Chapter #6- The Rulers

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"Ralo... he's the one who first shot at me, right?" Yugo asked her. She smiled back at him.

"Yes. It was so long ago, though. Ralo has always been optimistic about your return. He was; even before 'he' attacked you when you came back the first time,"

"So long ago? How long has it been since that day?" Yugo asked. She stopped smiling at him.

"Yugo... You've been asleep for seven years now," Tuto condescendingly responded to him. Yugo froze. The thought of being absent for that long was frightening.

"Seven. Seven whole years? Why would you keep me here for that long? Am I someone very important?" he asked, slightly quivering. Tuto looked saddened at that question.

"You, Yugo, were supposed to be our king. You came back to save us from Emrub, the timeless dimension in which we were trapped, but we ended up bringing you into the World of Twelve," Tuto explained slowly.

"If I wasn't ruling as king for seven years, who has been?" Yugo asked, worried about what had happened to his own subjects. Tuto smiled at that.

"The rest of the Council of Six has ruled us in your absence. Thanks to them, we rebuilt our nation near the Sadida Kingdom and are now a thriving country in the World of Twelve. It was all your brother's idea," Tuto said, calming Yugo finally.

Ralo appeared far in the distance with the rest of the council. Tuto called out to them, and they came running. Adamai was in front of the bunch. He ran faster than the others, shouting like a child in response. He stopped in front of Tuto and Yugo gasping for his breath. The rest of the council was still catching up,

"It really is you! I've really missed you, Yugo," Adamai said squeezing him tightly out of pure excitement. Yugo smiled and asked Adamai to let go of him. Adamai, still panting, did so with tears of joy in his eyes.

Yugo slowly and sadly told him, "I don't recognize you, um..."


"Oh! So, you're my brother, then?" He finished remembering what Tuto had told him. Adamai slightly frowned looking at Tuto.

He looked down while saying, "He doesn't remember us, Tuto. How are we going to tell-"

"Yugo!" the rest of the council exclaimed, looking at him.

"I think we don't," Tuto said, thinking that Yugo would realize who they were. Adamai slightly nodded.

Yugo panicked knowing that all these people knew who he was and what he was like even when he didn't. He tried to stand up to greet them respectfully but tumbled back on the ground groaning. The council helped sit in a chair rather than the rocky and dusty road he currently was. He thanked them each and started asking more simple questions like where are we? and, can we get food here?

The council explained his answers carefully to him and finally decided to ask him a question.

"Do you want to see your closest friends?"

He smiled and simply nodded. He tried one more time to stand up and made it onto his feet, but his balance was the question now. He instantly tripped and, out of instinct, tried to make a portal to catch himself. One started appearing in front of him, but evaporated when he was supposed to fall into it. He hit the ground harder than before.

Yugo pushed himself off the ground and stabilized himself with the chair until he finally sat back down on it. He looked up at the council in front of him. Shocked expressions stuck their faces as they stared down at him.

"He can't make portals!" Kolor shouted from the back. 

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