored himself from the lack of variation. He decided he might switch the sides.

After much send self convincing, Yugo jumped behind Ralo and attacked from there. The boys fought for what they knew to be true, yet neither of them were scratched. Any on-lookers would be bedazzled be the combat.

After the long periods of burning silence, Ralo finally made a cut. To admit it was more than superficial was a lie, but Ralo shrugged and threw himself back into offense. Yugo finally struggled to keep up and Ralo smiled.

"I thought the cycle would never end!" Ralo commented, laughing like he wasn't fighting intensely. Yugo began to panic, which didn't help him.

Before he knew what was going on, Ralo had dropped his sword as if he had given up and had a rough rope in his arms. Yugo then in turn dropped his and began to run for it. As he ran, his exhaustion caught up to him. How long has it been, anyway?

Just as he remembered that Ralo was much stronger than himself, Yugo tripped and fell into a hole in the ground. Ralo quickly teleported to him and pulled his hands behind his back aggressively.

"I have work to do, though, so I expect you won't wriggle away now," Ralo suggested to him. He pulled his arms back again, and Yugo tried his teeth in pain. He was sure that he had just dislocated his shoulder. He stood up under Ralo's instruction.

He decided then that escaping wasn't an option. 'At least he deals with me, he won't be able attack the rest of the council,' Yugo thought as he sighed audibly. Ralo pulled the rope around Yugo's wrists, and he thought about when Scribble captured him and the brotherhood.

He thought it works be fine until Ralo pulled tighter. He knotted it harshly and Yugo thought that his hands stopped losing circulation. Ralo then pushed him to the ground and dust was kicked up from underneath him. Yugo sat there in pain. Again.

"Get up!" Ralo commanded, shouting right into his ear. Yugo used his good arm to push himself off the ground and stumbled a little. Ralo scoffed and purposefully portaled him ahead. Of course, Yugo fell right back down and threw up uncontrollably.

Ralo looked at him dishonorably and disgusted as he said, "You are just so utterly impolite! At least put it somewhere else!" Yugo knew what he meant and shook himself to stand up as he replied at him in his head.

'At least I'm not bullying the one who helped me though drama,' Yugo sighed in his head.

Ralo continued to hit him to the ground abcs teleport him here and there until they made it to the great Revival Mountain.

"So this is where you..." Yugo started but stopped as Ralo smacked his left antler to shut him up. Yugo couldn't see right for a few moments.

Ralo chuckled in amusement as they went from the left base to the back of the mountain and said, "I know I was joking before, but this time it is necessary." Yugo gulped, slightly afraid, as he prepared for the feeling. It was a mix of confusion, disorientation, short blindness, and, of course, the churning stomach. He absolutely hated portals.

He was immediately in the now messy octagon-shaped room from before. Yugo called over to the bed in the wall and pulled himself into it. 'Might as well rest on bow-wow fur instead of stone,' he thought to himself.

Just as he became comfortable, Ralo teleported himself into the room with several flowers in his arms. He ground them into bits before throwing them into the actual milk and mixing that.

Ralo growled under his breath.

"Listen closely, because this might be the last you hear of me," Ralo said in a concerned voice. He sighed as if to collect his thoughts. "Don't make yourself comfortable here. Ralo will NEVER come back to the World of Twelve and if he does, you won't be there to see him."

Yugo gulped fearfully. "What... what does that mean Ralo?" he asked shaking.

"It means I'm not Ralo. Ralo is only a nickname for my code name Ralocolcourtay. As for my given name..." he trailed off, "that is the last thing that belongs to me and me only." 

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