Chapter #14 - Tuto's Test

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Concept art #3 should be looked at for some references before reading this chapter.

Ralo sighed as he approached the city gate. Double checking the lock on the carriage door, he tied the dragoturkey to a pole before walking into Elger Nouvelle. An eerie silence filled the main street with a quiet wind current. Tuto walked out from behind the corner and locked her gaze with his. Her face was serious and showed no weakness.

"And so you return," she sarcastically began, "Ralo." Ralo gulped at the intimidation in her voice. It was nothing he had ever seen.

He thought about what harm he'd done in the past days. First, he failed the delirium spell and then he- he apparently hurt Mia. "Listen, Tuto. I can explain what I was up to; I knew what I was doing! I-"

"Where!?" Tuto screamed in his face, "Where were you when I could have proved your innocence!?"

Hot tears streamed down her face like fire and Ralo's eyes widened in surprise. "What? What do you mean?"

Tuto took steps toward Ralo and, being taller, looked down at him with a look of disgust.

"I mean this."

Tuto grabbed Ralo's scarf and snapped it off him. She closed her eyes and took steps back, covering her eyes with the scarf. After a moment of silence, she held it down and looked at him.

What Tuto saw broke her heart. A bleeding scar crossed his left cheek and came down over his neck. The skin near and under his nose was pale and looked bleached next the rest of his face. His eyes were dull and blank without emotion and a shadow crossed his forehead.

Tuto recognized the mark of the guild and turned to run the other way, but Ralo reacted quicker and leaped her with his sword. Tuto quickly formed hers to counter his attack. Ralo threw his sword into hers with effort stronger than any average Eliatrope could've. Fighting his effort, she pushed it to the side and it flew into sky, flipping endlessly until it fell into the nearby alley.

Ralo took the distraction to portal behind her and pull the same maneuver he kicked Mia with. Tuto was thrown into the sky and nearly fell on the concrete, but caught herself with a portal.

"What has gotten into you?!" she yelled hoping to end the battle. Paying no attention, Ralo jumped again. Very precisely, he hit Tuto through her chest and turned to attack a third time. She fell to the ground and grasped her chest breathing shallowly to find her breath. She stood up shaking and threw firework-like warning colors into the sky. The loud noise would have made anyone turn if they hadn't had fled.

Tuto formed her sword, broken and dull. Countering almost every of Ralo's attack, Tuto held the battle for as long as she could. She gasped with relief as she saw a bright stream of portal coming through the dark sky to meet her.

"Sorry for the delay," the Eliatrope greeted her, "My name is Madellinn." Tuto nodded and winced in pain. Madellinn jumped away from Tuto and countered Ralo perfectly.

He sighed and, in a collected yet aggressive tone said, "Listen, I'm not out for you, so please go to safety before I blow the traitor of Tuto to pieces." He came back and grabbed Madellinn's shoulder, throwing her into a deep hole nearby.

"I'll admit that you're more resilient than I thought, Tuto," Ralo sighed in admiration, "But you should never cross borders!" He grabbed Tuto's shoulder next and pulled his sword into the air. He then swiftly moved it down before- 

I apologize for inconvinience/confusion with the editing in the Concept Art chapter bc it was being annoying. I also completely forgot to share Ralo's true design a few weeks ago, so I thought I might as well do it now, right?

Thank you guys! Make sure that you see both entries two and three because the design will make more sense now and you wouldn't have to imagine what Ralo looks like because I've done it for you.

Also thanks to the 8 engaged readers (again)!


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