Chapter #24: Moments Slow

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Before he could blink, Yugo found himself being pulled down. He was facing up toward the sky and could view his hat curled around him.

He felt the air rush. It was harsh. Cold.

He pulled his hands in front of his face. 'I'm not dreaming... what's going on?' He asked himself. Then it happened.

He saw the cliff that Ralo was standing on. It wasn't Mount Zinit after all... Ralo looked smaller and smaller the longer Yugo tried to look at him.

He noticed the air felt warmer. He wondered what could occur if nothing was pushing him down. Nothing he could see, anyways...

He used his effort to turn over. He expected to the stone beneath him, but he did not expect it to be far away.

It was only far away then, though.

His hat flew up behind him as he faced down. The force was pushing up against him as well.

He heard the sound of crashing water pushing through the air that hit his ears. It only became louder.

Was he... falling?

He snapped back into his senses. Ralo had pushed him!

He suddenly remembered the pain he was in and everything he took in felt like five more pounds of weight. He closed his eyes

The rushing became so loud he was positive he was going to collide with the ground at any moment.

'Keep Elger Nouvelle safe... Protect them all,' Yugo silently asked Eliatrope.

The moments slowed for him.

'Breathe in.

Pull my arm in.

Breathe out.

Open my eyes.

Breathe in.


Prepare for pain.

Breathe out.

Close eyes.

Breathe in.




Touch the bottom.

Bend knees.


Push again.





Breathe in.

Open my eyes.'

He spotted a long strip of wood floating beside him. He swam over to it and layed there half consciously, feeling his heartbeat. He synced his breath to the waves.

'Breathe out.


Breathe in.


Breathe out.


Breathe in.


It was calming, but frightening. He had no idea where he was and was wet, cold, tired, and sore. He silently thanked Eliatrope to be breathing in that very moment.

Sitting in silence, a new memory came to him.

He was in a quiet place with the sun rising ahead of him. The wind was light and the wisps odd noise it made were comforting.

"Close your eyes," Adamai had told him. "Relax. Hear the sound of my voice. Take in the close sounds. The far sounds. Feal the warmth of the sun on your back; the clothes on your body. Breathe in. What do you smell? Note the taste in your mouth. Are you ready?"

He paused for a moment.

It was years ago, and he knew it had happened when he still knew who he was without having to have Adamai tell him. He remembered it as a way to calm down. Yugo didn't remember the exact words that Adamai would have told him, but the ideas still helped.

He wished he could remember more of what happened before Qilby, but that was it. That single moment.

He went back and replayed it in his head.

"Close your eyes"

Those three words made him forget his state of mind.

"Close your eyes"

Is that why Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei told him to open them?

'Forget it,' he thought. 'Ralo is Ralo. He's just crazy. I'm not calling him Coilcarairanmieianzenmarlei.'

He sighed and went over the routine again, but he took off his hat.

"Close your eyes," Adamai had told him. "Relax. Hear the sound of my voice. Take in the close sounds. The far sounds. Feel the warmth of the sun on your back; the clothes on your body. Breathe in. What do you smell? Note the taste in your mouth. Are you ready?"

'I am ready to face Ralo," he responded in thought. 'I am ready.'

Going over Adamai's words again, he closed his eyes and his sleep quickly took him over. 

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