Chapter #18 - Ralo the Captor

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Chibi gasped as he saw Yugo sleeping on the wall bed. We walked up to him and saw writings and documentaries of healing and general use Eniripsa spells everywhere. 'Ralo's been curing him?!' he thought.

He walked over to the long table. Chibi looked at documentaries in handwriting that was clearly urgently written. Beside it, he saw notes of Ralo's. Deciding not to touch them, he read snippets of several pages in his view point.

'But now I've finally cracked the code. I think I know who Q is and it hurts. How do I tell'

'It's incredible! I think it finally worked with the smaller dosage'

'I don't understand why he's being kind after I brought him here against his will. It's like he's my friend'

'If I went back to these sweet days, I wouldn't be condemned by the realizations I'm having'

He stopped reading out of fear. 'At least Yugo's here,' he thought, trying to be optimistic. Chibi walked to the wall nearest to the forest. He suddenly saw something in the corner of his eyes.

He turned, and noticed Ralo was there. His head was buried in his knees and his hands were intertwined with his curly hair. More writings surrounded him, most stained by tears. Chibi hesitantly walked up to him and leaned down to look him in his eyes.

"Hey, Ralo," he quietly greeted him. Ralo looked up and Chibi saw his scar. He gulped in fear. Ralo jumped into Chibi, squeezing him while crying. Chibi sat there surprised and caught off guard.

"Are you doing, OK?" Chibi asked him. Ralo said something, but Chibi couldn't understand him through his broken and parched voice. Eventually he made out the words, "I'm sorry".

Ralo stood up and let go of Chibi. He walked over to the table and drank some water before saying, "Stay seated." Chibi shifted his position on the ground to get comfortable. Ralo mixed two liquids into a new bottle and sealed it. Ralo then flung the bottle at Chibi's wrists.

"What are you doing?!" Chibi yelled at him as his ankles and wrists became magically bound to the hard floor. Ralo sighed.

"Stay quiet so that I can focus, please," he commanded. Chibi listened to Ralo as he talked to himself in mumbles. He eventually made out that he was quoting a legend to himself, specifically the Legend of the Villain's Citizenship. He payed close attention to what he was doing for multiple hours' time and noticed that Ralo added parts here and there.

Chibi felt tired and hungry after a long time.

"Ralo, can I please-"

"I thought I told you to shut up. I'm working," Ralo interrupted him.

"Just one question?" Chibi asked in hopes of being granted permission. Ralo sighed and turned to face him.

"What do you want?"

"Do you have food?" Chibi asked. Ralo rolled his eyes at the question.

"Fine. I'll cook us something," Ralo said, giving in. 'I'm not even hungry, but it's best not to attract attention,' he added in his head.

It took Ralo less than a minute to make them food with magic. He placed a platter of cheese, pork, and rice in front of Chibi.

Chibi smiled and said, "Thank you, really." Ralo just ignored him and started on his plate as Chibi added, "But can you get me a drink?"

Ralo set down his cutlery and stood up. "How much are you going to demand of me, Chibi?" he sarcastically asked him. Chibi opened his mouth to talk, but Ralo stopped him and said, "That was rhetorical."

He poured Chibi a glass of milky liquid and gave it to him. Ralo then unbound his wrists so that he could eat.

"Five minutes," is all that he told Chibi. Chibi did not take a second to hesitate and finished in a rush. Just as he did, he was bound once more. He yawned loudly and shifted into a position he could rest in.

"What did you give me?" Chibi asked slowly, "The milk tasted strange..." Ralo tensed when he said that. 'Don't tell me I-' he thought turning to the pitchers. 'Oh...'

'Well, that wasn't supposed to happen' 

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