Chapter #15 - Q

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Ralo woke up panting and confused. He sat outside the city wall next to his dragoturkey. He had blood all over him and still didn't have his scarf. He held his hat in his hands and his clothes were torn. He only had one word in his mind at this time: king.

He suddenly realized what he was doing. He blasted his hat in half and boarded his dragoturkey. He ran it deep into the forest and then and carried Yugo like a baby out of the carriage. He ran hard mixed with quick portaling to a secret location.

He portaled into a room inside of the mountain of which the kingdom was built upon. Through a long hallway he saw shelves and shelves of remedies, potions, and supplies. It led to a larger octagon-shaped room with a long study table with years' worth of written papers, scrolls, and studies written in ancient dragonish sprawled across its surface. Spotting a bed carved into one of the walls, he layed Yugo down.

'He's not safe like this...' Ralo thought, 'I can make a real difference now.' He gathered a lot of supplies and decided to work on the floor, writing his observations down like a professor. He gasped as he realized the cure and got to work.

Once he had worked for hours, he stopped for a break and searched the scrolls. At the top of one of the stacks, he found a diary-like documentary entry.

Project Scar

The seventh day of week three hundred seventy-one.

To whom the writings were granted.

I have been testing the abilities of my protégé as he grows. Elmen has decided that his use is becoming less and less effective to the Citizenship of Torntam. I'd prefer to object, for I believe that his powers are growing with him. I only wish that Elmen didn't inhibit him at night.

The flower is becoming filled. I wish to study it more, but of course Elmen would never let it go. It might burst at some point, whether it be from an angry outburst or at night. I fear for my protégé's safety. From what I have observed at a small scale, even four days worth's of the power extracted from him could kill him if it escaped.

I am afraid that Elmen might want to remove my protégé from the Citizenship altogether. Though I don't have the ranks to invest in a relationship, I feel as if he is my son. I know that it is Elmen's fault that his original pain was caused; I'll never let my protégé find out. Once I saw him on his thirteenth birthday, I cared for him and loved him as if he were my own.

I respect his privacy and don't feel obliged to share his first name. I write this in all my notes. I think I have a plan to find him one day.

As for my studies, the mixture of warm water and dexteran was successful. Not for the fever itself, but only for the delirium. I feel that the remedy could become a crucial improvement for the Eliatrope science and medical departments. I only wished that I had a way to communicate with the council without them attacking me.

This is why I have decided to continue with my plans. I'll make my next entry on the second day of week three hundred seventy-two.


After reading the entry, Ralo closed his eyes to think. 'Who would Q be? And Elmen? The protégé seems to have a grudge with him...' He sat and looked down at the floor. He gasped and grabbed a blank sheet of paper.


Day three of week one


He wrote, based on Q's notes. 'Who am I even writing to?'

To the people whom I care for the most

I have gone into the forest after fighting Tuto, one of my closest friends. I'm not sure whether it is historical or not, but something sticks on me. I don't know what happened; I woke up outside the city all red.

I came to the sudden realization that Q might be Kolor of the council. Only he knew that remedy for delirium. So if a person who studied for "Project Scar" is in the council... who is Q? 

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