Chapter #7 - To The Public's Mercy

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Adamai jumped up and flew away to somewhere. Yugo's eyes widened Kolor's comment.

"I can make portals?" he stuttered, looking at each of their faces one by one. Kolor frowned at him.

"You could before Qilby hurt you, anyways," Kolor responded shakily. He looked down and backed towards the back of clutter of leaders. Phaerys took him aside and he whispered something into his ear. Phaerys spoke for him.

"We must bring him to the castle to investigate! He could be unstable still!" Phaerys harshly instructed them all. Mina was quick to open a portal and grabbed Yugo.

She jumped inside saying, "I'll set up a bed. Meet me there." She disappeared and the council ran to meet her there.

They found her out of breath in the medicine room. Yugo was unconscious on the bed and orange mess covered Mina and the floor. She looked at them and sarcastically smiled.

"I don't think he was ready for portals yet," she said, turning her gaze to the bed. "At least it won't be hard to analyze him." Adamai snuck in through the back.

Kolor sighed and pulled off his hat, setting it on the table nearby. His antler was, still, missing. Kolor felt deeper into his hair and felt a jagged bump, assuming that it was what was left of his antler.

"He's ok because the antler is still there," he started. "On the other hand, it's so diminished that he has lost all his strength because of it. I'm afraid there might not be a way to heal it." Adamai gasped and pushed his way to the front.

"You mean he'll never recover? He won't be able to rule?" he asked, scared of Yugo's future. Kolor grabbed his hat off the table and slipped back on Yugo's head. He backed away from the bed as Yugo sat up slowly.

Out of breath, he muttered, "That is not... what I was... expecting."

"I wasn't either," Mina sarcastically responded. Adamai turned to face the council.

"Let me get this straight," he started, "After seven whole years of just hoping he was ok, he can't portal,"

The council nodded.

"Can't be portaled,"

Kolor nodded again.

"And may never know how to? How do we tell the public and the other nations of the World of Twelve?" he finished, looking gently back at Yugo before pulling the council into a circle. They whispered, leaving Yugo clueless to their words and thoughts about him. He tried a few times to get their attention, but they didn't hear him. They broke up the circle as Grougaloragran moved forward to announce what had been arbitrated.

"We'll present you to the public. They as a people with make a decision on whether you can rule them or not. Then, based on their decision, we'll determine your fate," he confidently stated.

"Rule? I can't rule an entire people! I don't know half as much as you all do," Yugo said, "And how do you plan to get me there?" Kolor looked into a distant window.

"We don't have time to discuss the specifics. The sun will have set in the next hour. We need to focus on gathering the Eliatropes," he said, turning back to them and grabbing Yugo by his hand. Yugo rested his weight on his shoulder as they moved down Resselb street, the street where he woke up. They moved slowly and carefully, gradually making their way down a hill leading to a large stadium.

As they entered the stadium, whispers echoed around the structure by unknown voices. A curtain covered the stands and no one in them could see past, and Yugo could not see them either. Kolor moved him over to a chair in the center of the stadium that was surrounded by another circle of curtains. A sudden hush fell over the crowd as the stadium's curtains were pulled back. Tuto and Ralo stepped out toward the crowd and spoke to the Eliatropes.

"Good evening, Eliatropes of Elger Nouvelle. We have called you here urgently to discuss a rapidly changing future. We will call for your vote by the end of our message," Ralo stated. Yugo smiled at him before walking to face the other half of the crowd.

"As many of you have heard or seen yourselves, our historic hero awoke from his long sleep very recently," Tuto continued, causing a few quiet whispers from throughout the crowd. "I now present to you, the Eliatropes of Elger Nouvelle, our own King Yugo!"

The curtains were pulled away from Yugo's face, revealing to him the crowd who gasped in disbelief at the sight of him. He panicked and tried to stand up to move out of sight, but once again tripped over into the concrete ground below him. The crowd gasped again, and Ralo ran to help him back into the seat with Kolor.

"Although he is here with us, Kolor discovered that Yugo's portal abilities are unstable and dangerous to him. Yugo himself doesn't remember anything of his past or anyone else at all. The counsel has concluded that if we were to reteach him our nation's history, it would be fit for him to rule us as he was always destined to. They have also desired that your opinions are the deciding factor of our nation's future in rule," Tuto informed, causing the Eliatropes in the crowd to look amongst themselves. Ralo and Kolor finished helping Yugo, and Ralo stepped up to finish talking.

"We will do a blind vote. Using dragon magic, your eyes will be shut as we vote. You will have two options to choose between. Your first option is to pull Yugo back into leadership for Elger Nouvelle after teaching. Your other option is to leave our government as it is and let Yugo be called as a citizen in the city until further notice. We will begin the voting soon."

As soon as Ralo finished, Kolor looked at Yugo and pulled him up onto his feet. They moved out of the stadium for the voting. Once outside, Kolor told him that the voting would be secret to him until he could walk on his own. He nodded, knowing that his fate was up to a crowd he had never met before. The voting would now begin. 

Memories - King's Return (Wakfu): The Hubحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن